require 'pg' require 'dotenv' require 'awesome_print' require 'singleton' begin require 'byebug' rescue LoadError end Dotenv.load('.env') class NandoMigrator include Singleton def initialize @migration_table = ENV['MIGRATION_TABLE_NAME'] || 'schema_migrations' @migration_field = ENV['MIGRATION_TABLE_FIELD'] || 'version' @migration_dir = ENV['MIGRATION_DIR'] || 'db/migrate' # accepts urls in the same format as dbmate => protocol://username:password@host:port/database_name match = /([a-zA-Z]+)\:\/\/(\w+)\:(\w+)\@([\w\.]+)\:(\d+)\/(\w+)/.match(ENV['DATABASE_URL']) raise'No .env file was found, or no valid DATABASE_URL variable was found in it') if match.nil? @db_protocol = match[1] @db_username = match[2] @db_password = match[3] @db_host = match[4] @db_port = match[5] @db_name = match[6] @working_dir = ENV['WORKING_DIR'] || '.' @schema_variable = ENV['SCHEMA_VARIABLE'] || '#{schema_name}' end attr_accessor :migration_table, :migration_field, :migration_dir, :working_dir, :schema_variable # -------------------------------------------------------- # creates a new migration for the tool def new_migration (options = {}, args = []) migration_name = args[0].underscore migration_type = options[:type] || # default type is migration with transaction migration_timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # same format as ActiveRecord: year-month-day-hour-minute-second final_migration_type = camelize_migration_type(migration_type) migration_file_name = "#{migration_timestamp}_#{migration_name}" migration_file_path = "#{@migration_dir}/#{migration_file_name}.rb" MigrationGenerator::create_migration_file(migration_file_path, migration_name, final_migration_type) end # migrates all missing migrations def migrate (options = {}) _debug 'Migrating!' migration_files = get_migration_files(@migration_dir) if migration_files.length == 0 raise"No migration files were found in '#{@migration_dir}'") end @db_connection = get_database_connection() create_schema_migrations_table_if_not_exists() applied_migrations = get_applied_migrations() for filename in migration_files do migration_version, migration_name = NandoUtils.get_migration_version_and_name_from_file_path(filename) if applied_migrations[migration_version] next end execute_migration_method(:up, filename, migration_name, migration_version) end end # applies specific migration def apply (options = {}, args = []) _debug 'Applying!' migration_version_to_apply = args[0].to_s migration_files = get_migration_files(@migration_dir) if migration_files.length == 0 raise"No migration files were found in '#{@migration_dir}'") end @db_connection = get_database_connection() create_schema_migrations_table_if_not_exists() applied_migrations = get_applied_migrations() migration_has_run = applied_migrations.include?(migration_version_to_apply) found_migration = false for filename in migration_files do migration_version, migration_name = NandoUtils.get_migration_version_and_name_from_file_path(filename) if migration_version.to_s != migration_version_to_apply.to_s next end found_migration = true execute_migration_method(:up, filename, migration_name, migration_version, migration_has_run) _debug 'There should only be 1 migration with each version, so we can break' break end if !found_migration _error "No migration file with version '#{migration_version_to_apply}' was found!" end end # rollbacks 1 migration (or more depending on argument) def rollback (options = {}) _debug 'Rollback!' rollback_count = 1 # TODO: temporary constant, add option in command interface @db_connection = get_database_connection() create_schema_migrations_table_if_not_exists() migrations_to_revert = get_migrations_to_revert(rollback_count) if migrations_to_revert.length == 0 raise"There are no migrations to revert") end migration_files = get_migration_files_to_rollback(@migration_dir, migrations_to_revert) if migration_files.length == 0 # TODO: this won't work as expected if we start accepting rollbacks of multiple files, since as long as 1 file is valid it will be rollbacked raise"Could not find any valid files in '#{@migration_dir}' that match the migrations to revert #{migrations_to_revert}") end for migration_index in 0...migration_files.length do filename = migration_files[migration_index] migration_version, migration_name = NandoUtils.get_migration_version_and_name_from_file_path(filename) execute_migration_method(:down, filename, migration_name, migration_version) end end # TODO: might add a migrate:down to distinguish from rollback, similarly to ActiveRecord # parses migrations from dbmate to nando def parse (options = {}, args = []) _debug 'Parsing!' NandoParser.parse_from_dbmate(args[0], args[1]) end def baseline () _debug 'Creating Baseline!' migration_name = "baseline".underscore migration_timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # same format as ActiveRecord: year-month-day-hour-minute-second migration_file_name = "#{migration_timestamp}_#{migration_name}" migration_file_path = "#{@migration_dir}/#{migration_file_name}.rb" MigrationGenerator::create_baseline_file(migration_file_path, migration_name) end def update_migration (options = {}, args = []) _debug 'Updating!' functions_to_add = options[:functions_to_add] MigrationUpdater.update_migration(args[0], @working_dir, functions_to_add) end def diff_schemas (options = {}, args = []) _debug 'Schema Diff' NandoSchemaDiff.diff_schemas(args[0], args[1]) end # -------------------------------------------------------- def get_migration_files (directory) if ! raise"No directory '#{directory}' was found") end files = Dir.children(directory) migration_files = [] for filename in files do if !