module TreasureData module Command def table_create(op) db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse #API.validate_database_name(db_name) API.validate_table_name(table_name) client = get_client begin client.create_log_table(db_name, table_name) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Database '#{db_name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} db:create #{db_name}' to create the database." exit 1 rescue AlreadyExistsError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Table '#{db_name}.#{table_name}' already exists." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Table '#{db_name}.#{table_name}' is created." end def table_delete(op) force = false op.on('-f', '--force', 'never prompt', TrueClass) {|b| force = true } db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client begin unless force table = get_table(client, db_name, table_name) $stderr.print "Do you really delete '#{table_name}' in '#{db_name}'? [y/N]: " ok = nil while line = $stdin.gets line.strip! if line =~ /^y(?:es)?$/i ok = true break elsif line.empty? || line =~ /^n(?:o)?$/i break else $stderr.print "Type 'Y' or 'N': " end end unless ok $stderr.puts "canceled." exit 1 end end client.delete_table(db_name, table_name) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Table '#{db_name}.#{table_name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} table:list #{db_name}' to show list of the tables." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Table '#{db_name}.#{table_name}' is deleted." end def table_list(op) db_name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client if db_name db = get_database(client, db_name) dbs = [db] else dbs = client.databases end rows = [] dbs.each {|db| db.tables.each {|table| pschema = {|f| "#{}:#{f.type}" }.join(', ') rows << {:Database =>, :Table =>, :Type => table.type.to_s, :Count => table.count.to_s, :Schema=>pschema.to_s} } } rows = rows.sort_by {|map| [map[:Database], map[:Type].size, map[:Table]] } puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => [:Database, :Table, :Type, :Count, :Schema], :max_width=>500) if rows.empty? if db_name $stderr.puts "Database '#{db_name}' has no tables." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} table:create <db.table>' to create a table." elsif dbs.empty? $stderr.puts "There are no databases." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} db:create <db>' to create a database." else $stderr.puts "There are no tables." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} table:create <db.table>' to create a table." end end end def table_show(op) db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client table = get_table(client, db_name, table_name) puts "Name : #{table.db_name}.#{}" puts "Type : #{table.type}" puts "Count : #{table.count}" puts "Schema : (" table.schema.fields.each {|f| puts " #{}:#{f.type}" } puts ")" end def table_tail(op) from = nil to = nil count = nil op.on('-t', '--to TIME', 'end time of logs to get') {|s| if s.to_i.to_s == s to = s else require 'time' to = Time.parse(s).to_i end } op.on('-f', '--from TIME', 'start time of logs to get') {|s| if s.to_i.to_s == s from = s else require 'time' from = Time.parse(s).to_i end } op.on('-n', '--count N', 'number of logs to get', Integer) {|i| count = i } if count == nil # smart count calculation begin require "curses" if Curses.stdscr.maxy - 1 <= 40 count = 5 else count = 10 end Curses.close_screen rescue Exception count = 5 end end db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client table = get_table(client, db_name, table_name) rows = table.tail(count, to, from) require 'json' rows.each {|row| puts row.to_json } end def table_export(op) from = nil to = nil s3_bucket = nil wait = false ## TODO #op.on('-t', '--to TIME', 'end time of logs to get') {|s| # if s.to_i.to_s == s # to = s # else # require 'time' # to = Time.parse(s).to_i # end #} #op.on('-f', '--from TIME', 'start time of logs to get') {|s| # if s.to_i.to_s == s # from = s # else # require 'time' # from = Time.parse(s).to_i # end #} op.on('-w', '--wait', 'wait for finishing the job', TrueClass) {|b| wait = b } op.on('--s3-bucket NAME', 'name of the s3 bucket to output') {|s| s3_bucket = s } db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse unless s3_bucket $stderr.puts "--s3-bucket NAME option is required" exit 1 end client = get_client table = get_table(client, db_name, table_name) opts = {} opts['s3_bucket'] = s3_bucket opts['s3_file_format'] ='json.gz' opts['from'] = from.to_s if from opts['to'] = to.to_s if to job = table.export('s3', opts) $stderr.puts "Export job #{job.job_id} is queued." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} job:show #{job.job_id}' to show the status." if wait && !job.finished? wait_job(job) puts "Status : #{job.status}" end end require 'td/command/import' # table:import require 'td/command/job' # wait_job end end