/***************************************************************************** * chart - A library for creating Excel XLSX chart files. * * Used in conjunction with the libxlsxwriter library. * * Copyright 2014-2018, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org. See LICENSE.txt. * */ #include "xlsxwriter/xmlwriter.h" #include "xlsxwriter/chart.h" #include "xlsxwriter/utility.h" /* * Forward declarations. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type); STATIC void _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(lxw_chart_axis *axis, char *num_format); /***************************************************************************** * * Private functions. * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Free a series range object. */ STATIC void _chart_free_range(lxw_series_range *range) { struct lxw_series_data_point *data_point; if (!range) return; if (range->data_cache) { while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(range->data_cache)) { data_point = STAILQ_FIRST(range->data_cache); free(data_point->string); STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(range->data_cache, list_pointers); free(data_point); } free(range->data_cache); } free(range->formula); free(range->sheetname); free(range); } STATIC void _chart_free_points(lxw_chart_series *series) { uint16_t index; for (index = 0; index < series->point_count; index++) { lxw_chart_point *point = &series->points[index]; free(point->line); free(point->fill); free(point->pattern); } series->point_count = 0; free(series->points); } /* * Free a chart font object. */ STATIC void _chart_free_font(lxw_chart_font *font) { if (!font) return; free(font->name); free(font); } /* * Free a series object. */ STATIC void _chart_series_free(lxw_chart_series *series) { if (!series) return; free(series->title.name); free(series->line); free(series->fill); free(series->pattern); free(series->label_num_format); _chart_free_font(series->label_font); if (series->marker) { free(series->marker->line); free(series->marker->fill); free(series->marker->pattern); free(series->marker); } _chart_free_range(series->categories); _chart_free_range(series->values); _chart_free_range(series->title.range); _chart_free_points(series); if (series->x_error_bars) { free(series->x_error_bars->line); free(series->x_error_bars); } if (series->y_error_bars) { free(series->y_error_bars->line); free(series->y_error_bars); } free(series->trendline_line); free(series->trendline_name); free(series); } /* * Initialize the data cache in a range object. */ STATIC lxw_error _chart_init_data_cache(lxw_series_range *range) { /* Initialize the series range data cache. */ range->data_cache = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_series_data_points)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(range->data_cache, LXW_ERROR_MEMORY_MALLOC_FAILED); STAILQ_INIT(range->data_cache); return LXW_NO_ERROR; } /* * Free a chart object. */ void lxw_chart_free(lxw_chart *chart) { lxw_chart_series *series; if (!chart) return; /* Chart series. */ if (chart->series_list) { while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(chart->series_list)) { series = STAILQ_FIRST(chart->series_list); STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(chart->series_list, list_pointers); _chart_series_free(series); } free(chart->series_list); } /* X Axis. */ if (chart->x_axis) { _chart_free_font(chart->x_axis->title.font); _chart_free_font(chart->x_axis->num_font); _chart_free_range(chart->x_axis->title.range); free(chart->x_axis->title.name); free(chart->x_axis->line); free(chart->x_axis->fill); free(chart->x_axis->pattern); free(chart->x_axis->major_gridlines.line); free(chart->x_axis->minor_gridlines.line); free(chart->x_axis->num_format); free(chart->x_axis->default_num_format); free(chart->x_axis); } /* Y Axis. */ if (chart->y_axis) { _chart_free_font(chart->y_axis->title.font); _chart_free_font(chart->y_axis->num_font); _chart_free_range(chart->y_axis->title.range); free(chart->y_axis->title.name); free(chart->y_axis->line); free(chart->y_axis->fill); free(chart->y_axis->pattern); free(chart->y_axis->major_gridlines.line); free(chart->y_axis->minor_gridlines.line); free(chart->y_axis->num_format); free(chart->y_axis->default_num_format); free(chart->y_axis); } /* Chart title. */ _chart_free_font(chart->title.font); _chart_free_range(chart->title.range); free(chart->title.name); /* Chart legend. */ _chart_free_font(chart->legend.font); free(chart->delete_series); free(chart->default_marker); free(chart->chartarea_line); free(chart->chartarea_fill); free(chart->chartarea_pattern); free(chart->plotarea_line); free(chart->plotarea_fill); free(chart->plotarea_pattern); free(chart->drop_lines_line); free(chart->high_low_lines_line); free(chart->up_bar_line); free(chart->up_bar_fill); free(chart->down_bar_line); free(chart->down_bar_fill); _chart_free_font(chart->table_font); free(chart); } /* * Create a new chart object. */ lxw_chart * lxw_chart_new(uint8_t type) { lxw_chart *chart = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_chart)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart, mem_error); chart->series_list = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_series_list)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart->series_list, mem_error); STAILQ_INIT(chart->series_list); chart->x_axis = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_axis)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart->x_axis, mem_error); chart->y_axis = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_axis)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart->y_axis, mem_error); chart->title.range = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_range)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart->title.range, mem_error); chart->x_axis->title.range = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_range)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart->x_axis->title.range, mem_error); chart->y_axis->title.range = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_range)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(chart->y_axis->title.range, mem_error); /* Initialize the ranges in the chart titles. */ if (_chart_init_data_cache(chart->title.range) != LXW_NO_ERROR) goto mem_error; if (_chart_init_data_cache(chart->x_axis->title.range) != LXW_NO_ERROR) goto mem_error; if (_chart_init_data_cache(chart->y_axis->title.range) != LXW_NO_ERROR) goto mem_error; chart->type = type; chart->style_id = 2; chart->hole_size = 50; /* Set the default axis positions. */ chart->x_axis->axis_position = LXW_CHART_AXIS_BOTTOM; chart->y_axis->axis_position = LXW_CHART_AXIS_LEFT; /* Set the default axis number formats. */ _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(chart->x_axis, "General"); _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(chart->y_axis, "General"); chart->x_axis->major_gridlines.visible = LXW_FALSE; chart->y_axis->major_gridlines.visible = LXW_TRUE; chart->has_horiz_cat_axis = LXW_FALSE; chart->has_horiz_val_axis = LXW_TRUE; chart->legend.position = LXW_CHART_LEGEND_RIGHT; chart->gap_y1 = LXW_CHART_DEFAULT_GAP; chart->gap_y2 = LXW_CHART_DEFAULT_GAP; /* Initialize the chart specific properties. */ _chart_initialize(chart, chart->type); return chart; mem_error: lxw_chart_free(chart); return NULL; } /* * Create a copy of a user supplied font. */ STATIC lxw_chart_font * _chart_convert_font_args(lxw_chart_font *user_font) { lxw_chart_font *font; if (!user_font) return NULL; font = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_font)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(font, NULL); /* Copy the user supplied properties. */ font->name = lxw_strdup(user_font->name); font->size = user_font->size; font->bold = user_font->bold; font->italic = user_font->italic; font->underline = user_font->underline; font->rotation = user_font->rotation; font->color = user_font->color; font->pitch_family = user_font->pitch_family; font->charset = user_font->charset; font->baseline = user_font->baseline; /* Convert font size units. */ if (font->size > 0.0) font->size = font->size * 100.0; /* Convert rotation into 60,000ths of a degree. */ if (font->rotation) font->rotation = font->rotation * 60000; if (font->color) { font->color = lxw_format_check_color(font->color); font->has_color = LXW_TRUE; } return font; } /* * Create a copy of a user supplied line. */ STATIC lxw_chart_line * _chart_convert_line_args(lxw_chart_line *user_line) { lxw_chart_line *line; if (!user_line) return NULL; line = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_line)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(line, NULL); /* Copy the user supplied properties. */ line->color = user_line->color; line->none = user_line->none; line->width = user_line->width; line->dash_type = user_line->dash_type; line->transparency = user_line->transparency; if (line->color) { line->color = lxw_format_check_color(line->color); line->has_color = LXW_TRUE; } if (line->transparency > 100) line->transparency = 0; return line; } /* * Create a copy of a user supplied fill. */ STATIC lxw_chart_fill * _chart_convert_fill_args(lxw_chart_fill *user_fill) { lxw_chart_fill *fill; if (!user_fill) return NULL; fill = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_fill)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(fill, NULL); /* Copy the user supplied properties. */ fill->color = user_fill->color; fill->none = user_fill->none; fill->transparency = user_fill->transparency; if (fill->color) { fill->color = lxw_format_check_color(fill->color); fill->has_color = LXW_TRUE; } if (fill->transparency > 100) fill->transparency = 0; return fill; } /* * Create a copy of a user supplied pattern. */ STATIC lxw_chart_pattern * _chart_convert_pattern_args(lxw_chart_pattern *user_pattern) { lxw_chart_pattern *pattern; if (!user_pattern) return NULL; if (!user_pattern->type) { LXW_WARN("chart_xxx_set_pattern: 'type' must be specified"); return NULL; } if (!user_pattern->fg_color) { LXW_WARN("chart_xxx_set_pattern: 'fg_color' must be specified"); return NULL; } pattern = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_pattern)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(pattern, NULL); /* Copy the user supplied properties. */ pattern->fg_color = user_pattern->fg_color; pattern->bg_color = user_pattern->bg_color; pattern->type = user_pattern->type; pattern->fg_color = lxw_format_check_color(pattern->fg_color); pattern->has_fg_color = LXW_TRUE; if (pattern->bg_color) { pattern->bg_color = lxw_format_check_color(pattern->bg_color); pattern->has_bg_color = LXW_TRUE; } else { /* Default background color in Excel is white, when unspecified. */ pattern->bg_color = LXW_COLOR_WHITE; pattern->has_bg_color = LXW_TRUE; } return pattern; } /* * Set a marker type for a series. */ STATIC void _chart_set_default_marker_type(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { if (!self->default_marker) { lxw_chart_marker *marker = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_marker)); RETURN_VOID_ON_MEM_ERROR(marker); self->default_marker = marker; } self->default_marker->type = type; } /* * Set an axis number format. */ void _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(lxw_chart_axis *axis, char *num_format) { if (!num_format) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->default_num_format); axis->default_num_format = lxw_strdup(num_format); } /* * Verify that a X/Y error bar property is support for the chart type. * All chart types, except Bar have Y error bars. Only Bar and Scatter * support X error bars. */ lxw_error _chart_check_error_bars(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, char *property) { /* Check that the error bar type has been set for all error bar * functions except the one that is used to set the type. */ if (strlen(property) && !error_bars->is_set) { LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_series_set_error_bars%s(): " "error bar type must be set first using " "chart_series_set_error_bars()", property); return LXW_ERROR_PARAMETER_VALIDATION; } if (error_bars->is_x) { if (error_bars->chart_group != LXW_CHART_SCATTER && error_bars->chart_group != LXW_CHART_BAR) { LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_series_set_error_bars%s(): " "'X error bar' properties only available for" " Scatter and Bar charts in Excel", property); return LXW_ERROR_PARAMETER_VALIDATION; } } else { if (error_bars->chart_group == LXW_CHART_BAR) { LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_series_set_error_bars%s(): " "'Y error bar' properties not available for " "Bar charts in Excel", property); return LXW_ERROR_PARAMETER_VALIDATION; } } return LXW_NO_ERROR; } /* * Add unique ids for primary or secondary axes. */ STATIC void _chart_add_axis_ids(lxw_chart *self) { uint32_t chart_id = 50010000 + self->id; uint32_t axis_count = 1; self->axis_id_1 = chart_id + axis_count; self->axis_id_2 = self->axis_id_1 + 1; } /* * Utility function to set a chart range. */ STATIC void _chart_set_range(lxw_series_range *range, const char *sheetname, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col) { char formula[LXW_MAX_FORMULA_RANGE_LENGTH] = { 0 }; /* Set the range properties. */ range->sheetname = lxw_strdup(sheetname); range->first_row = first_row; range->first_col = first_col; range->last_row = last_row; range->last_col = last_col; /* Free any existing range. */ free(range->formula); /* Convert the range properties to a formula like: Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5. */ lxw_rowcol_to_formula_abs(formula, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col); range->formula = lxw_strdup(formula); } /***************************************************************************** * * XML functions. * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Write the XML declaration. */ STATIC void _chart_xml_declaration(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_declaration(self->file); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_chart_space(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; char xmlns_c[] = LXW_SCHEMA_DRAWING "/chart"; char xmlns_a[] = LXW_SCHEMA_DRAWING "/main"; char xmlns_r[] = LXW_SCHEMA_OFFICEDOC "/relationships"; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("xmlns:c", xmlns_c); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("xmlns:a", xmlns_a); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("xmlns:r", xmlns_r); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:chartSpace", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_lang(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "en-US"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:lang", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_style(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; /* Don"t write an element for the default style, 2. */ if (self->style_id == 2) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", self->style_id); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:style", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_layout(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:layout", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_grouping(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t grouping) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (grouping == LXW_GROUPING_STANDARD) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "standard"); else if (grouping == LXW_GROUPING_PERCENTSTACKED) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "percentStacked"); else if (grouping == LXW_GROUPING_STACKED) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "stacked"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "clustered"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:grouping", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_radar_style(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (self->type == LXW_CHART_RADAR_FILLED) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "filled"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "marker"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:radarStyle", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_vary_colors(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:varyColors", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_first_slice_ang(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", self->rotation); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:firstSliceAng", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_hole_size(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", self->hole_size); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:holeSize", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_alpha(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t transparency) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; uint32_t val; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); val = (100 - transparency) * 1000; LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", val); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:alpha", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_srgb_clr(lxw_chart *self, lxw_color_t color, uint8_t transparency) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; char rgb_str[LXW_ATTR_32]; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); lxw_snprintf(rgb_str, LXW_ATTR_32, "%06X", color & LXW_COLOR_MASK); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", rgb_str); if (transparency) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:srgbClr", &attributes); /* Write the a:alpha element. */ _chart_write_a_alpha(self, transparency); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:srgbClr"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:srgbClr", &attributes); } LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_solid_fill(lxw_chart *self, lxw_color_t color, uint8_t transparency) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:solidFill", NULL); /* Write the a:srgbClr element. */ _chart_write_a_srgb_clr(self, color, transparency); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:solidFill"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_t(lxw_chart *self, char *name) { lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "a:t", name, NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_end_para_rpr(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("lang", "en-US"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:endParaRPr", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_def_rpr(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; uint8_t has_color = LXW_FALSE; uint8_t has_latin = LXW_FALSE; uint8_t use_font_default = LXW_FALSE; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (font) { has_color = font->color || font->has_color; has_latin = font->name || font->pitch_family || font->charset; use_font_default = !