module Skizmo module Generators class FormGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :name, :type => :string class_option :javascript, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Include javascript to add and remove associated attributes if there are has_many associations" class_option :helpers, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Update helpers to add link_to_add and link_to_remove methods if there are has_many associations, as well as a setup method for building objects required for nested attribute associations and for building selectable lists for select boxes" class_option :select_boxes, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Generates select box selections for belongs_to and has_many associations that are not accepted as nested_attributes" class_option :index_view, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :description => "Generate index view for the model" def generate_form unless nested_has_many_classes.empty? copy_file "javascript.js", "public/javascripts/jquery.add_remove_links.js" if options.javascript? copy_file "helper.rb", "app/helpers/add_remove_links_helper.rb" if options.helpers? end unless nested_classes_with_attributes.empty? and non_nested_has_many_classes.empty? and non_nested_belongs_to_classes.empty? template "setup_helper.rb", "app/helpers/#{file_name}_setup_helper.rb" if options.helpers? end template "index.html.#{engine}", "app/views/#{file_name.pluralize}/index.html.#{engine}" if options.index_view? template "new.html.#{engine}", "app/views/#{file_name.pluralize}/new.html.#{engine}" template "edit.html.#{engine}", "app/views/#{file_name.pluralize}/edit.html.#{engine}" @have_attachment_string = have_attachments? ? ", :html => { :multipart => true }" : "" template "_form.html.#{engine}", "app/views/#{file_name.pluralize}/_form.html.#{engine}" nested_classes_with_attributes.each do |hash_with_kls_and_attrs| @kls = hash_with_kls_and_attrs[:kls] # class object @sym = hash_with_kls_and_attrs[:sym] # passed to the fields_for @attrs = hash_with_kls_and_attrs[:attrs] # attrs that are worthy for this association @assoc = hash_with_kls_and_attrs[:assoc] # so we know whether to use the add and remove links or not template "_nested_fields.html.#{engine}", "app/views/#{file_name.pluralize}/_#{@sym.to_s.singularize}_fields.html.#{engine}" end end # TODO multi-level nesting private def engine ::Rails.application.config.app_generators.rails[:template_engine].to_s rescue "erb" end def file_name cls_underscore end def cls cls_classname.constantize end def cls_classname name.classify.to_s end def cls_underscore name.to_s.underscore end # Base this on has_attached_file def attributes_worth_using_in_the_form(options={}) kls = options[:class] || cls rejects = ["created_at","updated_at","created_on","updated_on","id",/_id$/] # consolidate x_file_name, x_content_type and x_file_size to just x attachment_endings = ["_file_name", "_content_type", "_file_size", "_updated_at"] attachments = attachments_for(kls) || [] attachment_rejects ={|x|{|y| y.to_s + x.to_s}}.flatten.uniq attrs_for_form = kls.column_names.reject do |x| rejects.include?(x) || !{|y| y.is_a?(Regexp) and x =~ y}.empty? || attachment_rejects.include?(x) end attrs_for_form | attachments end # Base this on has_attached_file def attr_form_method(kls, attr) # consolidate x_file_name, x_content_type and x_file_size to just x and use file_field return :file_field if atts = attachments_for(kls) and atts.include?(attr) case kls.columns.find{|c| == attr}.try(:type) when :string, :integer, :float, :decimal, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date # using text fields for the date selectors b/c most people will use a js calendar return :text_field when :text return :text_area when :boolean return :check_box else return :text_field end end def attachments_for(kls) if kls.respond_to? :attachment_definitions and atts = kls.try(:attachment_definitions) return atts.keys else return nil end end def have_attachments? # check nested and object's own return true if attachments_for(cls.to_s.classify.constantize) (nested_has_many_classes | nested_belongs_to_classes).each do |kls| return true if attachments_for(kls.to_s.classify.constantize) end return false end def nested_attributes cls.nested_attributes_options.keys end def class_reflections cls.reflections end def has_many_classes has_many_through_associations ={|k,v| v.macro == :has_many and v.options.has_key?(:through)} # "select" behaves differenly for different versions of ruby, so sometimes it works and returns a hash, other times, you get an array has_many_through_associations = has_many_through_associations.to_a if has_many_through_associations.is_a?(Hash) through_assocs ={|x| x.last.options[:through]} # we don't care about the associations that primarily exist to assist the has_many :through has_many_associations ={|k,v| v.macro == :has_many and not v.options.has_key?(:through) and not through_assocs.include?(k)} # "select" behaves differenly for different versions of ruby, so sometimes it works and returns a hash, other times, you get an array has_many_associations = has_many_associations.to_a if has_many_associations.is_a?(Hash) # these are the keys of the reflections we care about (has_many_through_associations | has_many_associations).map(&:first) end # only get the classes that have "nested attributes" def nested_has_many_classes{|k| nested_attributes.include?(k)} end def non_nested_has_many_classes{|k| !nested_attributes.include?(k)} end def belongs_to_classes btcs ={|k,v| v.macro == :belongs_to} btcs = btcs.to_a if btcs.is_a?(Hash) end # only get the classes that have "nested attributes" def nested_belongs_to_classes{|k| nested_attributes.include?(k)} end def non_nested_belongs_to_classes{|k| !nested_attributes.include?(k)} end def nested_classes {:belongs_to => nested_belongs_to_classes, :has_many => nested_has_many_classes} end def nested_classes_with_attributes to_return = [] nested_classes.each do |assoc,ncs| ncs.each do |nc| kls = nc.to_s.classify.constantize attrs = attributes_worth_using_in_the_form(:class => kls) to_return << {:sym => nc, :kls => kls, :attrs => attrs, :assoc => assoc} end end to_return end end end end