# Convert strings and HTML to links and embedded content Convert any string or HTML to links and embedded content from a long list of providers and libraries. ### Installation ``` gem install convert ``` or add to Gemfile. ### Usage ```ruby # Require convert if you're not using bundler require 'convert' # Run default converters. Pass :converters => [:auto_link, :decode] Convert.run('string') # Convert with Nokogiri, used by 'run' Convert.nokogiri('HTML string') # URL to HTML link Convert.auto_link('https://crowdfundhq.com') # Embed dailymotion videos (https://dailymotion.com) Convert.dailymotion('string') # Decode HTML, opposite of above Convert.decode('string') # Encode HTML with HTMLEntities Convert.encode('string') # Remove embedded videos from emails Convert.email_escape('string') # Embed flickr content (https://flickr.com) Convert.flickr('string') # Embed a Github gist (https://gist.github.com) Convert.gist('string') # Embed classic google maps (https://maps.google.com) Convert.google_maps('string') # Twitter or Facebook hastag to HTML link Convert.hashtag('#flat') # Escape HTML Convert.escape_html('html') # Unescape HTML Convert.unescape_html('string') # Embed iframe Convert.iframe_embed('https://crowdfundhq.com/campaigns/flatty.embed') # Convert Convert.image_tag('https://crowdfundhq.com/logo.png') # URL to Instagram embedded content Convert.instagram('string') # String to markdown (https://kramdown.gettalong.org) Convert.kramdown('string') # Embed live leak videos Convert.liveleak('string') # Embed markdown with Redcarpet Convert.redcarpet('string') # Sanitize HTML with the Sanitize gem Convert.sanitize('HTML string') # Sanitize config: :custom, :full, :linebreaks, :simple, :restricted, :basic, :relaxed # You can add your own config by adding a file like the ones here: # https://github.com/fugroup/convert/tree/master/lib/sanitizers Convert.sanitize('HTML string', :config => :custom) # Strip parameters from URL Convert.strip_params('URL string') # Same as above, a few other options Convert.markdown('string') # Embed metacafe content (https://www.metacafe.com) Convert.metacafe('string') # New lines to HTML br tags Convert.simple_format('string') # Embed Soundcloud music (https://soundcloud.com) Convert.soundcloud('string') # Embed TED videos (https://www.ted.com) Convert.ted('string') # Twitter embed tweet (https://twitter.com) Convert.twitter('string') # Embed Youtube or Vimeo videos from URL Convert.video_embed('string') # Embed Vimeo video, full (https://vimeo.com) Convert.vimeo('string') # Embed Vimeo video, simple Convert.vimeo_embed('string') # Embed worldstar content Convert.worldstar('string') # Embed Youtube videos, full (https://youtube.com) Convert.youtube('string') # Embed Youtube videos, simple Convert.youtube_embed('string') # Embed Youtube image Convert.youtube_image('string') # Embed Youtube JS API Convert.youtube_js_api('string') ``` Created and maintained by [Fugroup Ltd.](https://www.fugroup.net) We are the creators of [CrowdfundHQ.](https://crowdfundhq.com) `@authors: Vidar`