(has_color || has_latin || font->baseline == -1); /* Set the font attributes. */ if (font->size > 0.0) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("sz", font->size); if (use_font_default || font->bold) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("b", font->bold & 0x1); if (use_font_default || font->italic) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("i", font->italic & 0x1); if (font->underline) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("u", "sng"); if (font->baseline != -1) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("baseline", font->baseline); } /* There are sub-elements if the font name or color have changed. */ if (has_latin || has_color) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:defRPr", &attributes); if (has_color) { _chart_write_a_solid_fill(self, font->color, LXW_FALSE); } if (has_latin) { /* Free and reuse the attribute list for the latin attributes. */ LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); if (font->name) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("typeface", font->name); if (font->pitch_family) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("pitchFamily", font->pitch_family); if (font->pitch_family || font->charset) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("charset", font->charset); /* Write the element. */ lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:latin", &attributes); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:defRPr"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:defRPr", &attributes); } LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_r_pr(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; uint8_t has_color = LXW_FALSE; uint8_t has_latin = LXW_FALSE; uint8_t use_font_default = LXW_FALSE; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("lang", "en-US"); if (font) { has_color = font->color || font->has_color; has_latin = font->name || font->pitch_family || font->charset; use_font_default = !(has_color || has_latin || font->baseline == -1); /* Set the font attributes. */ if (font->size > 0.0) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("sz", font->size); if (use_font_default || font->bold) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("b", font->bold & 0x1); if (use_font_default || font->italic) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("i", font->italic & 0x1); if (font->underline) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("u", "sng"); if (font->baseline != -1) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("baseline", font->baseline); } /* There are sub-elements if the font name or color have changed. */ if (has_latin || has_color) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:rPr", &attributes); if (has_color) { _chart_write_a_solid_fill(self, font->color, LXW_FALSE); } if (has_latin) { /* Free and reuse the attribute list for the latin attributes. */ LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); if (font->name) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("typeface", font->name); if (font->pitch_family) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("pitchFamily", font->pitch_family); if (font->pitch_family || font->charset) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("charset", font->charset); /* Write the element. */ lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:latin", &attributes); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:rPr"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:rPr", &attributes); } LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_r(lxw_chart *self, char *name, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:r", NULL); /* Write the a:rPr element. */ _chart_write_a_r_pr(self, font); /* Write the a:t element. */ _chart_write_a_t(self, name); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:r"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_p_pr_formula(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:pPr", NULL); /* Write the a:defRPr element. */ _chart_write_a_def_rpr(self, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:pPr"); } /* * Write the element for pie chart legends. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_p_pr_pie(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("rtl", "0"); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:pPr", &attributes); /* Write the a:defRPr element. */ _chart_write_a_def_rpr(self, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:pPr"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_p_pr_rich(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:pPr", NULL); /* Write the a:defRPr element. */ _chart_write_a_def_rpr(self, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:pPr"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_p_formula(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:p", NULL); /* Write the a:pPr element. */ _chart_write_a_p_pr_formula(self, font); /* Write the a:endParaRPr element. */ _chart_write_a_end_para_rpr(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:p"); } /* * Write the element for pie chart legends. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_p_pie(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:p", NULL); /* Write the a:pPr element. */ _chart_write_a_p_pr_pie(self, font); /* Write the a:endParaRPr element. */ _chart_write_a_end_para_rpr(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:p"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_p_rich(lxw_chart *self, char *name, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:p", NULL); /* Write the a:pPr element. */ _chart_write_a_p_pr_rich(self, font); /* Write the a:r element. */ _chart_write_a_r(self, name, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:p"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_lst_style(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:lstStyle", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_body_pr(lxw_chart *self, int32_t rotation, uint8_t is_horizontal) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (rotation == 0 && is_horizontal) rotation = -5400000; if (rotation) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("rot", rotation); if (is_horizontal) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("vert", "horz"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:bodyPr", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_pt_count(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t num_data_points) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", num_data_points); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:ptCount", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_v_num(lxw_chart *self, double number) { char data[LXW_ATTR_32]; lxw_sprintf_dbl(data, number); lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:v", data, NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_v_str(lxw_chart *self, char *str) { lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:v", str, NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_f(lxw_chart *self, char *formula) { lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:f", formula, NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_pt(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t index, lxw_series_data_point *data_point) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; /* Ignore chart points that have no data. */ if (data_point->no_data) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("idx", index); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:pt", &attributes); if (data_point->is_string && data_point->string) _chart_write_v_str(self, data_point->string); else _chart_write_v_num(self, data_point->number); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:pt"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_num_pt(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t index, lxw_series_data_point *data_point) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; /* Ignore chart points that have no data. */ if (data_point->no_data) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("idx", index); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:pt", &attributes); _chart_write_v_num(self, data_point->number); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:pt"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_format_code(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:formatCode", "General", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_num_cache(lxw_chart *self, lxw_series_range *range) { lxw_series_data_point *data_point; uint16_t index = 0; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:numCache", NULL); /* Write the c:formatCode element. */ _chart_write_format_code(self); /* Write the c:ptCount element. */ _chart_write_pt_count(self, range->num_data_points); STAILQ_FOREACH(data_point, range->data_cache, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:pt element. */ _chart_write_num_pt(self, index, data_point); index++; } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:numCache"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_str_cache(lxw_chart *self, lxw_series_range *range) { lxw_series_data_point *data_point; uint16_t index = 0; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:strCache", NULL); /* Write the c:ptCount element. */ _chart_write_pt_count(self, range->num_data_points); STAILQ_FOREACH(data_point, range->data_cache, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:pt element. */ _chart_write_pt(self, index, data_point); index++; } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:strCache"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_num_ref(lxw_chart *self, lxw_series_range *range) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:numRef", NULL); /* Write the c:f element. */ _chart_write_f(self, range->formula); if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(range->data_cache)) { /* Write the c:numCache element. */ _chart_write_num_cache(self, range); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:numRef"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_str_ref(lxw_chart *self, lxw_series_range *range) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:strRef", NULL); /* Write the c:f element. */ _chart_write_f(self, range->formula); if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(range->data_cache)) { /* Write the c:strCache element. */ _chart_write_str_cache(self, range); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:strRef"); } /* * Write the cached data elements. */ STATIC void _chart_write_data_cache(lxw_chart *self, lxw_series_range *range, uint8_t has_string_cache) { if (has_string_cache) { /* Write the c:strRef element. */ _chart_write_str_ref(self, range); } else { /* Write the c:numRef element. */ _chart_write_num_ref(self, range); } } /* * Write the element with a simple value such as for series names. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tx_value(lxw_chart *self, char *name) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:tx", NULL); /* Write the c:v element. */ _chart_write_v_str(self, name); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:tx"); } /* * Write the element with a simple value such as for series names. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tx_formula(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_title *title) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:tx", NULL); _chart_write_str_ref(self, title->range); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:tx"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tx_pr(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t is_horizontal, lxw_chart_font *font) { int32_t rotation = 0; if (font) rotation = font->rotation; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:txPr", NULL); /* Write the a:bodyPr element. */ _chart_write_a_body_pr(self, rotation, is_horizontal); /* Write the a:lstStyle element. */ _chart_write_a_lst_style(self); /* Write the a:p element. */ _chart_write_a_p_formula(self, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:txPr"); } /* * Write the element for pie chart legends. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tx_pr_pie(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t is_horizontal, lxw_chart_font *font) { int32_t rotation = 0; if (font) rotation = font->rotation; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:txPr", NULL); /* Write the a:bodyPr element. */ _chart_write_a_body_pr(self, rotation, is_horizontal); /* Write the a:lstStyle element. */ _chart_write_a_lst_style(self); /* Write the a:p element. */ _chart_write_a_p_pie(self, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:txPr"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_axis_font(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { if (!font) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:txPr", NULL); /* Write the a:bodyPr element. */ _chart_write_a_body_pr(self, font->rotation, LXW_FALSE); /* Write the a:lstStyle element. */ _chart_write_a_lst_style(self); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:p", NULL); /* Write the a:pPr element. */ _chart_write_a_p_pr_rich(self, font); /* Write the a:endParaRPr element. */ _chart_write_a_end_para_rpr(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:p"); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:txPr"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_rich(lxw_chart *self, char *name, uint8_t is_horizontal, lxw_chart_font *font) { int32_t rotation = 0; if (font) rotation = font->rotation; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:rich", NULL); /* Write the a:bodyPr element. */ _chart_write_a_body_pr(self, rotation, is_horizontal); /* Write the a:lstStyle element. */ _chart_write_a_lst_style(self); /* Write the a:p element. */ _chart_write_a_p_rich(self, name, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:rich"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tx_rich(lxw_chart *self, char *name, uint8_t is_horizontal, lxw_chart_font *font) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:tx", NULL); /* Write the c:rich element. */ _chart_write_rich(self, name, is_horizontal, font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:tx"); } /* * Write the element for rich strings. */ STATIC void _chart_write_title_rich(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_title *title) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:title", NULL); /* Write the c:tx element. */ _chart_write_tx_rich(self, title->name, title->is_horizontal, title->font); /* Write the c:layout element. */ _chart_write_layout(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:title"); } /* * Write the element for a formula style title */ STATIC void _chart_write_title_formula(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_title *title) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:title", NULL); /* Write the c:tx element. */ _chart_write_tx_formula(self, title); /* Write the c:layout element. */ _chart_write_layout(self); /* Write the c:txPr element. */ _chart_write_tx_pr(self, title->is_horizontal, title->font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:title"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_delete(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:delete", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_auto_title_deleted(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:autoTitleDeleted", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_idx(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t index) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", index); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:idx", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_prst_dash(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t dash_type) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_ROUND_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "sysDot"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_SQUARE_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "sysDash"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_DASH_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "dashDot"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_LONG_DASH) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "lgDash"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_LONG_DASH_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "lgDashDot"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_LONG_DASH_DOT_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "lgDashDotDot"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "dot"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_SYSTEM_DASH_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "sysDashDot"); else if (dash_type == LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_SYSTEM_DASH_DOT_DOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "sysDashDotDot"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "dash"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:prstDash", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_no_fill(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "a:noFill", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_ln(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; float width_flt; uint32_t width_int; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); /* Round width to nearest 0.25, like Excel. */ width_flt = (float) (uint32_t) ((line->width + 0.125) * 4.0F) / 4.0F; /* Convert to