require 'git/browse/remote/git' require 'pathname' require 'uri' module Git::Browse::Remote class Path < Array def to_s join('/') end end class Filepath < Pathname def to_s end end class Core attr_accessor :lines, :file MAPPING_RECIPES = { :github => { :top => 'https://{host}/{path}', :ref => 'https://{host}/{path}/tree/{short_ref}', :rev => 'https://{host}/{path}/commit/{commit}', :pr => 'https://{host}/{path}/pull/{short_ref}', :file => 'https://{host}/{path}/{ and :tree or :blob}/{short_rev}/{file}{lines && "#L%s" % lines.join("-")}', }, :gitweb => { :top => 'http://{host}/?p={path[-2..-1]}.git', :ref => 'http://{host}/?p={path[-2..-1]}.git;h={ref}', :rev => 'http://{host}/?p={path[-2..-1]}.git;a=commit;h={ref}', # XXX # I don't know file url of gitweb... } } def template_type if @file :file else mode end end def init!(host, name) mapping = MAPPING_RECIPES[name] or abort "Recipe '#{name}' not found" mapping.each do |mode,template| system %Q(git config --global browse-remote.#{host}.#{mode} '#{template}') end end def url if target && !@file && File.exists?(target), @file = nil, target end if @file && File.exists?(@file) @file = end if target if Git.is_valid_rev? target @ref = Git.full_name_of_rev(target) elsif Git.is_valid_remote? target @remote, @ref = target, 'master' else abort "Not a valid ref or remote: #{target}" end else @ref = Git.symbolic_name_of_head end if @ref == 'HEAD' @ref = nil end remote_url = `git config remote.#{remote}.url`[/.+/] or abort "Could not get remote url: #{remote}" unless %r(^\w+://) === remote_url # SCP-like URLs of form "[user@]host.xz:path/to/repo.git" # will be converted to "ssh://[user@]host.xz/path/to/repo.git" remote_url = 'ssh://' + remote_url.sub(/:/, '/') end # Normal URLs u = URI(remote_url) host = port = u.port host_port = if port == u.default_port then host else "#{host}:#{port}" end path = u.path.sub(%r(^/), '').split('/') path.last.sub!(/\.git$/, '') path = template = `git config --get browse-remote.#{host}.#{template_type}`[/.+/] if not template and host == '' template = MAPPING_RECIPES[:github][template_type.to_sym] or abort "No '#{template_type}' mapping found for #{host} (maybe `git browse-remote --init` required)" end url = template.gsub(/\{(.+?)\}/) { |m| eval($1) } end def remote=(remote) @remote = remote end def remote return @remote if @remote if ref if ref.match(%r<^(?:refs/)?remotes/([^/]+)/>) @remote = $1 end end @remote ||= 'origin' end def mode=(mode) @mode = mode end def mode return @mode if @mode if ref if ref.match(%r<^((?:refs/)?(?:heads|remotes/[^/]+)/)?master$>) @mode = :top elsif ref.match(%r<^(?:refs/)?(?:heads|tags|remotes)/>) @mode = :ref end end @mode || :rev end def _commit(short = false) if short Git.parse_rev_short(target || 'HEAD') else Git.parse_rev(target || 'HEAD') end end def commit _commit end def short_commit _commit(true) end def _rev(short = false) if mode == :rev _commit(short) else _ref(short) || _commit(short) end end def rev _rev end def short_rev _rev(true) end def _ref(short = false) if short @ref.sub(%r(^refs/), ''). sub(%r(^heads/), ''). sub(%r(^tags/), ''). sub(%r(^remotes/([^/]+)/), '') else @ref end end def ref _ref end def short_ref _ref(true) end def line lines and lines.first end def target=(target) @target = target end def target return @target if @target @target ||= Git.resolved_head end end end