require 'assert' require 'qs/process' require 'qs/daemon' require 'test/support/pid_file_spy' class Qs::Process class UnitTests < Assert::Context desc "Qs::Process" setup do @process_class = Qs::Process end subject{ @process_class } should "know its wait for signals timeout" do assert_equal 15, WAIT_FOR_SIGNALS_TIMEOUT end end class InitTests < UnitTests desc "when init" setup do @current_env_process_label = ENV['QS_PROCESS_LABEL'] @current_env_skip_daemonize = ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] ENV.delete('QS_PROCESS_LABEL') ENV.delete('QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE') @daemon_spy = @pid_file_spy = Assert.stub(Qs::PIDFile, :new).with(@daemon_spy.pid_file) do @pid_file_spy end @restart_cmd_spy = Assert.stub(Qs::RestartCmd, :new){ @restart_cmd_spy } @process = end teardown do ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] = @current_env_skip_daemonize ENV['QS_PROCESS_LABEL'] = @current_env_process_label end subject{ @process } should have_readers :daemon, :name should have_readers :pid_file, :signal_io, :restart_cmd should have_imeths :run, :daemonize? should "know its daemon" do assert_equal @daemon_spy, subject.daemon end should "know its name, pid file, signal io and restart cmd" do assert_equal "qs: #{}", assert_equal @pid_file_spy, subject.pid_file assert_instance_of Qs::IOPipe, subject.signal_io assert_equal @restart_cmd_spy, subject.restart_cmd end should "set its name using env vars" do ENV['QS_PROCESS_LABEL'] = Factory.string process = assert_equal "qs: #{ENV['QS_PROCESS_LABEL']}", end should "ignore blank env values for its name" do ENV['QS_PROCESS_LABEL'] = '' process = assert_equal "qs: #{}", end should "not daemonize by default" do process = assert_false process.daemonize? end should "daemonize if turned on" do process =, :daemonize => true) assert_true process.daemonize? end should "not daemonize if skipped via the env var" do ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] = 'yes' process = assert_false process.daemonize? process =, :daemonize => true) assert_false process.daemonize? end should "ignore blank env values for skip daemonize" do ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] = '' process =, :daemonize => true) assert_true process.daemonize? end end class RunSetupTests < InitTests setup do @daemonize_called = false Assert.stub(::Process, :daemon).with(true){ @daemonize_called = true } @current_process_name = $0 @signal_traps = [] Assert.stub(::Signal, :trap) do |signal, &block| @signal_traps <<, block) end end teardown do @process.signal_io.write(HALT) @thread.join if @thread $0 = @current_process_name end end class RunTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run" setup do @wait_timeout = nil Assert.stub(@process.signal_io, :wait) do |timeout| @wait_timeout = timeout sleep 0.1 false end @thread ={ } @thread.join(0.1) end teardown do # manually unstub or the process thread will hang forever Assert.unstub(@process.signal_io, :wait) end should "not daemonize the process" do assert_false @daemonize_called end should "set the process name" do assert_equal $0, end should "write its PID file" do assert_true @pid_file_spy.write_called end should "trap signals" do assert_equal 3, @signal_traps.size assert_equal ['INT', 'TERM', 'USR2'], end should "start the daemon" do assert_true @daemon_spy.start_called end should "sleep its thread waiting for signals" do assert_equal WAIT_FOR_SIGNALS_TIMEOUT, @wait_timeout assert_equal 'sleep', @thread.status end should "not run the restart cmd" do assert_false @restart_cmd_spy.run_called end end class SignalTrapsTests < RunSetupTests desc "signal traps" setup do # setup the io pipe so we can see whats written to it @process.signal_io.setup end teardown do @process.signal_io.teardown end should "write the signals to processes signal IO" do @signal_traps.each do |signal_trap| assert_equal signal_trap.signal, end end end class RunWithDaemonizeTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run when it should daemonize" setup do Assert.stub(@process, :daemonize?){ true } @thread ={ } @thread.join(0.1) end should "daemonize the process" do assert_true @daemonize_called end end class RunAndHaltTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run with a halt signal" setup do @thread ={ } @process.signal_io.write(HALT) @thread.join(0.1) end should "halt its daemon" do assert_true @daemon_spy.halt_called assert_equal [true], @daemon_spy.halt_args end should "not set the env var to skip daemonize" do assert_equal @current_env_skip_daemonize, ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] end should "not run the restart cmd" do assert_false @restart_cmd_spy.run_called end should "remove the PID file" do assert_true @pid_file_spy.remove_called end end class RunAndStopTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run with a stop signal" setup do @thread ={ } @process.signal_io.write(STOP) @thread.join(0.1) end should "stop its daemon" do assert_true @daemon_spy.stop_called assert_equal [true], @daemon_spy.stop_args end should "not set the env var to skip daemonize" do assert_equal @current_env_skip_daemonize, ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] end should "not run the restart cmd" do assert_false @restart_cmd_spy.run_called end should "remove the PID file" do assert_true @pid_file_spy.remove_called end end class RunAndRestartTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run with a restart signal" setup do @thread ={ } @process.signal_io.write(RESTART) @thread.join(0.1) end should "stop its daemon" do assert_true @daemon_spy.stop_called assert_equal [true], @daemon_spy.stop_args end should "set the env var to skip daemonize" do assert_equal 'yes', ENV['QS_SKIP_DAEMONIZE'] end should "run the restart cmd" do assert_true @restart_cmd_spy.run_called end end class RunWithDaemonCrashTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run with the daemon crashing" setup do # lower the time it sleeps so it loops and restarts the daemon quicker Assert.stub(@process.signal_io, :wait) do |timeout| sleep 0.1 false end @thread ={ } @daemon_spy.start_called = false @thread.join(0.1) end teardown do # manually unstub or the process thread will hang forever Assert.unstub(@process.signal_io, :wait) end should "re-start its daemon" do assert_true @daemon_spy.start_called end end class RunWithInvalidSignalTests < RunSetupTests desc "and run with unsupported signals" setup do # ruby throws an argument error if the OS doesn't support a signal Assert.stub(::Signal, :trap){ raise ArgumentError } @thread ={ } @thread.join(0.1) end should "start normally" do assert_true @daemon_spy.start_called assert_equal 'sleep', @thread.status end end class RestartCmdTests < UnitTests desc "RestartCmd" setup do @current_pwd = ENV['PWD'] ENV['PWD'] = Factory.path @ruby_pwd_stat = File.stat(Dir.pwd) env_pwd_stat = File.stat('/dev/null') Assert.stub(File, :stat).with(Dir.pwd){ @ruby_pwd_stat } Assert.stub(File, :stat).with(ENV['PWD']){ env_pwd_stat } @chdir_called_with = nil Assert.stub(Dir, :chdir){ |*args| @chdir_called_with = args } @exec_called_with = false Assert.stub(Kernel, :exec){ |*args| @exec_called_with = args } @cmd_class = Qs::RestartCmd end teardown do ENV['PWD'] = @current_pwd end subject{ @restart_cmd } end class RestartCmdInitTests < RestartCmdTests desc "when init" setup do @restart_cmd = end should have_readers :argv, :dir should have_imeths :run should "know its argv" do assert_equal [Gem.ruby, $0, ARGV].flatten, subject.argv end should "change the dir and run a kernel exec when run" do assert_equal [subject.dir], @chdir_called_with assert_equal subject.argv, @exec_called_with end end class RestartCmdWithPWDEnvNoMatchTests < RestartCmdTests desc "when init with a PWD env variable that's not the ruby working dir" setup do @restart_cmd = end should "know its dir" do assert_equal Dir.pwd, subject.dir end end class RestartCmdWithPWDEnvInitTests < RestartCmdTests desc "when init with a PWD env variable that's the ruby working dir" setup do # make ENV['PWD'] point to the same file as Dir.pwd Assert.stub(File, :stat).with(ENV['PWD']){ @ruby_pwd_stat } @restart_cmd = end should "know its dir" do assert_equal ENV['PWD'], subject.dir end end class RestartCmdWithNoPWDEnvInitTests < RestartCmdTests desc "when init with a PWD env variable set" setup do ENV.delete('PWD') @restart_cmd = end should "know its dir" do assert_equal Dir.pwd, subject.dir end end SignalTrap =, :block) class DaemonSpy include Qs::Daemon name Factory.string pid_file Factory.file_path queue{ name Factory.string } attr_accessor :start_called, :stop_called, :halt_called attr_reader :start_args, :stop_args, :halt_args def initialize(*args) super @start_args = nil @start_called = false @stop_args = nil @stop_called = false @halt_args = nil @halt_called = false end def start(*args) @start_args = args @start_called = true end def stop(*args) @stop_args = args @stop_called = true end def halt(*args) @halt_args = args @halt_called = true end def running? !!@start_called end end class RestartCmdSpy attr_reader :run_called def initialize @run_called = false end def run @run_called = true end end end