require 'cv' require 'obo/ms' require 'obo/ims' require 'obo/unit' module MS module CV Obo = { 'MS' => Obo::MS.id_to_name, 'IMS' => Obo::IMS.id_to_name, 'UO' => Obo::Unit.id_to_name, } class Param < ::CV::Param # takes a variety of arguments (acc = accession): # # acc# # acc#, value # acc#, unit_acc# or CV::Param object # acc#, value, unit_acc# or CV::Param object # cvref, acc#, name # cvref, acc#, name, value # cvref, acc#, name, unit_acc# or CV::Param object # cvref, acc#, name, value, unit_acc# or CV::Param object def initialize(*args) @unit = if args.size > 1 && ((args.last.is_a?(::CV::Param) || args.last =~ /[A-Za-z]+:\d+/)) unit_arg = args.pop unit_arg.is_a?(::CV::Param) ? unit_arg : end (@cv_ref, @accession, @name, @value) = case args.size when 1..2 # accession number (maybe with value) (obo_type, accnum) = args.first.split(':') [obo_type, args.first, MS::CV::Obo[obo_type][args.first], args[1]] when 3..4 # they have fully specified the object args end end end end # ) # CVList['MS:1000004', ['MS:1000004'], ['IMS:1000042', 23], param_obj, args] # do # param MS:1000004 # param MS:1000042, 23 # end class CVList < Array # ensures that each argument is an argument that can be handled by # CV::Param. Returns the CVList object it creates def self.[](*args) list = args.each do |arg| arg.is_a?(Array) ? list.param(*arg) : list.param(arg) end list end # takes a list of valid CV::Param objects, or they can be set in the block # using param def initialize(*args, &block) args.each {|arg| param(arg) } instance_eval &block if block end # if the first object is a MS::CV::Param it is just pushed onto the list, # otherwise the arguments are sent in to initialize a fresh MS::CV::Param, # and this object is pushed onto the list. def param(*args) push args.first.is_a?(::CV::Param) ? args.first :*args) end end end