# frozen_string_literal: true module Bridgetown module Commands class Serve < Thor::Group extend BuildOptions extend Summarizable include ConfigurationOverridable Registrations.register do register(Serve, "serve", "serve", Serve.summary) end class_option :host, aliases: "-H", desc: "Host to bind to" class_option :port, aliases: "-P", desc: "Port to listen on" class_option :detach, aliases: "-B", type: :boolean, desc: "Run the server in the background" class_option :ssl_cert, desc: "X.509 (SSL) certificate." class_option :ssl_key, desc: "X.509 (SSL) Private Key." class_option :show_dir_listing, type: :boolean, desc: "Show a directory listing instead of loading your index file." class_option :skip_initial_build, type: :boolean, desc: "Skips the initial site build which occurs before the server is started." class_option :watch, type: :boolean, aliases: "-w", default: true, desc: "Watch for changes and rebuild" def self.banner "bridgetown serve [options]" end summary "DEPRECATED (Serve your site locally using WEBrick)" DIRECTORY_INDEX = %w( index.htm index.html index.rhtml index.xht index.xhtml index.cgi index.xml index.json ).freeze def serve Bridgetown::Deprecator.deprecation_message "The serve command will be " \ "removed in favor of using Puma in the next major release of Bridgetown" @mutex = Mutex.new @run_cond = ConditionVariable.new @running = false no_watch = options["watch"] == false options = Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(self.options) options["serving"] = true options["watch"] = true unless no_watch config = Bridgetown::Current.preloaded_configuration || configuration_with_overrides(options) if Bridgetown.environment == "development" default_url(config).tap do |url| options["url"] = url config.url = url end end invoke(Build, [], options) start_server end protected def start_server destination = Bridgetown::Current.preloaded_configuration.destination setup(destination) start_up_webrick(destination) end def setup(destination) require_relative "serve/servlet" FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination) if File.exist?(File.join(destination, "404.html")) WEBrick::HTTPResponse.class_eval do def create_error_page @header["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" @body = IO.read(File.join(@config[:DocumentRoot], "404.html")) end end end end def webrick_opts(opts) opts = { BridgetownOptions: opts, DoNotReverseLookup: true, MimeTypes: mime_types, DocumentRoot: opts["destination"], StartCallback: start_callback(opts["detach"]), StopCallback: stop_callback(opts["detach"]), BindAddress: opts["host"], Port: opts["port"], DirectoryIndex: DIRECTORY_INDEX, } opts[:DirectoryIndex] = [] if opts[:BridgetownOptions]["show_dir_listing"] enable_ssl(opts) enable_logging(opts) opts end def start_up_webrick(destination) opts = Bridgetown::Current.preloaded_configuration @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(webrick_opts(opts)).tap { |o| o.unmount("") } @server.mount(opts["base_path"].to_s, Servlet, destination, file_handler_opts) Bridgetown.logger.info "Server address:", server_address(@server, opts) launch_browser @server, opts if opts["open_url"] boot_or_detach @server, opts end def shutdown @server.shutdown if running? end def default_url(config) format_url( config["ssl_cert"] && config["ssl_key"], config["host"] == "" ? "localhost" : config["host"], config["port"] ) end def format_url(ssl_enabled, address, port, baseurl = nil) format("%s://%
s:%i%s", prefix: ssl_enabled ? "https" : "http", address: address, port: port, baseurl: baseurl ? "#{baseurl}/" : "") end # Recreate NondisclosureName under utf-8 circumstance def file_handler_opts WEBrick::Config::FileHandler.merge( FancyIndexing: true, NondisclosureName: [ ".ht*", "~*", ] ) end def server_address(server, options = {}) format_url( server.config[:SSLEnable], server.config[:BindAddress], server.config[:Port], options["baseurl"] ) end # Keep in our area with a thread or detach the server as requested # by the user. This method determines what we do based on what you # ask us to do. def boot_or_detach(server, opts) if opts["detach"] pid = Process.fork do server.start end Process.detach(pid) Bridgetown.logger.info "Server detached with pid '#{pid}'.", \ "Run `pkill -f bridgetown' or `kill -9 #{pid}'" \ " to stop the server." else t = Thread.new { server.start } trap("INT") { server.shutdown } t.join end end # Make the stack verbose if the user requests it. def enable_logging(opts) opts[:AccessLog] = [] level = WEBrick::Log.const_get(opts[:BridgetownOptions]["verbose"] ? :DEBUG : :WARN) opts[:Logger] = WEBrick::Log.new($stdout, level) end # Add SSL to the stack if the user triggers --enable-ssl and they # provide both types of certificates commonly needed. Raise if they # forget to add one of the certificates. def enable_ssl(opts) cert, key, src = opts[:BridgetownOptions].values_at("ssl_cert", "ssl_key", "source") return if cert.nil? && key.nil? raise "Missing --ssl_cert or --ssl_key. Both are required." unless cert && key require "openssl" require "webrick/https" opts[:SSLCertificate] = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(read_file(src, cert)) begin opts[:SSLPrivateKey] = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(read_file(src, key)) rescue StandardError if defined?(OpenSSL::PKey::EC) opts[:SSLPrivateKey] = OpenSSL::PKey::EC.new(read_file(src, key)) else raise end end opts[:SSLEnable] = true end def start_callback(detached) unless detached proc do @mutex.synchronize do @running = true Bridgetown.logger.info("Server running…", "press ctrl-c to stop.") @run_cond.broadcast end end end end def stop_callback(detached) unless detached proc do @mutex.synchronize do @running = false @run_cond.broadcast end end end end def mime_types file = File.expand_path("../mime.types", __dir__) WEBrick::HTTPUtils.load_mime_types(file) end def read_file(source_dir, file_path) File.read(Bridgetown.sanitized_path(source_dir, file_path)) end end end end