require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe 'Rodauth' do it "should keep private methods private when overridden" do rodauth do use_database_authentication_functions? false end roda do |r| rodauth.use_database_authentication_functions?.to_s end proc{visit '/'}.must_raise NoMethodError end it "should support template_opts" do rodauth do enable :login template_opts(:layout_opts=>{:path=>'spec/views/layout-other.str'}) end roda do |r| r.rodauth end visit '/login' page.title.must_equal 'Foo Login' end it "should require login to perform certain actions" do rodauth do enable :login, :change_password, :change_login, :close_account end roda do |r| r.rodauth "a" do rodauth.require_login end end visit '/change-password' page.current_path.must_equal '/login' visit '/change-login' page.current_path.must_equal '/login' visit '/close-account' page.current_path.must_equal '/login' visit '/a' page.current_path.must_equal '/login' end it "should handle case where account is no longer valid during session" do rodauth do enable :login, :change_password already_logged_in{request.redirect '/'} skip_status_checks? false end roda do |r| r.rodauth r.root do view :content=>(rodauth.logged_in? ? "Logged In" : "Not Logged") end end login page.body.must_include("Logged In") DB[:accounts].update(:status_id=>3) visit '/change-password' page.current_path.must_equal '/login' visit '/' page.body.must_include("Not Logged") end it "should handle cases where you are already logged in on pages that don't expect a login" do rodauth do enable :login, :logout, :create_account, :reset_password, :verify_account already_logged_in{request.redirect '/'} end roda do |r| r.rodauth r.root do view :content=>'' end end login visit '/login' page.current_path.must_equal '/' visit '/create-account' page.current_path.must_equal '/' visit '/reset-password' page.current_path.must_equal '/' visit '/verify-account' page.current_path.must_equal '/' visit '/logout' page.current_path.must_equal '/logout' end it "should have rodauth.features and rodauth.session_value work when not logged in" do rodauth do enable :login end roda do |r| "#{rodauth.features.first.inspect}#{rodauth.session_value.inspect}" end visit '/' page.body.must_equal ':loginnil' end it "should support auth_class_eval for evaluation inside Auth class" do rodauth do enable :login login_label{foo} auth_class_eval do def foo 'Lonig' end end end roda do |r| r.rodauth end visit '/login' fill_in 'Lonig', :with=>'' end it "should support multiple rodauth configurations in an app" do app = app.plugin(:rodauth) do enable :login end app.plugin(:rodauth, :name=>:r2) do enable :logout end app.route do |r| r.on 'r1' do r.rodauth 'r1' end r.on 'r2' do r.rodauth(:r2) 'r2' end rodauth.session_value.inspect end app.freeze = app login(:path=>'/r1/login') page.body.must_equal DB[:accounts].get(:id).to_s visit '/r2/logout' click_button 'Logout' page.body.must_equal 'nil' visit '/r1/logout' page.body.must_equal 'r1' visit '/r2/login' page.body.must_equal 'r2' end it "should support account_model setting for backwards compatibility" do warning = nil rodauth do enable :login (class << self; self end).send(:define_method, :warn){|msg| warning = msg} account_model Sequel::Model(DB[:accs].select(:id)) end roda do |r| "#{rodauth.accounts_table}#{rodauth.account_select.length}" end visit '/' page.body.must_equal 'accs1' warning.must_equal "account_model is deprecated, use db and accounts_table settings" end it "should support account_select setting for choosing account columns" do rodauth do enable :login account_select [:id, :email] end roda do |r| r.rodauth rodauth.account_from_session' ') end login page.body.must_equal 'email id' end it "should support :csrf=>false and :flash=>false plugin options" do rodauth{} roda(:csrf=>false, :flash=>false){} app.instance_variable_get(:@middleware).length.must_equal 1 'Roda::RodaPlugins::Flash::InstanceMethods' end end