function Install-Project { <# .SYNOPSIS Install a Chef Software, Inc. product .DESCRIPTION Install a Chef Software, Inc. product .EXAMPLE iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(''); Install-Project -project chef -channel stable Installs the latest stable version of Chef. .EXAMPLE iex (irm ''); Install-Project -project chefdk -channel current Installs the latest integration build of the Chef Development Kit #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( # Project to install [string] $project = 'chef', # Release channel to install from [validateset('current', 'stable', 'unstable')] [string] $channel = 'stable', # Version of the application to install # This parameter is optional, if not supplied it will provide the latest version, # and if an iteration number is not specified, it will grab the latest available iteration. # Partial version numbers are also acceptable (using v=11 # will grab the latest 11.x client which matches the other flags). [string] $version, # Full path for the downloaded installer. [string] $filename, # Full path to the location to download the installer [string] $download_directory = $env:temp, # The following legacy switches are just aliases for the current channel [switch] $prerelease, [switch] $nightlies, [validateset('auto', 'i386', 'x86_64')] [string] $architecture = 'auto', [validateset('auto', 'service', 'task')] [string] $daemon = 'auto', [string] $http_proxy ) # Set http_proxy as env var $env:http_proxy = $http_proxy $package_metadata = Get-ProjectMetadata -project $project -channel $channel -version $version -prerelease:$prerelease -nightlies:$nightlies -architecture $architecture if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filename)) { $download_directory = split-path $filename $filename = split-path $filename -leaf if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($download_directory)) { $download_directory = $pwd } } else { $filename = ($package_metadata.url -split '/')[-1] } Write-Verbose "Download directory: $download_directory" Write-Verbose "Filename: $filename" if (-not (test-path $download_directory)) { mkdir $download_directory } $download_directory = (resolve-path $download_directory).providerpath $download_destination = join-path $download_directory $filename if ((test-path $download_destination) -and (Test-ProjectPackage -Path $download_destination -Algorithm 'SHA256' -Hash $package_metadata.sha256 -ea SilentlyContinue)){ Write-Verbose "Found existing valid installer at $download_destination." } else { if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($package_metadata.url)", "Download $project")) { Write-Verbose "Downloading $project from $($package_metadata.url) to $download_destination." Get-WebContent $package_metadata.url -filepath $download_destination } } if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$download_destination", "Installing")){ if (Test-ProjectPackage -Path $download_destination -Algorithm 'SHA256' -Hash $package_metadata.sha256) { Write-Host "Installing $project from $download_destination" $installingProject = $True $installAttempts = 0 while ($installingProject) { $installAttempts++ $result = $false if($download_destination.EndsWith(".appx")) { $result = Install-ChefAppx $download_destination $project } else { $result = Install-ChefMsi $download_destination $daemon } if(!$result) { continue } $installingProject = $False } } else { throw "Failed to validate the downloaded installer for $project." } } } set-alias install -value Install-Project Function Install-ChefMsi($msi, $addlocal) { if ($addlocal -eq "service") { $p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/qn /i $msi ADDLOCAL=`"ChefClientFeature,ChefServiceFeature`"" -Passthru -Wait } ElseIf ($addlocal -eq "task") { $p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/qn /i $msi ADDLOCAL=`"ChefClientFeature,ChefSchTaskFeature`"" -Passthru -Wait } ElseIf ($addlocal -eq "auto") { $p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/qn /i $msi" -Passthru -Wait } $p.WaitForExit() if ($p.ExitCode -eq 1618) { Write-Host "Another msi install is in progress (exit code 1618), retrying ($($installAttempts))..." return $false } elseif ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw "msiexec was not successful. Received exit code $($p.ExitCode)" } return $true } Function Install-ChefAppx($appx, $project) { Add-AppxPackage -Path $appx -ErrorAction Stop $package = (Get-AppxPackage -Name $project).InstallLocation $installRoot = "$env:SystemDrive/opscode" $omnibusRoot = Join-Path $installRoot $project if(!(Test-Path $installRoot)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $installRoot } # Remove old version of chef if it is here if(Test-Path $omnibusRoot) { Remove-Item -Path $omnibusRoot -Recurse -Force } # copy the appx install to the omnibus root. There are serious # ACL related issues with running chef from the appx InstallLocation # Hoping this is temporary and we can eventually just symlink Copy-Item $package $omnibusRoot -Recurse return $true } export-modulemember -function 'Install-Project','Get-ProjectMetadata' -alias 'install'