module Excon class Connection attr_reader :connection, :proxy CR_NL = "\r\n" HTTP_1_1 = " HTTP/1.1\r\n" FORCE_ENC = CR_NL.respond_to?(:force_encoding) # Initializes a new Connection instance # @param [String] url The destination URL # @param [Hash] params One or more optional params # @option params [String] :body Default text to be sent over a socket. Only used if :body absent in Connection#request params # @option params [Hash] :headers The default headers to supply in a request. Only used if params[:headers] is not supplied to Connection#request # @option params [String] :host The destination host's reachable DNS name or IP, in the form of a String # @option params [String] :path Default path; appears after 'scheme://host:port/'. Only used if params[:path] is not supplied to Connection#request # @option params [Fixnum] :port The port on which to connect, to the destination host # @option params [Hash] :query Default query; appended to the 'scheme://host:port/path/' in the form of '?key=value'. Will only be used if params[:query] is not supplied to Connection#request # @option params [String] :scheme The protocol; 'https' causes OpenSSL to be used # @option params [String] :proxy Proxy server; e.g. '' def initialize(url, params = {}) uri = URI.parse(url) @connection = { :headers => {}, :host =>, :path => uri.path, :port => uri.port.to_s, :query => uri.query, :scheme => uri.scheme }.merge!(params) if params.has_key?(:proxy) @connection[:headers]['Proxy-Connection'] ||= 'Keep-Alive' setup_proxy(params[:proxy]) end @socket_key = '' << @connection[:host] << ':' << @connection[:port] reset end # Sends the supplied request to the destination host. # @yield [chunk] @see Response#self.parse # @param [Hash] params One or more optional params, override defaults set in # @option params [String] :body text to be sent over a socket # @option params [Hash] :headers The default headers to supply in a request # @option params [String] :host The destination host's reachable DNS name or IP, in the form of a String # @option params [String] :path appears after 'scheme://host:port/' # @option params [Fixnum] :port The port on which to connect, to the destination host # @option params [Hash] :query appended to the 'scheme://host:port/path/' in the form of '?key=value' # @option params [String] :scheme The protocol; 'https' causes OpenSSL to be used def request(params, &block) begin # connection has defaults, merge in new params to override params = @connection.merge(params) params[:headers] = @connection[:headers].merge(params[:headers] || {}) params[:headers]['Host'] ||= '' << params[:host] << ':' << params[:port] # if path is empty or doesn't start with '/', insert one unless params[:path][0, 1] == '/' params[:path].insert(0, '/') end unless stubs.empty? for stub, response in stubs # all specified non-headers params match and no headers were specified or all specified headers match if [stub.keys - [:headers]].all? {|key| stub[key] == params[key] } && (!stub.has_key?(:headers) || stub[:headers].keys.all? {|key| stub[:headers][key] == params[:headers][key]}) return end end end # start with "METHOD /path" request = params[:method].to_s.upcase << ' ' if @proxy request << params[:scheme] << '://' << params[:host] << ':' << params[:port] end request << params[:path] # add query to path, if there is one case params[:query] when String request << '?' << params[:query] when Hash request << '?' for key, values in params[:query] if values.nil? request << key.to_s << '&' else for value in [*values] request << key.to_s << '=' << CGI.escape(value.to_s) << '&' end end end request.chop! # remove trailing '&' end # finish first line with "HTTP/1.1\r\n" request << HTTP_1_1 # calculate content length and set to handle non-ascii unless params[:headers].has_key?('Content-Length') params[:headers]['Content-Length'] = case params[:body] when File params[:body].binmode File.size(params[:body]) when String if FORCE_ENC params[:body].force_encoding('BINARY') end params[:body].length else 0 end end # add headers to request for key, values in params[:headers] for value in [*values] request << key.to_s << ': ' << value.to_s << CR_NL end end # add additional "\r\n" to indicate end of headers request << CR_NL # write out the request, sans body socket.write(request) # write out the body if params[:body] if params[:body].is_a?(String) socket.write(params[:body]) else while chunk = params[:body].read(CHUNK_SIZE) socket.write(chunk) end end end # read the response response = Excon::Response.parse(socket, params, &block) if response.headers['Connection'] == 'close' reset end response rescue => socket_error reset raise( end if params.has_key?(:expects) && ![*params[:expects]].include?(response.status) reset raise(Excon::Errors.status_error(params, response)) else response end rescue => request_error if params[:idempotent] && [Excon::Errors::SocketError, Excon::Errors::HTTPStatusError].include?(request_error) retries_remaining ||= 4 retries_remaining -= 1 if retries_remaining > 0 retry else raise(request_error) end else raise(request_error) end end def reset (old_socket = sockets.delete(@socket_key)) && old_socket.close end def stub(request_params, response_params) stub = [request_params, response_params] stubs << stub stub end def stubs @stubs ||= [] end private def connect new_socket = open_socket if @connection[:scheme] == 'https' # create ssl context ssl_context = if Excon.ssl_verify_peer # turn verification on ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER if Excon.ssl_ca_path ssl_context.ca_path = Excon.ssl_ca_path else # use default cert store store = store.set_default_paths ssl_context.cert_store = store end else # turn verification off ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end if @connection.has_key?(:client_cert) && @connection.has_key?(:client_key) ssl_context.cert =[:client_cert])) ssl_context.key =[:client_key])) end # open ssl socket new_socket =, ssl_context) new_socket.sync_close = true new_socket.connect # verify connection new_socket.post_connection_check(@connection[:host]) end new_socket end def open_socket if @proxy socket =[:host], @proxy[:port]) else socket =[:host], @connection[:port]) end socket end def socket sockets[@socket_key] ||= connect end def sockets Thread.current[:_excon_sockets] ||= {} end def setup_proxy(proxy) uri = URI.parse(proxy) unless and uri.port and uri.scheme raise Excon::Errors::ProxyParseError, "Proxy is invalid" end @proxy = { :host =>, :port => uri.port, :scheme => uri.scheme } end end end