require 'pp' require 'yaml' require 'simplabs/excellent/parsing/parser' require 'simplabs/excellent/parsing/code_processor' module Simplabs module Excellent # The Runner is the interface to invoke parsing and processing of source code. You can pass either a String containing the code to process or the # name of a file to read the code to process from. class Runner DEFAULT_CHECKS_CONFIG = { :AbcMetricMethodCheck => {}, :AssignmentInConditionalCheck => {}, :CaseMissingElseCheck => {}, :ClassLineCountCheck => {}, :ClassNameCheck => {}, :ControlCouplingCheck => {}, :CyclomaticComplexityBlockCheck => {}, :CyclomaticComplexityMethodCheck => {}, :EmptyRescueBodyCheck => {}, :FlogBlockCheck => {}, :FlogClassCheck => {}, :FlogMethodCheck => {}, :ForLoopCheck => {}, :GlobalVariableCheck => {}, :MethodLineCountCheck => {}, :MethodNameCheck => {}, :ModuleLineCountCheck => {}, :ModuleNameCheck => {}, :ParameterNumberCheck => {}, :ClassVariableCheck => {}, :'Rails::AttrProtectedCheck' => {}, :'Rails::AttrAccessibleCheck' => {}, :'Rails::InstanceVarInPartialCheck' => {}, :'Rails::ValidationsCheck' => {}, :'Rails::ParamsHashInViewCheck' => {}, :'Rails::SessionHashInViewCheck' => {}, :'Rails::CustomInitializeMethodCheck' => {} } attr_reader :checks # Initializes a Runner # # ==== Parameters # # * checks_config - The check configuration to use; You can either specify an array of specs to use like this # [:ClassLineCountCheck => { :threshold => 10 }] # or you can specify a hash that will then be merged with the default configuration: # { :ClassNameCheck => { pattern: 'test' }, :ClassLineCountCheck => { :threshold => 10 } } # You can enable/disable a check by setting the value of the hash to sth. truthy/falsy: # { :ClassNameCheck => false, :AbcMetricMethodCheck => {} } def initialize(checks_config = {}) @checks = load_checks(checks_config) @parser = end # Processes the +code+ and sets the file name of the warning to +filename+ # # ==== Parameters # # * filename - The name of the file the code was read from. # * code - The code to process (String). def check(filename, code) @processor ||= node = parse(filename, code) @processor.process(node) end # Processes the +code+, setting the file name of the warnings to '+dummy-file.rb+' # # ==== Parameters # # * code - The code to process (String). def check_code(code) check('dummy-file.rb', code) end # Processes the file +filename+. The code will be read from the file. # # ==== Parameters # # * filename - The name of the file to read the code from. def check_file(filename) check(filename, end # Processes the passed +paths+ # # ==== Parameters # # * paths - The paths to process (specify file names or directories; will recursively process all ruby files if a directory is given). # * formatter - The formatter to use. If a formatter is specified, its +start+, +file+, +warning+ and +end+ methods will be called def check_paths(paths, formatter = nil) formatter.start if formatter collect_files(paths).each do |path| check_file(path) format_file_and_warnings(formatter, path) if formatter end formatter.end if formatter end # Gets the warnings that were produced by the checks. def warnings @checks.collect { |check| check.warnings }.flatten end private def parse(filename, code) @parser.parse(code, filename) end def load_checks(checks_config) effective_checks = checks_config.is_a?(Array) ? checks_config : [DEFAULT_CHECKS_CONFIG.deep_merge(checks_config.deep_symbolize_keys)] check_objects = [] effective_checks.each do |check| check.each do |name, check_config| if !!check_config klass = name.to_s.split('::').inject(::Simplabs::Excellent::Checks) do |mod, class_name| mod.const_get(class_name) end check_objects << ? check_config.deep_symbolize_keys : {}) end end end check_objects end def collect_files(paths) files = [] paths.each do |path| if File.file?(path) files << path elsif files += Dir.glob(File.join(path, '**/*.{rb,erb}')) else raise"#{path} is neither a File nor a directory!") end end files end def format_file_and_warnings(formatter, filename) warnings = { |check| check.warnings_for(filename) }.flatten if warnings.length > 0 formatter.file(filename) do |formatter| warnings.sort { |x, y| x.line_number <=> y.line_number }.each { |warning| formatter.warning(warning) } end end end end end end