internal units. */ width_int = (uint32_t) (0.5 + (12700.0 * width_flt)); if (width_int) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("w", width_int); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:ln", &attributes); /* Write the line fill. */ if (line->none) { /* Write the a:noFill element. */ _chart_write_a_no_fill(self); } else if (line->has_color) { /* Write the a:solidFill element. */ _chart_write_a_solid_fill(self, line->color, line->transparency); } /* Write the line/dash type. */ if (line->dash_type) { /* Write the a:prstDash element. */ _chart_write_a_prst_dash(self, line->dash_type); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:ln"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_fg_clr(lxw_chart *self, lxw_color_t color) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:fgClr", NULL); _chart_write_a_srgb_clr(self, color, LXW_FALSE); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:fgClr"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_bg_clr(lxw_chart *self, lxw_color_t color) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:bgClr", NULL); _chart_write_a_srgb_clr(self, color, LXW_FALSE); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:bgClr"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_a_patt_fill(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_NONE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "none"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_5) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct5"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_10) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct10"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_20) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct20"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_25) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct25"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_30) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct30"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_40) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct40"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_50) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct50"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_60) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct60"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_70) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct70"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_75) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct75"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_80) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct80"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PERCENT_90) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "pct90"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LIGHT_DOWNWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "ltDnDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LIGHT_UPWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "ltUpDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DARK_DOWNWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dkDnDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DARK_UPWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dkUpDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_WIDE_DOWNWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "wdDnDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_WIDE_UPWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "wdUpDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LIGHT_VERTICAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "ltVert"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LIGHT_HORIZONTAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "ltHorz"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_NARROW_VERTICAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "narVert"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_NARROW_HORIZONTAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "narHorz"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DARK_VERTICAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dkVert"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DARK_HORIZONTAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dkHorz"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DASHED_DOWNWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dashDnDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DASHED_UPWARD_DIAGONAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dashUpDiag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DASHED_HORIZONTAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dashHorz"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DASHED_VERTICAL) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dashVert"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_SMALL_CONFETTI) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "smConfetti"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LARGE_CONFETTI) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "lgConfetti"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_ZIGZAG) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "zigZag"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_WAVE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "wave"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DIAGONAL_BRICK) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "diagBrick"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_BRICK) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "horzBrick"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_WEAVE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "weave"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_PLAID) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "plaid"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DIVOT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "divot"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DOTTED_GRID) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dotGrid"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_DOTTED_DIAMOND) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "dotDmnd"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_SHINGLE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "shingle"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_TRELLIS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "trellis"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_SPHERE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "sphere"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_SMALL_GRID) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "smGrid"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LARGE_GRID) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "lgGrid"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_SMALL_CHECK) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "smCheck"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_LARGE_CHECK) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "lgCheck"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_OUTLINED_DIAMOND) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "openDmnd"); else if (pattern->type == LXW_CHART_PATTERN_SOLID_DIAMOND) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "solidDmnd"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("prst", "percent_50"); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "a:pattFill", &attributes); if (pattern->has_fg_color) _chart_write_a_fg_clr(self, pattern->fg_color); if (pattern->has_bg_color) _chart_write_a_bg_clr(self, pattern->bg_color); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "a:pattFill"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_sp_pr(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line, lxw_chart_fill *fill, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { if (!line && !fill && !pattern) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:spPr", NULL); /* Write the series fill. Note: a pattern fill overrides a solid fill. */ if (fill && !pattern) { if (fill->none) { /* Write the a:noFill element. */ _chart_write_a_no_fill(self); } else { /* Write the a:solidFill element. */ _chart_write_a_solid_fill(self, fill->color, fill->transparency); } } if (pattern) { /* Write the a:pattFill element. */ _chart_write_a_patt_fill(self, pattern); } if (line) { /* Write the a:ln element. */ _chart_write_a_ln(self, line); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:spPr"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_order(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t index) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", index); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:order", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_axis_id(lxw_chart *self, uint32_t axis_id) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", axis_id); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:axId", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_axis_ids(lxw_chart *self) { if (!self->axis_id_1) _chart_add_axis_ids(self); _chart_write_axis_id(self, self->axis_id_1); _chart_write_axis_id(self, self->axis_id_2); } /* * Write the series name. */ STATIC void _chart_write_series_name(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { if (series->title.name) { /* Write the c:tx element. */ _chart_write_tx_value(self, series->title.name); } else if (series->title.range->formula) { /* Write the c:tx element. */ _chart_write_tx_formula(self, &series->title); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_major_tick_mark(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->major_tick_mark) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (axis->major_tick_mark == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_NONE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "none"); else if (axis->major_tick_mark == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_INSIDE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "in"); else if (axis->major_tick_mark == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_CROSSING) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "cross"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "out"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:majorTickMark", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_minor_tick_mark(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->minor_tick_mark) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (axis->minor_tick_mark == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_NONE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "none"); else if (axis->minor_tick_mark == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_INSIDE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "in"); else if (axis->minor_tick_mark == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_CROSSING) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "cross"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "out"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:minorTickMark", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_symbol(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_SQUARE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "square"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_DIAMOND) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "diamond"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_TRIANGLE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "triangle"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_X) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "x"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_STAR) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "star"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_SHORT_DASH) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "short_dash"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_LONG_DASH) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "long_dash"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_CIRCLE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "circle"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_PLUS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "plus"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "none"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:symbol", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_d_pt(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_point *point, uint16_t index) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:dPt", NULL); /* Write the c:idx element. */ _chart_write_idx(self, index); /* Scatter/Line charts have an additional marker for the point. */ if (self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_SCATTER || self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_LINE) lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:marker", NULL); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, point->line, point->fill, point->pattern); if (self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_SCATTER || self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_LINE) lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:marker"); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:dPt"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_points(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { uint16_t index; for (index = 0; index < series->point_count; index++) { lxw_chart_point *point = &series->points[index]; /* Ignore empty points. */ if (!point->line && !point->fill && !point->pattern) continue; /* Write the c:dPt element. */ _chart_write_d_pt(self, &series->points[index], index); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_invert_if_negative(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!series->invert_if_negative) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:invertIfNegative", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_val(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showVal", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_cat_name(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showCatName", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_ser_name(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showSerName", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_leader_lines(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showLeaderLines", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_d_lbl_pos(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t position) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_RIGHT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "r"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_LEFT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "l"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_ABOVE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "t"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_BELOW) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "b"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_INSIDE_BASE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "inBase"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_INSIDE_END) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "inEnd"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_OUTSIDE_END) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "outEnd"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_BEST_FIT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "bestFit"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "ctr"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:dLblPos", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_separator(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t separator) { if (separator == LXW_CHART_LABEL_SEPARATOR_SEMICOLON) lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:separator", "; ", NULL); else if (separator == LXW_CHART_LABEL_SEPARATOR_PERIOD) lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:separator", ". ", NULL); else if (separator == LXW_CHART_LABEL_SEPARATOR_NEWLINE) lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:separator", "\n", NULL); else if (separator == LXW_CHART_LABEL_SEPARATOR_SPACE) lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:separator", " ", NULL); else lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:separator", ", ", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_legend_key(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showLegendKey", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_percent(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showPercent", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_label_num_fmt(lxw_chart *self, char *format) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("formatCode", format); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("sourceLinked", "0"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:numFmt", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_d_lbls(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { if (!series->has_labels) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:dLbls", NULL); /* Write the c:numFmt element. */ if (series->label_num_format) _chart_write_label_num_fmt(self, series->label_num_format); if (series->label_font) _chart_write_tx_pr(self, LXW_FALSE, series->label_font); /* Write the c:dLblPos element. */ if (series->label_position) _chart_write_d_lbl_pos(self, series->label_position); /* Write the c:showLegendKey element. */ if (series->show_labels_legend) _chart_write_show_legend_key(self); /* Write the c:showVal element. */ if (series->show_labels_value) _chart_write_show_val(self); /* Write the c:showCatName element. */ if (series->show_labels_category) _chart_write_show_cat_name(self); /* Write the c:showSerName element. */ if (series->show_labels_name) _chart_write_show_ser_name(self); /* Write the c:showPercent element. */ if (series->show_labels_percent) _chart_write_show_percent(self); /* Write the c:separator element. */ if (series->label_separator) _chart_write_separator(self, series->label_separator); /* Write the c:showLeaderLines element. */ if (series->show_labels_leader) _chart_write_show_leader_lines(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:dLbls"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_intercept(lxw_chart *self, double value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", value); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:intercept", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_disp_rsqr(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:dispRSqr", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_trendline_lbl(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:trendlineLbl", NULL); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:layout", NULL); LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("formatCode", "General"); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("sourceLinked", 0); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:numFmt", &attributes); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:trendlineLbl"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_disp_eq(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:dispEq", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_period(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", value); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:period", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_forward(lxw_chart *self, double value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", value); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:forward", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_backward(lxw_chart *self, double value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", value); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:backward", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_name(lxw_chart *self, char *name) { lxw_xml_data_element(self->file, "c:name", name, NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_trendline_type(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_LOG) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "log"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_POLY) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "poly"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_POWER) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "power"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_EXP) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "exp"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_AVERAGE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "movingAvg"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "linear"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:trendlineType", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_trendline(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { if (!series->has_trendline) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:trendline", NULL); /* Write the c:name element. */ if (series->trendline_name) _chart_write_name(self, series->trendline_name); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, series->trendline_line, NULL, NULL); /* Write the c:trendlineType element. */ _chart_write_trendline_type(self, series->trendline_type); /* Write the c:order element. */ if (series->trendline_type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_POLY && series->trendline_value >= 2) { _chart_write_order(self, series->trendline_value); } /* Write the c:period element. */ if (series->trendline_type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_AVERAGE && series->trendline_value >= 2) { _chart_write_period(self, series->trendline_value); } if (series->has_trendline_forecast) { /* Write the c:forward element. */ _chart_write_forward(self, series->trendline_forward); /* Write the c:backward element. */ _chart_write_backward(self, series->trendline_backward); } /* Write the c:intercept element. */ if (series->has_trendline_intercept) _chart_write_intercept(self, series->trendline_intercept); /* Write the c:dispRSqr element. */ if (series->has_trendline_r_squared) _chart_write_disp_rsqr(self); if (series->has_trendline_equation) { /* Write the c:dispEq element. */ _chart_write_disp_eq(self); /* Write the c:trendlineLbl element. */ _chart_write_trendline_lbl(self); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:trendline"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_error_val(lxw_chart *self, double value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", value); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:val", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_no_end_cap(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:noEndCap", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_err_val_type(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (type == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_TYPE_FIXED) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "fixedVal"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_TYPE_PERCENTAGE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "percentage"); else if (type == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_TYPE_STD_DEV) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "stdDev"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "stdErr"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:errValType", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_err_bar_type(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t direction) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (direction == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_DIR_PLUS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "plus"); else if (direction == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_DIR_MINUS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "minus"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "both"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:errBarType", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_err_dir(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t is_x) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (is_x) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "x"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "y"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:errDir", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_err_bars(lxw_chart *self, lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars) { if (!error_bars->is_set) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:errBars", NULL); /* Write the c:errDir element, except for Column/Bar charts. */ if (error_bars->chart_group != LXW_CHART_BAR && error_bars->chart_group != LXW_CHART_COLUMN) { _chart_write_err_dir(self, error_bars->is_x); } /* Write the c:errBarType element. */ _chart_write_err_bar_type(self, error_bars->direction); /* Write the c:errValType element. */ _chart_write_err_val_type(self, error_bars->type); /* Write the c:noEndCap element. */ if (error_bars->endcap == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_NO_CAP) _chart_write_no_end_cap(self); /* Write the c:val element. */ if (error_bars->has_value) _chart_write_error_val(self, error_bars->value); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, error_bars->line, NULL, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:errBars"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_error_bars(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { _chart_write_err_bars(self, series->x_error_bars); _chart_write_err_bars(self, series->y_error_bars); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_marker_size(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t size) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", size); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:size", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_marker(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_marker *marker) { /* If there isn't a user defined marker use the default, if this chart * type one. The default usually turns the marker off. */ if (!marker) marker = self->default_marker; if (!marker) return; if (marker->type == LXW_CHART_MARKER_AUTOMATIC) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:marker", NULL); /* Write the c:symbol element. */ _chart_write_symbol(self, marker->type); /* Write the c:size element. */ if (marker->size) _chart_write_marker_size(self, marker->size); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, marker->line, marker->fill, marker->pattern); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:marker"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_marker_value(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:marker", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_smooth(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t smooth) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!smooth) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:smooth", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_scatter_style(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH || self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH_WITH_MARKERS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "smoothMarker"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "lineMarker"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:scatterStyle", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_cat(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { uint8_t has_string_cache = series->categories->has_string_cache; /* Ignore elements for charts without category values. */ if (!series->categories->formula) return; self->cat_has_num_fmt = !has_string_cache; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:cat", NULL); /* Write the c:numRef element. */ _chart_write_data_cache(self, series->categories, has_string_cache); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:cat"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_x_val(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { uint8_t has_string_cache = series->categories->has_string_cache; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:xVal", NULL); /* Write the data cache elements. */ _chart_write_data_cache(self, series->categories, has_string_cache); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:xVal"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_val(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:val", NULL); /* Write the data cache elements. The string_cache is set to false since * this should always be a number series. */ _chart_write_data_cache(self, series->values, LXW_FALSE); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:val"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_y_val(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:yVal", NULL); /* Write the data cache elements. The string_cache is set to false since * this should always be a number series. */ _chart_write_data_cache(self, series->values, LXW_FALSE); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:yVal"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_ser(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { uint16_t index = self->series_index++; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:ser", NULL); /* Write the c:idx element. */ _chart_write_idx(self, index); /* Write the c:order element. */ _chart_write_order(self, index); /* Write the series name. */ _chart_write_series_name(self, series); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, series->line, series->fill, series->pattern); /* Write the c:marker element. */ _chart_write_marker(self, series->marker); /* Write the c:invertIfNegative element. */ _chart_write_invert_if_negative(self, series); /* Write the char points. */ _chart_write_points(self, series); /* Write the c:dLbls element. */ _chart_write_d_lbls(self, series); /* Write the c:trendline element. */ _chart_write_trendline(self, series); /* Write the c:errBars element. */ _chart_write_error_bars(self, series); /* Write the c:cat element. */ _chart_write_cat(self, series); /* Write the c:val element. */ _chart_write_val(self, series); /* Write the c:smooth element. */ if (self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_SCATTER || self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_LINE) _chart_write_smooth(self, series->smooth); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:ser"); } /* * Write the element but with c:xVal/c:yVal instead of c:cat/c:val * elements. */ STATIC void _chart_write_xval_ser(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_series *series) { uint16_t index = self->series_index++; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:ser", NULL); /* Write the c:idx element. */ _chart_write_idx(self, index); /* Write the c:order element. */ _chart_write_order(self, index); /* Write the series name. */ _chart_write_series_name(self, series); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, series->line, series->fill, series->pattern); /* Write the c:marker element. */ _chart_write_marker(self, series->marker); /* Write the char points. */ _chart_write_points(self, series); /* Write the c:dLbls element. */ _chart_write_d_lbls(self, series); /* Write the c:trendline element. */ _chart_write_trendline(self, series); /* Write the c:errBars element. */ _chart_write_error_bars(self, series); /* Write the c:xVal element. */ _chart_write_x_val(self, series); /* Write the yVal element. */ _chart_write_y_val(self, series); /* Write the c:smooth element. */ _chart_write_smooth(self, series->smooth); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:ser"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_orientation(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t reverse) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (reverse) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "maxMin"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "minMax"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:orientation", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_max(lxw_chart *self, double max) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", max); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:max", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_min(lxw_chart *self, double min) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", min); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:min", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_log_base(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t log_base) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!log_base) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", log_base); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:logBase", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_scaling(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t reverse, uint8_t has_min, double min, uint8_t has_max, double max, uint16_t log_base) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:scaling", NULL); /* Write the c:logBase element. */ _chart_write_log_base(self, log_base); /* Write the c:orientation element. */ _chart_write_orientation(self, reverse); if (has_max) { /* Write the c:max element. */ _chart_write_max(self, max); } if (has_min) { /* Write the c:min element. */ _chart_write_min(self, min); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:scaling"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_axis_pos(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t position, uint8_t reverse) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); /* Reverse the axis direction if required. */ position ^= reverse; if (position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_RIGHT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "r"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_LEFT) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "l"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TOP) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "t"); else if (position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_BOTTOM) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "b"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:axPos", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tick_label_pos(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (axis->label_position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_LABEL_POSITION_HIGH) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "high"); else if (axis->label_position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_LABEL_POSITION_LOW) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "low"); else if (axis->label_position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_LABEL_POSITION_NONE) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "none"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "nextTo"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:tickLblPos", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_cross_axis(lxw_chart *self, uint32_t