% #Expected Passed-in Parameters Below data=data #Calculate Useful Variables first_version=(nil == data[:registry_settings][1]) tenant_info=data quotas_origin=Yajl::load(data[:registry_settings][0][:settings]) quotas_prev= first_version ? nil : (Yajl::load(data[:registry_settings][1][:settings])) applicant_accepted= (quotas_origin == quotas_prev) message= first_version ? (nil) : (applicant_accepted ? "The applicant has accepted the quotas you proposed. " : "The applicant proposed new quotas. ") message_class=(message==nil) ? 'hidden' : '' who='admin' review=true comment_list=get_comment_list_from_data(data) %>
Since you have changed the applicant's request, you have to inform the applicant about the change. After the applicant agrees on the change, you may proceed to approve the request.