# substation [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/substation.png)][gem] [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/snusnu/substation.png?branch=master)][travis] [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/snusnu/substation.png)][gemnasium] [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/snusnu/substation.png)][codeclimate] [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/snusnu/substation/badge.png?branch=master)][coveralls] [gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/substation [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/snusnu/substation [gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/snusnu/substation [codeclimate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/snusnu/substation [coveralls]: https://coveralls.io/r/snusnu/substation `substation` can be thought of as a domain level request router. It assumes that every usecase in your application has a name and is implemented in a dedicated class that will be referred to as an *action* for the purposes of this document. The only protocol such actions must support is `#call(request)`. The contract for actions specifies that when invoked, actions can receive arbitrary input data which will be available in `request.input`. Additionally, `request.env` contains an arbitrary object that represents your application environment and will typically provide access to useful things like a logger or a storage engine abstraction. The contract further specifies that every action must return an instance of either `Substation::Response::Success` or `Substation::Response::Failure`. Again, arbitrary data can be associated with any kind of response, and will be available in `response.data`. In addition to that, `response.success?` is available and will indicate wether invoking the action was successful or not. `Substation::Dispatcher` stores a mapping of action names to the actual objects implementing the action, as well as the application environment. Clients can use `Substation::Dispatcher#call(name, input)` to dispatch to any registered action. For example, a web application could map an http route to a specific action name and pass relevant http params on to the action. ## Actions Here's an example of a valid action. ```ruby module App class SomeUseCase # Perform the usecase # # @param [Substation::Request] request # the request passed to the registered action # # @return [Substation::Response] # the response returned when calling the action # # @api private def self.call(request) data = perform_work if data request.success(data) else request.error("Something went wrong") end end end end ``` It is up to you how to implement the action. Another way of writing an action could involve providing an application specific baseclass for all your actions, which provides access to methods you frequently use within any specific action. ```ruby module App # Base class for all actions # # @abstract class Action # Perform the usecase # # @param [Substation::Request] request # the request passed to the registered action # # @return [Substation::Response] # the response returned when calling the action # # @api private def self.call(request) new(request).call end def initialize(request) @request = request @env = @request.env end def call raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}##{__method__} must be implemented" end private def success(data) @request.success(data) end def error(data) @request.error(data) end end class SomeUseCase < Action def call data = perform_work if data success(data) else error("Something went wrong") end end end end ``` ## Observers Sometimes, additional code needs to run wether your action was successful or not. Observers provide you with a place for that code. Again, the contract for observers is very simple: all they need to implement is `call(response)` and `substation` will make sure that the `response` param will be the response returned from invoking your action. It is therefore possible to dispatch to different observers based on wether the action was successful or not by utilizing `response.success?`. By accepting a `response` object, observers also have access to the original `input` and `env` the action was invoked with, as well as the `output` that the action produced. These objects are made available via `response.input`, `response.env` and `response.output`. Here's an example of a simple observer: ```ruby module App class SomeUseCaseObserver def self.call(response) # your code here end end end ``` A more involved observer could dispatch based on the success of the invoked action: ```ruby module App class SomeUseCaseObserver def self.call(response) klass = response.success? ? Success : Failure klass.new(response).call end def initialize(response) @response = response end class Success < self def call # your code here end end class Failure < self def call # your code here end end end end ``` ## Configuration Since an application will most likely involve more than one usecase, we need a way to inform `substation` about all the usecases it should handle. For this purpose, we can instantiate a `Substation::Dispatcher` and hand it a configuration hash that describes the various actions by giving them a name, a class that's responsible for implementing the actual usecase, and a list of `0..n` observers that should be invoked depending on the action response. In addition to that, we must pass an instance of the application's environment. More about application environments can be found in the next paragraph. An example configuration for an action without any observers: ```ruby dispatcher = Substation::Dispatcher.coerce({ 'some_use_case' => { 'action' => 'App::SomeUseCase' } }, env) ``` An example configuration for an action with one observer: ```ruby dispatcher = Substation::Dispatcher.coerce({ 'some_use_case' => { 'action' => 'App::SomeUseCase', 'observer' => 'App::SomeUseCaseObserver' } }, env) ``` An example configuration for an action with multiple observers: ```ruby dispatcher = Substation::Dispatcher.coerce({ 'some_use_case' => { 'action' => 'App::SomeUseCase', 'observer' => [ 'App::SomeUseCaseObserver', 'App::AnotherObserver' ] } }, env) ``` The above configuration examples are tailored towards being read from a (yaml) config file and therefore accept strings as keys and values. It's also possible to use symbols as keys and values. Values correspond to action or observer "handlers" and can also be given as either constants or procs. In any case, handlers must respond to `call(object)`. An example configuration using symbol keys and constants for handlers: ```ruby dispatcher = Substation::Dispatcher.coerce({ :some_use_case => { :action => App::SomeUseCase, :observer => App::SomeUseCaseObserver } }, env) ``` An example configuration using symbol keys and procs for handlers: ```ruby dispatcher = Substation::Dispatcher.coerce({ :some_use_case => { :action => Proc.new { |request| request.success(:foo) }, :observer => Proc.new { |response| do_something } } }, env) ``` ## Application environments In order to provide your actions with objects typically needed during the course of performing a usecase (like a logger or a storage engine abstraction), you can encapsulate these objects within an application specific environment object, and send that along to every action. Here's a simple example with an environment that encapsulates a logger and an artificial storage abstraction object. The example builds on top of the application specific action baseclass shown above: ```ruby module App class Environment attr_reader :storage attr_reader :logger def initialize(storage, logger) @storage, @logger = storage, logger end end class Action # ... # code from above example # ... def db @env.storage end end class SomeUseCase < Action def initialize(request) super @person = request.input end def call if person = db.save_person(@person) success(person) else error("Something went wrong") end end end end storage = App::Storage.new # some storage abstraction env = App::Environment.new(storage, Logger.new($stdout)) dispatcher = Substation::Dispatcher.coerce({ 'some_use_case' => { 'action' => 'App::SomeUseCase' } }, env) # :some_input is no person, db.save_person will fail response = dispatcher.call(:some_use_case, :some_input) response.success? # => false ```