require 'spec_helper.rb' class Nyaplot::DataFrame # Because it does not allow to any equality testing def == other other.is_a?(Nyaplot::DataFrame) && rows == other.rows end end # FIXME: just guessed specs logic from code. As far as I can understand, # it can be broken in number of ways with incorrect arguments. # describe Daru::DataFrame, 'plotting' do let(:data_frame) {{ x: [1, 2, 3, 4], y1: [5, 7, 9, 11], y2: [-3, -7, -11, -15], cat: [:a, :b, :c, :d] }, index: [:one, :two, :three, :four] ) } let(:plot) { instance_double('Nyaplot::Plot') } let(:diagram) { instance_double('Nyaplot::Diagram') } before do allow(Nyaplot::Plot).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) end context 'box' do let(:numerics) { data_frame.only_numerics } it 'plots numeric vectors' do expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(numerics.to_nyaplotdf, :box, :x, :y1, :y2) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:show).ordered data_frame.plot(type: :box) end end context 'other types' do context 'single chart' do it 'works with :y provided' do expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :scatter, :x, :y1) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:show).ordered data_frame.plot(type: :scatter, x: :x, y: :y1) end it 'works without :y provided' do expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :scatter, :x) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:show).ordered data_frame.plot(type: :scatter, x: :x) end end context 'multiple charts' do it 'works with single type provided' do expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :scatter, :x, :y1) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :scatter, :x, :y2) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:show).ordered data_frame.plot(type: :scatter, x: [:x, :x], y: [:y1, :y2]) end it 'works with multiple types provided' do expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :scatter, :x, :y1) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :line, :x, :y2) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:show).ordered data_frame.plot(type: [:scatter, :line], x: [:x, :x], y: [:y1, :y2]) end it 'works with numeric var names' do expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :scatter, :x, :y1) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:add_with_df) .with(data_frame.to_nyaplotdf, :line, :x, :y2) .ordered expect(plot).to receive(:show).ordered data_frame.plot( type: [:scatter, :line], # FIXME: this didn't work due to default type: :scatter opts #type1: :scatter, #type2: :line, x1: :x, x2: :x, y1: :y1, y2: :y2 ) end end end end describe Daru::DataFrame, 'category plotting' do context 'scatter' do let(:df) do{ a: [1, 2, 4, -2, 5, 23, 0], b: [3, 1, 3, -6, 2, 1, 0], c: ['I', 'II', 'I', 'III', 'I', 'III', 'II'] }) end let(:plot) { instance_double('Nyaplot::Plot') } let(:diagram) { instance_double('Nyaplot::Diagram::Scatter') } before do df.to_category :c allow(Nyaplot::Plot).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) allow(plot).to receive(:add_with_df).and_return(diagram) end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by color with a block' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:color).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :xrange expect(plot).to receive :yrange expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color}) do |p, d| p.xrange [-10, 10] p.yrange [-10, 10] end end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by color' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:color).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color}) end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by custom colors' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:color).with :red expect(diagram).to receive(:color).with :blue expect(diagram).to receive(:color).with :green expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color, color: [:red, :blue, :green]}) end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by shape' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:shape).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :shape}) end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by custom shapes' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:shape).with 'circle' expect(diagram).to receive(:shape).with 'triangle-up' expect(diagram).to receive(:shape).with 'diamond' expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :shape, shape: %w(circle triangle-up diamond)}) end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by size' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:size).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :size}) end it 'plots scatter plot categoried by cusom sizes' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:size).with 100 expect(diagram).to receive(:size).with 200 expect(diagram).to receive(:size).with 300 expect(diagram).to receive(:tooltip_contents).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :size, size: [100, 200, 300]}) end end context 'line' do let(:df) do{ a: [1, 2, 4, -2, 5, 23, 0], b: [3, 1, 3, -6, 2, 1, 0], c: ['I', 'II', 'I', 'III', 'I', 'III', 'II'] }) end let(:plot) { instance_double('Nyaplot::Plot') } let(:diagram) { instance_double('Nyaplot::Diagram::Scatter') } before do df.to_category :c allow(Nyaplot::Plot).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) allow(plot).to receive(:add_with_df).and_return(diagram) end it 'plots line plot categoried by color with a block' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:color).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :xrange expect(plot).to receive :yrange expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :line, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color}) do |p, d| p.xrange [-10, 10] p.yrange [-10, 10] end end it 'plots line plot categoried by color' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:color).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :line, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color}) end it 'plots line plot categoried by custom colors' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:color).with :red expect(diagram).to receive(:color).with :blue expect(diagram).to receive(:color).with :green expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :line, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color, color: [:red, :blue, :green]}) end it 'plots line plot categoried by stroke width' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:stroke_width).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :line, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :stroke_width}) end it 'plots line plot categoried by custom stroke widths' do expect(plot).to receive :add_with_df expect(diagram).to receive(:title).exactly(3).times expect(diagram).to receive(:stroke_width).with 100 expect(diagram).to receive(:stroke_width).with 200 expect(diagram).to receive(:stroke_width).with 300 expect(plot).to receive :legend expect(plot).to receive :show df.plot(type: :line, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: {by: :c, method: :stroke_width, stroke_width: [100, 200, 300]}) end end context "invalid type" do let(:df) do{ a: [1, 2, 4, -2, 5, 23, 0], b: [3, 1, 3, -6, 2, 1, 0], c: ['I', 'II', 'I', 'III', 'I', 'III', 'II'] }) end it { expect { df.plot(type: :box, categorized: {by: :c, method: :color}) }.to raise_error ArgumentError } end end describe Daru::DataFrame, 'plotting dataframe using gruff' do before { Daru.plotting_library = :gruff } let(:df) do{ a: [1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 0], b: [1, 5, 2, 5, 1, 0], c: [1, 6, 7, 2, 6, 0] }, index: 'a'..'f') end context 'bar' do let(:plot) { instance_double 'Gruff::Bar' } before { allow(Gruff::Bar).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) } it 'plots bar graph' do expect(plot).to receive :labels= expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(3).times df.plot type: :bar end it 'plots bar graph with block' do expect(plot).to receive :labels= expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(3).times expect(plot).to receive :title= df.plot(type: :bar) { |p| p.title = 'hello' } end it 'plots with specified columns' do expect(plot).to receive :labels= expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(2).times df.plot type: :bar, y: [:a, :b] end end context 'line' do let(:plot) { instance_double 'Gruff::Line' } before { allow(Gruff::Line).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) } it 'plots line graph' do expect(plot).to receive :labels= expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(3).times df.plot type: :line end end context 'scatter' do let(:plot) { instance_double 'Gruff::Scatter' } before { allow(Gruff::Scatter).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) } it 'plots scatter graph' do expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(3).times df.plot type: :scatter end it 'plots with specified columns' do expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(1).times df.plot type: :scatter, x: :c, y: :a end end context 'invalid type' do it { expect { df.plot type: :lol }.to raise_error ArgumentError } end end describe Daru::DataFrame, 'dataframe category plotting with gruff' do before { Daru.plotting_library = :gruff } let(:df) do{ a: [1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 0], b: [1, 5, 2, 5, 1, 0], c: [:a, :b, :a, :a, :b, :a] }, index: 'a'..'f') end before { df.to_category :c } context 'scatter' do let(:plot) { instance_double 'Gruff::Scatter' } before { allow(Gruff::Scatter).to receive(:new).and_return(plot) } it 'plots scatter plot categorized by category vector' do expect(plot).to receive(:data).exactly(2).times df.plot type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b, categorized: { by: :c } end end end