/^(\d+)\_(.*)\.rb$/.match(filename) _warn "#{filename} does not have a valid migration name. Skipping!" next end migration_files.push(filename) end migration_files.sort! # sort to ensure the migrations are executed chronologically end def get_migration_files_to_rollback (directory, versions_to_rollback) if ! raise"No directory '#{directory}' was found") end files = Dir.children(directory) migration_files = [] for filename in files do match = /^(\d+)\_(.*)\.rb$/.match(filename) if match.nil? _warn "#{filename} does not have a valid migration name. Skipping!" next end if versions_to_rollback.include?(match[1]) migration_files.push(filename) end end migration_files.sort.reverse # sort and reverse to ensure the migrations are executed chronologically (backwards) end def get_applied_migrations () # run the query results = @db_connection.exec("SELECT * FROM #{@migration_table} ORDER BY #{@migration_field} asc") applied_migrations = {} # puts "---------------------------------" # puts "Applied migrations:" results.each{ |row| # puts "#{row[@migration_field]}" applied_migrations[row[@migration_field]] = true } # puts "---------------------------------" return applied_migrations end def get_migrations_to_revert (count) # run the query results = @db_connection.exec("SELECT * FROM #{@migration_table} ORDER BY #{@migration_field} desc LIMIT #{count}") migrations_to_rollback = [] # puts "---------------------------------" # puts "Rollbacked migrations:" results.each{ |row| # puts "#{row[@migration_field]}" migrations_to_rollback.push(row[@migration_field]) } # puts "---------------------------------" return migrations_to_rollback end def execute_migration_method (method, filename, migration_name, migration_version, skip_insert_version = false) if method == :up migrating = true else migrating = false end puts migrating ? "Applying: #{filename}" : "Reverting: #{filename}" require "./#{@migration_dir}/#{filename}" class_const = get_migration_class(migration_name) migration_class =, migration_version) begin migration_class.execute_migration(method) rescue => exception raise end if !skip_insert_version update_migration_table(migration_version, migrating) else puts "Migration '#{migration_version}' was already in '#{@migration_table}', applying but not re-inserting it into the table" end end def update_migration_table (version, to_apply = true) if to_apply @db_connection.exec("INSERT INTO #{@migration_table} (#{@migration_field}) VALUES (#{version})") else @db_connection.exec("DELETE FROM #{@migration_table} WHERE #{@migration_field} = '#{version}'") end end def camelize_migration_type (migration_type) camelize_migration_type = migration_type.camelize if !['Migration', 'MigrationWithoutTransaction'].include?(camelize_migration_type) raise"Invalid migration type '#{migration_type}'") end return camelize_migration_type end def get_migration_class (filename) name = filename.camelize Object.const_defined?(name) ? Object.const_get(name) : Object.const_missing(name) # if the constant does not exist, raise error end def create_schema_migrations_table_if_not_exists results = @db_connection.exec("SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = '#{@migration_table}')") if results[0]["exists"] == 'f' _warn "Table '#{@migration_table}' does not exist, creating one" @db_connection.exec("CREATE TABLE public.#{@migration_table} ( #{@migration_field} VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, executed_at timestamp DEFAULT NOW() )") end end def get_database_connection begin conn = => @db_host, :port => @db_port, :dbname => @db_name, :user => @db_username, :password => @db_password) rescue => exception raise end return conn end end class String # used to convert to snake case (Rails) def underscore self.gsub(/::/, '/') .gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2') .gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2') .tr("-", "_") .downcase end # used to convert to camel or Pascal case (Rails) def camelize (uppercase_first_letter = true) string = self if uppercase_first_letter string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| match.capitalize } else string = string.sub(/^(?:(?=\b|[A-Z_])|\w)/) { |match| match.downcase } end string.gsub(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.capitalize}" }.gsub("/", "::") end # gets the class/module name with the previous class/module names def demodulize self.split('::').last end # converts a string to boolean def to_b case self.downcase.strip when 'true', 'yes', 'on', 't', '1', 'y', '==' return true when 'nil', 'null' return nil else return false end end end