axis_id) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", axis_id); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:crossAx", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_crosses(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (axis->crossing_max) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "max"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "autoZero"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:crosses", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_crosses_at(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", axis->crossing); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:crossesAt", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_auto(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:auto", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_label_align(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "ctr"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:lblAlgn", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tick_label_skip(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->interval_unit) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", axis->interval_unit); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:tickLblSkip", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_tick_mark_skip(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->interval_tick) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", axis->interval_tick); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:tickMarkSkip", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_major_unit(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->has_major_unit) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", axis->major_unit); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:majorUnit", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_minor_unit(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->has_minor_unit) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_DBL("val", axis->minor_unit); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:minorUnit", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_disp_units(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!axis->display_units) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:dispUnits", NULL); if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_HUNDREDS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "hundreds"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_THOUSANDS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "thousands"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_TEN_THOUSANDS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "tenThousands"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_HUNDRED_THOUSANDS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "hundredThousands"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_MILLIONS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "millions"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_TEN_MILLIONS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "tenMillions"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_HUNDRED_MILLIONS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "hundredMillions"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_BILLIONS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "billions"); else if (axis->display_units == LXW_CHART_AXIS_UNITS_TRILLIONS) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "trillions"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "hundreds"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:builtInUnit", &attributes); if (axis->display_units_visible) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:dispUnitsLbl", NULL); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:layout", NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:dispUnitsLbl"); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:dispUnits"); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_label_offset(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "100"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:lblOffset", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_major_gridlines(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { if (!axis->major_gridlines.visible) return; if (axis->major_gridlines.line) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:majorGridlines", NULL); /* Write the c:spPr element for the axis line. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, axis->major_gridlines.line, NULL, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:majorGridlines"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:majorGridlines", NULL); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_minor_gridlines(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { if (!axis->minor_gridlines.visible) return; if (axis->minor_gridlines.line) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:minorGridlines", NULL); /* Write the c:spPr element for the axis line. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, axis->minor_gridlines.line, NULL, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:minorGridlines"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:minorGridlines", NULL); } } /* * Write the element. Note: It is assumed that if a user * defined number format is supplied (i.e., non-default) then the sourceLinked * attribute is 0. The user can override this if required. */ STATIC void _chart_write_number_format(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; char *num_format; uint8_t source_linked = 1; /* Set the number format to the axis default if not set. */ if (axis->num_format) num_format = axis->num_format; else num_format = axis->default_num_format; /* Check if a user defined number format has been set. */ if (strcmp(num_format, axis->default_num_format)) source_linked = 0; /* Allow override of sourceLinked. */ if (axis->source_linked) source_linked = 1; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("formatCode", num_format); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("sourceLinked", source_linked); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:numFmt", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. Special case handler for category axes which * don't always have a number format. */ STATIC void _chart_write_cat_number_format(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis *axis) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; char *num_format; uint8_t source_linked = 1; uint8_t default_format = LXW_TRUE; /* Set the number format to the axis default if not set. */ if (axis->num_format) num_format = axis->num_format; else num_format = axis->default_num_format; /* Check if a user defined number format has been set. */ if (strcmp(num_format, axis->default_num_format)) { source_linked = 0; default_format = LXW_FALSE; } /* Allow override of sourceLinked. */ if (axis->source_linked) source_linked = 1; /* Skip if cat doesn't have a num format (unless it is non-default). */ if (!self->cat_has_num_fmt && default_format) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("formatCode", num_format); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("sourceLinked", source_linked); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:numFmt", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_cross_between(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t position) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!position) position = self->default_cross_between; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (position == LXW_CHART_AXIS_POSITION_ON_TICK) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "midCat"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "between"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:crossBetween", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_overlay(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:overlay", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_legend_pos(lxw_chart *self, char *position) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", position); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:legendPos", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_legend_entry(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t index) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:legendEntry", NULL); /* Write the c:idx element. */ _chart_write_idx(self, self->delete_series[index]); /* Write the c:delete element. */ _chart_write_delete(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:legendEntry"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_legend(lxw_chart *self) { uint8_t has_overlay = LXW_FALSE; uint16_t index; if (self->legend.position == LXW_CHART_LEGEND_NONE) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:legend", NULL); /* Write the c:legendPos element. */ switch (self->legend.position) { case LXW_CHART_LEGEND_LEFT: _chart_write_legend_pos(self, "l"); break; case LXW_CHART_LEGEND_TOP: _chart_write_legend_pos(self, "t"); break; case LXW_CHART_LEGEND_BOTTOM: _chart_write_legend_pos(self, "b"); break; case LXW_CHART_LEGEND_OVERLAY_RIGHT: _chart_write_legend_pos(self, "r"); has_overlay = LXW_TRUE; break; case LXW_CHART_LEGEND_OVERLAY_LEFT: _chart_write_legend_pos(self, "l"); has_overlay = LXW_TRUE; break; default: _chart_write_legend_pos(self, "r"); } /* Remove series labels from the legend. */ for (index = 0; index < self->delete_series_count; index++) { /* Write the c:legendEntry element. */ _chart_write_legend_entry(self, index); } /* Write the c:layout element. */ _chart_write_layout(self); if (self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_PIE || self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_DOUGHNUT) { /* Write the c:overlay element. */ if (has_overlay) _chart_write_overlay(self); /* Write the c:txPr element for Pie/Doughnut charts. */ _chart_write_tx_pr_pie(self, LXW_FALSE, self->legend.font); } else { /* Write the c:txPr element for all other charts. */ if (self->legend.font) _chart_write_tx_pr(self, LXW_FALSE, self->legend.font); /* Write the c:overlay element. */ if (has_overlay) _chart_write_overlay(self); } lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:legend"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_plot_vis_only(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (self->show_hidden_data) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:plotVisOnly", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_header_footer(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:headerFooter", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_page_margins(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("b", "0.75"); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("l", "0.7"); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("r", "0.7"); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("t", "0.75"); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("header", "0.3"); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("footer", "0.3"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:pageMargins", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_page_setup(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:pageSetup", NULL); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_print_settings(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:printSettings", NULL); /* Write the c:headerFooter element. */ _chart_write_header_footer(self); /* Write the c:pageMargins element. */ _chart_write_page_margins(self); /* Write the c:pageSetup element. */ _chart_write_page_setup(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:printSettings"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_overlap(lxw_chart *self, int8_t overlap) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!overlap) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", overlap); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:overlap", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_gap_width(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t gap) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (gap == LXW_CHART_DEFAULT_GAP) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_INT("val", gap); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:gapWidth", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_disp_blanks_as(lxw_chart *self) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (self->show_blanks_as != LXW_CHART_BLANKS_AS_ZERO && self->show_blanks_as != LXW_CHART_BLANKS_AS_CONNECTED) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); if (self->show_blanks_as == LXW_CHART_BLANKS_AS_ZERO) LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "zero"); else LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "span"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:dispBlanksAs", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_horz_border(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!value) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showHorzBorder", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_vert_border(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!value) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showVertBorder", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_outline(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!value) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showOutline", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_show_keys(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t value) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; if (!value) return; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", "1"); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:showKeys", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_d_table(lxw_chart *self) { if (!self->has_table) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:dTable", NULL); /* Write the c:showHorzBorder element. */ _chart_write_show_horz_border(self, self->has_table_horizontal); /* Write the c:showVertBorder element. */ _chart_write_show_vert_border(self, self->has_table_vertical); /* Write the c:showOutline element. */ _chart_write_show_outline(self, self->has_table_outline); /* Write the c:showKeys element. */ _chart_write_show_keys(self, self->has_table_legend_keys); /* Write the c:txPr element. */ if (self->table_font) _chart_write_tx_pr(self, LXW_FALSE, self->table_font); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:dTable"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_up_bars(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (line || fill) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:upBars", NULL); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, line, fill, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:upBars"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:upBars", NULL); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_down_bars(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (line || fill) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:downBars", NULL); /* Write the c:spPr element. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, line, fill, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:downBars"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:downBars", NULL); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_up_down_bars(lxw_chart *self) { if (!self->has_up_down_bars) return; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:upDownBars", NULL); /* Write the c:gapWidth element. */ _chart_write_gap_width(self, 150); /* Write the c:upBars element. */ _chart_write_up_bars(self, self->up_bar_line, self->up_bar_fill); /* Write the c:downBars element. */ _chart_write_down_bars(self, self->down_bar_line, self->down_bar_fill); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:upDownBars"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_drop_lines(lxw_chart *self) { if (!self->has_drop_lines) return; if (self->drop_lines_line) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:dropLines", NULL); _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->drop_lines_line, NULL, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:dropLines"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:dropLines", NULL); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_hi_low_lines(lxw_chart *self) { if (!self->has_high_low_lines) return; if (self->high_low_lines_line) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:hiLowLines", NULL); _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->high_low_lines_line, NULL, NULL); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:hiLowLines"); } else { lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:hiLowLines", NULL); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_title(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_title *title) { if (title->name) { /* Write the c:title element. */ _chart_write_title_rich(self, title); } else if (title->range->formula) { /* Write the c:title element. */ _chart_write_title_formula(self, title); } } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_chart_title(lxw_chart *self) { if (self->title.off) { /* Write the c:autoTitleDeleted element. */ _chart_write_auto_title_deleted(self); } else { /* Write the c:title element. */ _chart_write_title(self, &self->title); } } /* * Write the element. Usually the X axis. */ STATIC void _chart_write_cat_axis(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:catAx", NULL); _chart_write_axis_id(self, self->axis_id_1); /* Write the c:scaling element. Note we can't set max, min, or log base * for a Category axis in Excel.*/ _chart_write_scaling(self, self->x_axis->reverse, LXW_FALSE, 0.0, LXW_FALSE, 0.0, 0); /* Write the c:delete element to hide axis. */ if (self->x_axis->hidden) _chart_write_delete(self); /* Write the c:axPos element. */ _chart_write_axis_pos(self, self->x_axis->axis_position, self->y_axis->reverse); /* Write the c:majorGridlines element. */ _chart_write_major_gridlines(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:minorGridlines element. */ _chart_write_minor_gridlines(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the axis title elements. */ self->x_axis->title.is_horizontal = self->has_horiz_cat_axis; _chart_write_title(self, &self->x_axis->title); /* Write the c:numFmt element. */ _chart_write_cat_number_format(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:majorTickMark element. */ _chart_write_major_tick_mark(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:minorTickMark element. */ _chart_write_minor_tick_mark(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:tickLblPos element. */ _chart_write_tick_label_pos(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:spPr element for the axis line. