require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "SimpleCurrency" do describe "in its basic behavior" do it "enhances instances of Numeric with currency methods" do expect { 30.eur && 30.usd && 30.gbp }.to_not raise_error end it "handles zero values (by returning them straight away)" do 0.usd.to_eur.should == 0.0 end end context "using Xurrency API for right-now exchange" do it "returns a converted amount from one currency to another" do mock_xurrency_api('eur', 'usd', 2, 1.542) 2.eur.to_usd.should == 1.54 mock_xurrency_api('gbp', 'chf', 2, 3.4874) 2.gbp.to_chf.should == 3.49 end it "caches methods for faster reuse" do mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1, 1.5) 1.usd.to_eur.should == 1.5 8.should respond_to(:usd) 8.should respond_to(:to_eur) end it "raises any error returned by the api call" do mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'xxx', 1, 1.5, :fail_with => "The currencies are not valid") mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1_000_000_000, 1.5, :fail_with => "The amount should be between 0 and 999999999") expect {1.usd.to_xxx}.to raise_error("The currencies are not valid") expect {1_000_000_000.usd.to_eur}.to raise_error("The amount should be between 0 and 999999999") end it "handles a negative value returning a negative as well" do mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1, 1.5) -1.usd.to_eur.should == -1.5 end end context "using XavierMedia API for exchange with historical date" do let(:the_past) { Time.parse('2010-08-25')} let(:the_ancient_past) { Time.parse('1964-08-25')} it "enhances instances of Numeric with :at method" do expect { }.to_not raise_error expect {"no date")}.to raise_error("Must use 'at' with a time or date object") expect { }.to raise_error("Must use 'at' with a time or date object") end it "returns a converted amount from one currency to another" do mock_xavier_api(the_past) == 2.54 == 1.58 == 3.07 end it "raises an error when no data available" do mock_xavier_api(the_past, :fail => true) # Currency does not exist! mock_xavier_api(the_ancient_past, :fail => true) # Too old! expect {}.to raise_error(OpenURI::HTTPError) expect {}.to raise_error(OpenURI::HTTPError) end end context "when Rails (and its cache goodness) is present" do let(:now) { Time.parse('2010-08-30') } before(:all) do require 'rails' end context "using Xurrency API for right-now exchange" do before(:each) do Time.stub(:now).and_return(now) Rails.stub_chain("").and_return(false) Rails.stub_chain("cache.write").and_return(true) end it "reads the exchange rate from the cache" do Rails.stub_chain("").and_return(1.5) mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1, 1.5) 1.usd.to_eur.should == 1.5 URI.should_not_receive(:parse) 2.usd.to_eur.should == 3 end it "reads the inverse exchange rate from the cache" do Rails.stub_chain("").with('usd_eur_30-8-2010').and_return(1.5) Rails.stub_chain("").with('gbp_eur_30-8-2010').and_return(3) Rails.stub_chain("").with('gbp_usd_30-8-2010').and_return(false) mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1, 1.5) mock_xurrency_api('gbp', 'eur', 1, 3) 1.usd.to_eur.should == 1.5 1.gbp.to_eur.should == 3 URI.should_not_receive(:parse) 3.eur.to_usd.should == 2 3.eur.to_gbp.should == 1 end it "caches the exchange rate" do Rails.stub_chain("").with('usd_eur_30-8-2010').and_return(false) Rails.cache.should_receive(:write).with('usd_eur_30-8-2010', 1.5) mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1, 1.5) 1.usd.to_eur.should == 1.5 end it "ensures the cache is valid only for today" do Rails.stub_chain("").with('usd_eur_30-8-2010').and_return(1.5) mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 1, 1.5) 1.usd.to_eur.should == 1.5 Time.stub(:now).and_return(now + 86400) # One day later Rails.stub_chain("").with('usd_eur_31-8-2010').and_return(nil) # Exchange rate has changed next day, so forget cache rate! mock_xurrency_api('usd', 'eur', 2, 4) 2.usd.to_eur.should == 4 end end context "using XavierMedia API for exchange with historical date" do let(:the_past) { Time.parse('2010-08-25') } before(:each) do Rails.stub_chain("").and_return(false) Rails.stub_chain("cache.write").and_return(true) mock_xavier_api(the_past) end it "reads the exchange rate from the cache" do Rails.stub_chain("").with('usd_eur_25-8-2010').and_return(0.79) URI.should_not_receive(:parse) == 0.79 == 1.58 end it "caches the exchange rate with full precision" do Rails.cache.should_receive(:write).with('eur_jpy_25-8-2010', 107.07).ordered Rails.cache.should_receive(:write).with("eur_usd_25-8-2010", 1.268).ordered Rails.cache.should_receive(:write).with("eur_huf_25-8-2010", 287.679993).ordered end it "caches the XML response" do Rails.cache.should_receive(:write).with('xaviermedia_25-8-2010', an_instance_of(Array)).and_return(true) end it "uses the base currency (EUR) cache to calculate other rates" do == 107.07 Rails.stub_chain("").with('xaviermedia_25-8-2010').and_return(Crack::XML.parse(fixture('xavier.xml'))["xavierresponse"]["exchange_rates"]["fx"]) URI.should_not_receive(:parse) == 0.79 == 0.82 == 3.07 end end end end