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->x_axis->line, self->x_axis->fill, self->x_axis->pattern); /* Write the axis font elements. */ _chart_write_axis_font(self, self->x_axis->num_font); /* Write the c:crossAx element. */ _chart_write_cross_axis(self, self->axis_id_2); /* Write the c:crosses element. */ if (!self->y_axis->has_crossing || self->y_axis->crossing_max) _chart_write_crosses(self, self->y_axis); else _chart_write_crosses_at(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:auto element. */ _chart_write_auto(self); /* Write the c:lblAlgn element. */ _chart_write_label_align(self); /* Write the c:lblOffset element. */ _chart_write_label_offset(self); /* Write the c:tickLblSkip element. */ _chart_write_tick_label_skip(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:tickMarkSkip element. */ _chart_write_tick_mark_skip(self, self->x_axis); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:catAx"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_val_axis(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:valAx", NULL); _chart_write_axis_id(self, self->axis_id_2); /* Write the c:scaling element. */ _chart_write_scaling(self, self->y_axis->reverse, self->y_axis->has_min, self->y_axis->min, self->y_axis->has_max, self->y_axis->max, self->y_axis->log_base); /* Write the c:delete element to hide axis. */ if (self->y_axis->hidden) _chart_write_delete(self); /* Write the c:axPos element. */ _chart_write_axis_pos(self, self->y_axis->axis_position, self->x_axis->reverse); /* Write the c:majorGridlines element. */ _chart_write_major_gridlines(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:minorGridlines element. */ _chart_write_minor_gridlines(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the axis title elements. */ self->y_axis->title.is_horizontal = self->has_horiz_val_axis; _chart_write_title(self, &self->y_axis->title); /* Write the c:numFmt element. */ _chart_write_number_format(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:majorTickMark element. */ _chart_write_major_tick_mark(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:minorTickMark element. */ _chart_write_minor_tick_mark(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:tickLblPos element. */ _chart_write_tick_label_pos(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:spPr element for the axis line. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->y_axis->line, self->y_axis->fill, self->y_axis->pattern); /* Write the axis font elements. */ _chart_write_axis_font(self, self->y_axis->num_font); /* Write the c:crossAx element. */ _chart_write_cross_axis(self, self->axis_id_1); /* Write the c:crosses element. */ if (!self->x_axis->has_crossing || self->x_axis->crossing_max) _chart_write_crosses(self, self->x_axis); else _chart_write_crosses_at(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:crossBetween element. */ _chart_write_cross_between(self, self->x_axis->position_axis); /* Write the c:majorUnit element. */ _chart_write_major_unit(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:minorUnit element. */ _chart_write_minor_unit(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:dispUnits element. */ _chart_write_disp_units(self, self->y_axis); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:valAx"); } /* * Write the element. This is for the second valAx in scatter plots. */ STATIC void _chart_write_cat_val_axis(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:valAx", NULL); _chart_write_axis_id(self, self->axis_id_1); /* Write the c:scaling element. */ _chart_write_scaling(self, self->x_axis->reverse, self->x_axis->has_min, self->x_axis->min, self->x_axis->has_max, self->x_axis->max, self->x_axis->log_base); /* Write the c:delete element to hide axis. */ if (self->x_axis->hidden) _chart_write_delete(self); /* Write the c:axPos element. */ _chart_write_axis_pos(self, self->x_axis->axis_position, self->y_axis->reverse); /* Write the c:majorGridlines element. */ _chart_write_major_gridlines(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:minorGridlines element. */ _chart_write_minor_gridlines(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the axis title elements. */ self->x_axis->title.is_horizontal = self->has_horiz_val_axis; _chart_write_title(self, &self->x_axis->title); /* Write the c:numFmt element. */ _chart_write_number_format(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:majorTickMark element. */ _chart_write_major_tick_mark(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:minorTickMark element. */ _chart_write_minor_tick_mark(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:tickLblPos element. */ _chart_write_tick_label_pos(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:spPr element for the axis line. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->x_axis->line, self->x_axis->fill, self->x_axis->pattern); /* Write the axis font elements. */ _chart_write_axis_font(self, self->x_axis->num_font); /* Write the c:crossAx element. */ _chart_write_cross_axis(self, self->axis_id_2); /* Write the c:crosses element. */ if (!self->y_axis->has_crossing || self->y_axis->crossing_max) _chart_write_crosses(self, self->y_axis); else _chart_write_crosses_at(self, self->y_axis); /* Write the c:crossBetween element. */ _chart_write_cross_between(self, self->y_axis->position_axis); /* Write the c:majorUnit element. */ _chart_write_major_unit(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:minorUnit element. */ _chart_write_minor_unit(self, self->x_axis); /* Write the c:dispUnits element. */ _chart_write_disp_units(self, self->x_axis); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:valAx"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_bar_dir(lxw_chart *self, char *type) { struct xml_attribute_list attributes; struct xml_attribute *attribute; LXW_INIT_ATTRIBUTES(); LXW_PUSH_ATTRIBUTES_STR("val", type); lxw_xml_empty_tag(self->file, "c:barDir", &attributes); LXW_FREE_ATTRIBUTES(); } /* * Write a area chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_area_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:areaChart", NULL); /* Write the c:grouping element. */ _chart_write_grouping(self, self->grouping); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:dropLines element. */ _chart_write_drop_lines(self); /* Write the c:axId elements. */ _chart_write_axis_ids(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:areaChart"); } /* * Write a bar chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_bar_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:barChart", NULL); /* Write the c:barDir element. */ _chart_write_bar_dir(self, "bar"); /* Write the c:grouping element. */ _chart_write_grouping(self, self->grouping); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:gapWidth element. */ _chart_write_gap_width(self, self->gap_y1); /* Write the c:overlap element. */ _chart_write_overlap(self, self->overlap_y1); /* Write the c:axId elements. */ _chart_write_axis_ids(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:barChart"); } /* * Write a column chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_column_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:barChart", NULL); /* Write the c:barDir element. */ _chart_write_bar_dir(self, "col"); /* Write the c:grouping element. */ _chart_write_grouping(self, self->grouping); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:gapWidth element. */ _chart_write_gap_width(self, self->gap_y1); /* Write the c:overlap element. */ _chart_write_overlap(self, self->overlap_y1); /* Write the c:axId elements. */ _chart_write_axis_ids(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:barChart"); } /* * Write a doughnut chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_doughnut_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:doughnutChart", NULL); /* Write the c:varyColors element. */ _chart_write_vary_colors(self); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:firstSliceAng element. */ _chart_write_first_slice_ang(self); /* Write the c:holeSize element. */ _chart_write_hole_size(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:doughnutChart"); } /* * Write a line chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_line_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:lineChart", NULL); /* Write the c:grouping element. */ _chart_write_grouping(self, self->grouping); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:dropLines element. */ _chart_write_drop_lines(self); /* Write the c:hiLowLines element. */ _chart_write_hi_low_lines(self); /* Write the c:upDownBars element. */ _chart_write_up_down_bars(self); /* Write the c:marker element. */ _chart_write_marker_value(self); /* Write the c:axId elements. */ _chart_write_axis_ids(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:lineChart"); } /* * Write a pie chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_pie_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:pieChart", NULL); /* Write the c:varyColors element. */ _chart_write_vary_colors(self); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:firstSliceAng element. */ _chart_write_first_slice_ang(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:pieChart"); } /* * Write a scatter chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_scatter_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:scatterChart", NULL); /* Write the c:scatterStyle element. */ _chart_write_scatter_style(self); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Add default scatter chart formatting to the series data unless * it has already been specified by the user.*/ if (self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER) { if (!series->line) { lxw_chart_line line = { 0x000000, LXW_TRUE, 2.25, LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_SOLID, 0, LXW_FALSE }; series->line = _chart_convert_line_args(&line); } } /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_xval_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:axId elements. */ _chart_write_axis_ids(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:scatterChart"); } /* * Write a radar chart. */ STATIC void _chart_write_radar_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_series *series; lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:radarChart", NULL); /* Write the c:radarStyle element. */ _chart_write_radar_style(self); STAILQ_FOREACH(series, self->series_list, list_pointers) { /* Write the c:ser element. */ _chart_write_ser(self, series); } /* Write the c:axId elements. */ _chart_write_axis_ids(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:radarChart"); } /* * Reverse the opposite axis position if crossing position is "max". */ STATIC void _chart_adjust_max_crossing(lxw_chart *self) { if (self->x_axis->crossing_max) self->y_axis->axis_position ^= 1; if (self->y_axis->crossing_max) self->x_axis->axis_position ^= 1; } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_scatter_plot_area(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:plotArea", NULL); /* Write the c:layout element. */ _chart_write_layout(self); /* Write subclass chart type elements for primary and secondary axes. */ self->write_chart_type(self); /* Reverse the opposite axis position if crossing position is "max". */ _chart_adjust_max_crossing(self); /* Write the c:catAx element. */ _chart_write_cat_val_axis(self); self->has_horiz_val_axis = LXW_TRUE; /* Write the c:valAx element. */ _chart_write_val_axis(self); /* Write the c:spPr element for the plotarea formatting. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->plotarea_line, self->plotarea_fill, self->plotarea_pattern); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:plotArea"); } /* * Write the element. Special handling for pie/doughnut. */ STATIC void _chart_write_pie_plot_area(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:plotArea", NULL); /* Write the c:layout element. */ _chart_write_layout(self); /* Write subclass chart type elements for primary and secondary axes. */ self->write_chart_type(self); /* Write the c:spPr element for the plotarea formatting. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->plotarea_line, self->plotarea_fill, self->plotarea_pattern); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:plotArea"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_plot_area(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:plotArea", NULL); /* Write the c:layout element. */ _chart_write_layout(self); /* Write subclass chart type elements for primary and secondary axes. */ self->write_chart_type(self); /* Reverse the opposite axis position if crossing position is "max". */ _chart_adjust_max_crossing(self); /* Write the c:catAx element. */ _chart_write_cat_axis(self); /* Write the c:valAx element. */ _chart_write_val_axis(self); /* Write the c:dTable element. */ _chart_write_d_table(self); /* Write the c:spPr element for the plotarea formatting. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->plotarea_line, self->plotarea_fill, self->plotarea_pattern); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:plotArea"); } /* * Write the element. */ STATIC void _chart_write_chart(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_xml_start_tag(self->file, "c:chart", NULL); /* Write the c:title element. */ _chart_write_chart_title(self); /* Write the c:plotArea element. */ self->write_plot_area(self); /* Write the c:legend element. */ _chart_write_legend(self); /* Write the c:plotVisOnly element. */ _chart_write_plot_vis_only(self); /* Write the c:dispBlanksAs element. */ _chart_write_disp_blanks_as(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:chart"); } /* * Initialize a area chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_area_chart(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_AREA; self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_STANDARD; self->default_cross_between = LXW_CHART_AXIS_POSITION_ON_TICK; self->x_axis->is_category = LXW_TRUE; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_CENTER; if (type == LXW_CHART_AREA_STACKED) { self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_STACKED; self->subtype = LXW_CHART_SUBTYPE_STACKED; } if (type == LXW_CHART_AREA_STACKED_PERCENT) { self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_PERCENTSTACKED; _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(self->y_axis, "0%"); self->subtype = LXW_CHART_SUBTYPE_STACKED; } /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_area_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_plot_area; } /* * Swap/reverse the bar chart axes prior to writing. It is the only chart * with the category axis in the vertical direction. */ STATIC void _chart_swap_bar_axes(lxw_chart *self) { lxw_chart_axis *tmp = self->x_axis; self->x_axis = self->y_axis; self->y_axis = tmp; } /* * Initialize a bar chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_bar_chart(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { /* Note: Bar chart category/value axis are reversed in comparison to * other charts. Some of the defaults reflect this. */ self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_BAR; self->x_axis->major_gridlines.visible = LXW_TRUE; self->y_axis->major_gridlines.visible = LXW_FALSE; self->y_axis->is_category = LXW_TRUE; self->x_axis->is_value = LXW_TRUE; self->has_horiz_cat_axis = LXW_TRUE; self->has_horiz_val_axis = LXW_FALSE; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_OUTSIDE_END; if (type == LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED) { self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_STACKED; self->has_overlap = LXW_TRUE; self->subtype = LXW_CHART_SUBTYPE_STACKED; self->overlap_y1 = 100; } if (type == LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED_PERCENT) { self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_PERCENTSTACKED; _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(self->x_axis, "0%"); self->has_overlap = LXW_TRUE; self->subtype = LXW_CHART_SUBTYPE_STACKED; self->overlap_y1 = 100; } /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_bar_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_plot_area; } /* * Initialize a column chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_column_chart(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_COLUMN; self->has_horiz_val_axis = LXW_FALSE; self->x_axis->is_category = LXW_TRUE; self->y_axis->is_value = LXW_TRUE; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_OUTSIDE_END; if (type == LXW_CHART_COLUMN_STACKED) { self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_STACKED; self->has_overlap = LXW_TRUE; self->subtype = LXW_CHART_SUBTYPE_STACKED; self->overlap_y1 = 100; } if (type == LXW_CHART_COLUMN_STACKED_PERCENT) { self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_PERCENTSTACKED; _chart_axis_set_default_num_format(self->y_axis, "0%"); self->has_overlap = LXW_TRUE; self->subtype = LXW_CHART_SUBTYPE_STACKED; self->overlap_y1 = 100; } /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_column_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_plot_area; } /* * Initialize a doughnut chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_doughnut_chart(lxw_chart *self) { /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_DOUGHNUT; self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_doughnut_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_pie_plot_area; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_BEST_FIT; } /* * Initialize a line chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_line_chart(lxw_chart *self) { self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_LINE; _chart_set_default_marker_type(self, LXW_CHART_MARKER_NONE); self->grouping = LXW_GROUPING_STANDARD; self->x_axis->is_category = LXW_TRUE; self->y_axis->is_value = LXW_TRUE; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_RIGHT; /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_line_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_plot_area; } /* * Initialize a pie chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_pie_chart(lxw_chart *self) { /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_PIE; self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_pie_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_pie_plot_area; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_BEST_FIT; } /* * Initialize a scatter chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_scatter_chart(lxw_chart *self) { self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_SCATTER; self->has_horiz_val_axis = LXW_FALSE; self->default_cross_between = LXW_CHART_AXIS_POSITION_ON_TICK; self->x_axis->is_value = LXW_TRUE; self->y_axis->is_value = LXW_TRUE; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_RIGHT; if (self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER_STRAIGHT || self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH) { _chart_set_default_marker_type(self, LXW_CHART_MARKER_NONE); } /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_scatter_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_scatter_plot_area; } /* * Initialize a radar chart. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize_radar_chart(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { if (type == LXW_CHART_RADAR) _chart_set_default_marker_type(self, LXW_CHART_MARKER_NONE); self->chart_group = LXW_CHART_RADAR; self->x_axis->major_gridlines.visible = LXW_TRUE; self->x_axis->is_category = LXW_TRUE; self->y_axis->is_value = LXW_TRUE; self->y_axis->major_tick_mark = LXW_CHART_AXIS_TICK_MARK_CROSSING; self->default_label_position = LXW_CHART_LABEL_POSITION_CENTER; /* Initialize the function pointers for this chart type. */ self->write_chart_type = _chart_write_radar_chart; self->write_plot_area = _chart_write_plot_area; } /* * Initialize the chart specific properties. */ STATIC void _chart_initialize(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t type) { switch (type) { case LXW_CHART_AREA: case LXW_CHART_AREA_STACKED: case LXW_CHART_AREA_STACKED_PERCENT: _chart_initialize_area_chart(self, type); break; case LXW_CHART_BAR: case LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED: case LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED_PERCENT: _chart_initialize_bar_chart(self, type); break; case LXW_CHART_COLUMN: case LXW_CHART_COLUMN_STACKED: case LXW_CHART_COLUMN_STACKED_PERCENT: _chart_initialize_column_chart(self, type); break; case LXW_CHART_DOUGHNUT: _chart_initialize_doughnut_chart(self); break; case LXW_CHART_LINE: _chart_initialize_line_chart(self); break; case LXW_CHART_PIE: _chart_initialize_pie_chart(self); break; case LXW_CHART_SCATTER: case LXW_CHART_SCATTER_STRAIGHT: case LXW_CHART_SCATTER_STRAIGHT_WITH_MARKERS: case LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH: case LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH_WITH_MARKERS: _chart_initialize_scatter_chart(self); break; case LXW_CHART_RADAR: case LXW_CHART_RADAR_WITH_MARKERS: case LXW_CHART_RADAR_FILLED: _chart_initialize_radar_chart(self, type); break; default: LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("workbook_add_chart(): " "unhandled chart type '%d'", type); } } /* * Assemble and write the XML file. */ void lxw_chart_assemble_xml_file(lxw_chart *self) { /* Reverse the X and Y axes for Bar charts. */ if (self->type == LXW_CHART_BAR || self->type == LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED || self->type == LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED_PERCENT) _chart_swap_bar_axes(self); /* Write the XML declaration. */ _chart_xml_declaration(self); /* Write the c:chartSpace element. */ _chart_write_chart_space(self); /* Write the c:lang element. */ _chart_write_lang(self); /* Write the c:style element. */ _chart_write_style(self); /* Write the c:chart element. */ _chart_write_chart(self); /* Write the c:spPr element for the chartarea formatting. */ _chart_write_sp_pr(self, self->chartarea_line, self->chartarea_fill, self->chartarea_pattern); /* Write the c:printSettings element. */ _chart_write_print_settings(self); lxw_xml_end_tag(self->file, "c:chartSpace"); } /***************************************************************************** * * Public functions. * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Add data to a data cache in a range object, for testing only. */ lxw_error lxw_chart_add_data_cache(lxw_series_range *range, uint8_t *data, uint16_t rows, uint8_t cols, uint8_t col) { struct lxw_series_data_point *data_point; uint16_t i; range->ignore_cache = LXW_TRUE; range->num_data_points = rows; /* Initialize the series range data cache. */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { data_point = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_series_data_point)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(data_point, LXW_ERROR_MEMORY_MALLOC_FAILED); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(range->data_cache, data_point, list_pointers); data_point->number = data[i * cols + col]; } return LXW_NO_ERROR; } /* * Insert an image into the worksheet. */ lxw_chart_series * chart_add_series(lxw_chart *self, const char *categories, const char *values) { lxw_chart_series *series; /* Scatter charts require categories and values. */ if (self->chart_group == LXW_CHART_SCATTER && values && !categories) { LXW_WARN("chart_add_series(): scatter charts must have " "'categories' and 'values'"); return NULL; } /* Create a new object to hold the series. */ series = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_chart_series)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(series, mem_error); series->categories = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_range)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(series->categories, mem_error); series->values = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_range)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(series->values, mem_error); series->title.range = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_range)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(series->title.range, mem_error); series->x_error_bars = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_error_bars)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(series->x_error_bars, mem_error); series->y_error_bars = calloc(1, sizeof(lxw_series_error_bars)); GOTO_LABEL_ON_MEM_ERROR(series->y_error_bars, mem_error); if (categories) { if (categories[0] == '=') series->categories->formula = lxw_strdup(categories + 1); else series->categories->formula = lxw_strdup(categories); } if (values) { if (values[0] == '=') series->values->formula = lxw_strdup(values + 1); else series->values->formula = lxw_strdup(values); } if (_chart_init_data_cache(series->categories) != LXW_NO_ERROR) goto mem_error; if (_chart_init_data_cache(series->values) != LXW_NO_ERROR) goto mem_error; if (_chart_init_data_cache(series->title.range) != LXW_NO_ERROR) goto mem_error; if (self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH) series->smooth = LXW_TRUE; if (self->type == LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH_WITH_MARKERS) series->smooth = LXW_TRUE; series->y_error_bars->chart_group = self->chart_group; series->x_error_bars->chart_group = self->chart_group; series->x_error_bars->is_x = LXW_TRUE; series->default_label_position = self->default_label_position; STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(self->series_list, series, list_pointers); return series; mem_error: _chart_series_free(series); return NULL; } /* * Set on of the 48 built-in Excel chart styles. */ void chart_set_style(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t style_id) { /* The default style is 2. The range is 1 - 48 */ if (style_id < 1 || style_id > 48) style_id = 2; self->style_id = style_id; } /* * Set a user defined name for a series. */ void chart_series_set_name(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *name) { if (!name) return; if (name[0] == '=') series->title.range->formula = lxw_strdup(name + 1); else series->title.name = lxw_strdup(name); } /* * Set an axis caption, with a range instead or a formula.. */ void chart_series_set_name_range(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *sheetname, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col) { if (!sheetname) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_name_range(): " "sheetname must be specified"); return; } /* Start and end row, col are the same for single cell range. */ _chart_set_range(series->title.range, sheetname, row, col, row, col); } /* * Set the categories range for a series. */ void chart_series_set_categories(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *sheetname, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col) { if (!sheetname) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_categories(): " "sheetname must be specified"); return; } _chart_set_range(series->categories, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col); } /* * Set the values range for a series. */ void chart_series_set_values(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *sheetname, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col) { if (!sheetname) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_values(): sheetname must be specified"); return; } _chart_set_range(series->values, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col); } /* * Set a line type for a series. */ void chart_series_set_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->line); series->line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set a fill type for a series. */ void chart_series_set_fill(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (!fill) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->fill); series->fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(fill); } /* * Invert the colors of a fill for a series. */ void chart_series_set_invert_if_negative(lxw_chart_series *series) { series->invert_if_negative = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set a pattern type for a series. */ void chart_series_set_pattern(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { if (!pattern) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->pattern); series->pattern = _chart_convert_pattern_args(pattern); } /* * Set a marker type for a series. */ void chart_series_set_marker_type(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t type) { if (!series->marker) { lxw_chart_marker *marker = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_marker)); RETURN_VOID_ON_MEM_ERROR(marker); series->marker = marker; } series->marker->type = type; } /* * Set a marker size for a series. */ void chart_series_set_marker_size(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t size) { if (!series->marker) { lxw_chart_marker *marker = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_marker)); RETURN_VOID_ON_MEM_ERROR(marker); series->marker = marker; } series->marker->size = size; } /* * Set a line type for a series marker. */ void chart_series_set_marker_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; if (!series->marker) { lxw_chart_marker *marker = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_marker)); RETURN_VOID_ON_MEM_ERROR(marker); series->marker = marker; } /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->marker->line); series->marker->line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set a fill type for a series marker. */ void chart_series_set_marker_fill(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (!fill) return; if (!series->marker) { lxw_chart_marker *marker = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_marker)); RETURN_VOID_ON_MEM_ERROR(marker); series->marker = marker; } /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->marker->fill); series->marker->fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(fill); } /* * Set a pattern type for a series. */ void chart_series_set_marker_pattern(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { if (!pattern) return; if (!series->marker) { lxw_chart_marker *marker = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lxw_chart_marker)); RETURN_VOID_ON_MEM_ERROR(marker); series->marker = marker; } /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->marker->pattern); series->marker->pattern = _chart_convert_pattern_args(pattern); } /* * Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet. */ lxw_error chart_series_set_points(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_point *points[]) { uint16_t i = 0; uint16_t point_count = 0; if (points == NULL) return LXW_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER_IGNORED; while (points[point_count]) point_count++; if (point_count == 0) return LXW_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER_IGNORED; /* Free any existing resource. */ _chart_free_points(series); series->points = calloc(point_count, sizeof(lxw_chart_point)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(series->points, LXW_ERROR_MEMORY_MALLOC_FAILED); for (i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { lxw_chart_point *src_point = points[i]; lxw_chart_point *dst_point = &series->points[i]; dst_point->line = _chart_convert_line_args(src_point->line); dst_point->fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(src_point->fill); dst_point->pattern = _chart_convert_pattern_args(src_point->pattern); } series->point_count = point_count; return LXW_NO_ERROR; } /* * Set the smooth property for a line or scatter series. */ void chart_series_set_smooth(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t smooth) { series->smooth = smooth; } /* * Turn on default data labels for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels(lxw_chart_series *series) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->show_labels_value = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the data labels options for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels_options(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t show_name, uint8_t show_category, uint8_t show_value) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->show_labels_name = show_name; series->show_labels_category = show_category; series->show_labels_value = show_value; } /* * Set the data labels separator for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels_separator(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t separator) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->label_separator = separator; } /* * Set the data labels position for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels_position(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t position) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->show_labels_value = LXW_TRUE; if (position != series->default_label_position) series->label_position = position; } /* * Set the data labels position for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels_leader_line(lxw_chart_series *series) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->show_labels_leader = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Turn on the data labels legend for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels_legend(lxw_chart_series *series) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->show_labels_legend = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Turn on the data labels percentage for a series. */ void chart_series_set_labels_percentage(lxw_chart_series *series) { series->has_labels = LXW_TRUE; series->show_labels_percent = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set an data labels number format. */ void chart_series_set_labels_num_format(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *num_format) { if (!num_format) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->label_num_format); series->label_num_format = lxw_strdup(num_format); } /* * Set an data labels font. */ void chart_series_set_labels_font(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_font *font) { if (!font) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ _chart_free_font(series->label_font); series->label_font = _chart_convert_font_args(font); } /* * Set the trendline for a chart series. */ void chart_series_set_trendline(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t type, uint8_t value) { if (type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_POLY || type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_AVERAGE) { if (value < 2) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline(): order/period value must " "be >= 2 for Polynomial and Moving Average types"); return; } series->trendline_value_type = type; } series->has_trendline = LXW_TRUE; series->trendline_type = type; series->trendline_value = value; } /* * Set the trendline forecast for a chart series. */ void chart_series_set_trendline_forecast(lxw_chart_series *series, double forward, double backward) { if (!series->has_trendline) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_forecast(): trendline type " "must be set first using chart_series_set_trendline()"); return; } if (series->trendline_type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_AVERAGE) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline(): forecast isn't available " "in Excel for a Moving Average trendline"); return; } series->has_trendline_forecast = LXW_TRUE; series->trendline_forward = forward; series->trendline_backward = backward; } /* * Display the equation for a series trendline. */ void chart_series_set_trendline_equation(lxw_chart_series *series) { if (!series->has_trendline) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_equation(): trendline type " "must be set first using chart_series_set_trendline()"); return; } if (series->trendline_type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_AVERAGE) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_equation(): equation isn't " "available in Excel for a Moving Average trendline"); return; } series->has_trendline_equation = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Display the R squared value for a series trendline. */ void chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared(lxw_chart_series *series) { if (!series->has_trendline) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared(): trendline type " "must be set first using chart_series_set_trendline()"); return; } if (series->trendline_type == LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_AVERAGE) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared(): R squared isn't " "available in Excel for a Moving Average trendline"); return; } series->has_trendline_r_squared = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the trendline intercept for a chart series. */ void chart_series_set_trendline_intercept(lxw_chart_series *series, double intercept) { if (!series->has_trendline) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_intercept(): trendline type " "must be set first using chart_series_set_trendline()"); return; } if (series->trendline_type != LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_EXP && series->trendline_type != LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_LINEAR && series->trendline_type != LXW_CHART_TRENDLINE_TYPE_POLY) { LXW_WARN("chart_series_set_trendline_intercept(): intercept is only " "available in Excel for Exponential, Linear and Polynomial " "trendline types"); return; } series->has_trendline_intercept = LXW_TRUE; series->trendline_intercept = intercept; } /* * Set a line type for a series trendline. */ void chart_series_set_trendline_name(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *name) { if (!name) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->trendline_name); series->trendline_name = lxw_strdup(name); } /* * Set a line type for a series trendline. */ void chart_series_set_trendline_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(series->trendline_line); series->trendline_line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set the X or Y error bars from a chart series. */ lxw_series_error_bars * chart_series_get_error_bars(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_error_bar_axis axis_type) { if (!series) return NULL; if (axis_type == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_AXIS_X) return series->x_error_bars; else if (axis_type == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_AXIS_Y) return series->y_error_bars; else return NULL; } /* * Set the error bars and type for a chart series. */ void chart_series_set_error_bars(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, uint8_t type, double value) { if (_chart_check_error_bars(error_bars, "")) return; error_bars->type = type; error_bars->value = value; error_bars->has_value = LXW_TRUE; error_bars->is_set = LXW_TRUE; if (type == LXW_CHART_ERROR_BAR_TYPE_STD_ERROR) error_bars->has_value = LXW_FALSE; } /* * Set the error bars direction for a chart series. */ void chart_series_set_error_bars_direction(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, uint8_t direction) { if (_chart_check_error_bars(error_bars, "_direction")) return; error_bars->direction = direction; } /* * Set the error bars end cap type for a chart series. */ void chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, uint8_t endcap) { if (_chart_check_error_bars(error_bars, "_endcap")) return; error_bars->endcap = endcap; } /* * Set a line type for a series error bars. */ void chart_series_set_error_bars_line(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (_chart_check_error_bars(error_bars, "_line")) return; if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(error_bars->line); error_bars->line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Get an axis pointer from a chart. */ lxw_chart_axis * chart_axis_get(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_axis_type axis_type) { if (!self) return NULL; if (axis_type == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TYPE_X) return self->x_axis; else if (axis_type == LXW_CHART_AXIS_TYPE_Y) return self->y_axis; else return NULL; } /* * Set an axis caption. */ void chart_axis_set_name(lxw_chart_axis *axis, const char *name) { if (!name) return; if (name[0] == '=') axis->title.range->formula = lxw_strdup(name + 1); else axis->title.name = lxw_strdup(name); } /* * Set an axis caption, with a range instead or a formula. */ void chart_axis_set_name_range(lxw_chart_axis *axis, const char *sheetname, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col) { if (!sheetname) { LXW_WARN("chart_axis_set_name_range(): sheetname must be specified"); return; } /* Start and end row, col are the same for single cell range. */ _chart_set_range(axis->title.range, sheetname, row, col, row, col); } /* * Set an axis title/name font. */ void chart_axis_set_name_font(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_font *font) { if (!font) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ _chart_free_font(axis->title.font); axis->title.font = _chart_convert_font_args(font); } /* * Set an axis number font. */ void chart_axis_set_num_font(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_font *font) { if (!font) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ _chart_free_font(axis->num_font); axis->num_font = _chart_convert_font_args(font); } /* * Set an axis number format. */ void chart_axis_set_num_format(lxw_chart_axis *axis, const char *num_format) { if (!num_format) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->num_format); axis->num_format = lxw_strdup(num_format); } /* * Set a line type for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_line(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->line); axis->line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set a fill type for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_fill(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (!fill) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->fill); axis->fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(fill); } /* * Set a pattern type for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_pattern(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { if (!pattern) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->pattern); axis->pattern = _chart_convert_pattern_args(pattern); } /* * Reverse the direction of an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_reverse(lxw_chart_axis *axis) { axis->reverse = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the axis crossing position. */ void chart_axis_set_crossing(lxw_chart_axis *axis, double value) { axis->has_crossing = LXW_TRUE; axis->crossing = value; } /* * Set the axis crossing position as the max possible value. */ void chart_axis_set_crossing_max(lxw_chart_axis *axis) { axis->has_crossing = LXW_TRUE; axis->crossing_max = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Turn off/hide the axis. */ void chart_axis_off(lxw_chart_axis *axis) { axis->hidden = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the category axis position. */ void chart_axis_set_position(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t position) { LXW_WARN_CAT_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_position"); axis->position_axis = position; } /* * Set the axis label position. */ void chart_axis_set_label_position(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t position) { axis->label_position = position; } /* * Set the minimum value for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_min(lxw_chart_axis *axis, double min) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_min"); axis->min = min; axis->has_min = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the maximum value for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_max(lxw_chart_axis *axis, double max) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_max"); axis->max = max; axis->has_max = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the log base for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_log_base(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint16_t log_base) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_log_base"); /* Excel log range is 2-1000. */ if (log_base >= 2 && log_base <= 1000) axis->log_base = log_base; } /* * Set the major mark for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_major_tick_mark(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t type) { axis->major_tick_mark = type; } /* * Set the minor mark for an axis. */ void chart_axis_set_minor_tick_mark(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t type) { axis->minor_tick_mark = type; } /* * Set interval unit for a category axis. */ void chart_axis_set_interval_unit(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint16_t unit) { LXW_WARN_CAT_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_major_unit"); axis->interval_unit = unit; } /* * Set tick interval for a category axis. */ void chart_axis_set_interval_tick(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint16_t unit) { LXW_WARN_CAT_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_major_tick"); axis->interval_tick = unit; } /* * Set major unit for a value axis. */ void chart_axis_set_major_unit(lxw_chart_axis *axis, double unit) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_major_unit"); axis->has_major_unit = LXW_TRUE; axis->major_unit = unit; } /* * Set minor unit for a value axis. */ void chart_axis_set_minor_unit(lxw_chart_axis *axis, double unit) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AND_DATE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_minor_unit"); axis->has_minor_unit = LXW_TRUE; axis->minor_unit = unit; } /* * Set the display units for a value axis. */ void chart_axis_set_display_units(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t units) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_display_units"); axis->display_units = units; axis->display_units_visible = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Turn on/off the display units for a value axis. */ void chart_axis_set_display_units_visible(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t visible) { LXW_WARN_VALUE_AXIS_ONLY("chart_axis_set_display_units"); axis->display_units_visible = visible; } /* * Set the axis major gridlines on/off. */ void chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_visible(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t visible) { axis->major_gridlines.visible = visible; } /* * Set a line type for the major gridlines. */ void chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_line(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->major_gridlines.line); axis->major_gridlines.line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); /* If the gridline has a format it should also be visible. */ if (axis->major_gridlines.line) axis->major_gridlines.visible = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the axis minor gridlines on/off. */ void chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_visible(lxw_chart_axis *axis, uint8_t visible) { axis->minor_gridlines.visible = visible; } /* * Set a line type for the minor gridlines. */ void chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_line(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(axis->minor_gridlines.line); axis->minor_gridlines.line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); /* If the gridline has a format it should also be visible. */ if (axis->minor_gridlines.line) axis->minor_gridlines.visible = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the chart title. */ void chart_title_set_name(lxw_chart *self, const char *name) { if (!name) return; if (name[0] == '=') self->title.range->formula = lxw_strdup(name + 1); else self->title.name = lxw_strdup(name); } /* * Set the chart title, with a range instead or a formula. */ void chart_title_set_name_range(lxw_chart *self, const char *sheetname, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col) { if (!sheetname) { LXW_WARN("chart_title_set_name_range(): sheetname must be specified"); return; } /* Start and end row, col are the same for single cell range. */ _chart_set_range(self->title.range, sheetname, row, col, row, col); } /* * Set the chart title font. */ void chart_title_set_name_font(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ _chart_free_font(self->title.font); self->title.font = _chart_convert_font_args(font); } /* * Turn off the chart title. */ void chart_title_off(lxw_chart *self) { self->title.off = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the chart legend position. */ void chart_legend_set_position(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t position) { self->legend.position = position; } /* * Set the legend font. */ void chart_legend_set_font(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ _chart_free_font(self->legend.font); self->legend.font = _chart_convert_font_args(font); } /* * Remove one or more series from the the legend. */ lxw_error chart_legend_delete_series(lxw_chart *self, int16_t delete_series[]) { uint16_t count = 0; if (delete_series == NULL) return LXW_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER_IGNORED; while (delete_series[count] >= 0) count++; if (count == 0) return LXW_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER_IGNORED; /* The maximum number of series in a chart is 255. */ if (count > 255) count = 255; self->delete_series = calloc(count, sizeof(int16_t)); RETURN_ON_MEM_ERROR(self->delete_series, LXW_ERROR_MEMORY_MALLOC_FAILED); memcpy(self->delete_series, delete_series, count * sizeof(int16_t)); self->delete_series_count = count; return LXW_NO_ERROR; } /* * Set a line type for the chartarea. */ void chart_chartarea_set_line(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->chartarea_line); self->chartarea_line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set a fill type for the chartarea. */ void chart_chartarea_set_fill(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (!fill) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->chartarea_fill); self->chartarea_fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(fill); } /* * Set a pattern type for the chartarea. */ void chart_chartarea_set_pattern(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { if (!pattern) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->chartarea_pattern); self->chartarea_pattern = _chart_convert_pattern_args(pattern); } /* * Set a line type for the plotarea. */ void chart_plotarea_set_line(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line) { if (!line) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->plotarea_line); self->plotarea_line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set a fill type for the plotarea. */ void chart_plotarea_set_fill(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_fill *fill) { if (!fill) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->plotarea_fill); self->plotarea_fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(fill); } /* * Set a pattern type for the plotarea. */ void chart_plotarea_set_pattern(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern) { if (!pattern) return; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->plotarea_pattern); self->plotarea_pattern = _chart_convert_pattern_args(pattern); } /* * Turn on the chart data table. */ void chart_set_table(lxw_chart *self) { self->has_table = LXW_TRUE; self->has_table_horizontal = LXW_TRUE; self->has_table_vertical = LXW_TRUE; self->has_table_outline = LXW_TRUE; self->has_table_legend_keys = LXW_FALSE; } /* * Set the options for the chart data table grid. */ void chart_set_table_grid(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t horizontal, uint8_t vertical, uint8_t outline, uint8_t legend_keys) { self->has_table = LXW_TRUE; self->has_table_horizontal = horizontal; self->has_table_vertical = vertical; self->has_table_outline = outline; self->has_table_legend_keys = legend_keys; } /* * Set the font for the chart data table grid. */ void chart_set_table_font(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_font *font) { self->has_table = LXW_TRUE; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ _chart_free_font(self->table_font); self->table_font = _chart_convert_font_args(font); } /* * Turn on up-down bars for the chart. */ void chart_set_up_down_bars(lxw_chart *self) { self->has_up_down_bars = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Turn on up-down bars for the chart, with formatting. */ void chart_set_up_down_bars_format(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *up_bar_line, lxw_chart_fill *up_bar_fill, lxw_chart_line *down_bar_line, lxw_chart_fill *down_bar_fill) { self->has_up_down_bars = LXW_TRUE; /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->up_bar_line); free(self->up_bar_fill); free(self->down_bar_line); free(self->down_bar_fill); self->up_bar_line = _chart_convert_line_args(up_bar_line); self->up_bar_fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(up_bar_fill); self->down_bar_line = _chart_convert_line_args(down_bar_line); self->down_bar_fill = _chart_convert_fill_args(down_bar_fill); } /* * Turn on drop lines for the chart. */ void chart_set_drop_lines(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line) { /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->drop_lines_line); self->has_drop_lines = LXW_TRUE; self->drop_lines_line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Turn on high_low lines for the chart. */ void chart_set_high_low_lines(lxw_chart *self, lxw_chart_line *line) { /* Free any previously allocated resource. */ free(self->high_low_lines_line); self->has_high_low_lines = LXW_TRUE; self->high_low_lines_line = _chart_convert_line_args(line); } /* * Set the Bar/Column overlap for all data series. */ void chart_set_series_overlap(lxw_chart *self, int8_t overlap) { if (overlap >= -100 && overlap <= 100) self->overlap_y1 = overlap; else LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_set_series_overlap(): Chart series overlap " "'%d' outside Excel range: -100 <= overlap <= 100", overlap); } /* * Set the option for displaying blank data in a chart. */ void chart_show_blanks_as(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t option) { self->show_blanks_as = option; } /* * Display data on charts from hidden rows or columns. */ void chart_show_hidden_data(lxw_chart *self) { self->show_hidden_data = LXW_TRUE; } /* * Set the Bar/Column gap for all data series. */ void chart_set_series_gap(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t gap) { if (gap <= 500) self->gap_y1 = gap; else LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_set_series_gap(): Chart series gap '%d' " "outside Excel range: 0 <= gap <= 500", gap); } /* * Set the Pie/Doughnut chart rotation: the angle of the first slice. */ void chart_set_rotation(lxw_chart *self, uint16_t rotation) { if (rotation <= 360) self->rotation = rotation; else LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_set_rotation(): Chart rotation '%d' outside " "Excel range: 0 <= rotation <= 360", rotation); } /* * Set the Doughnut chart hole size. */ void chart_set_hole_size(lxw_chart *self, uint8_t size) { if (size >= 10 && size <= 90) self->hole_size = size; else LXW_WARN_FORMAT1("chart_set_hole_size(): Hole size '%d' outside " "Excel range: 10 <= size <= 90", size); }