namespace :tokens do desc 'Generates the token for objects without tokens.' task generate: :environment do tokenize_models end desc 'Re-builds the token for all objects.' task regenerate: :environment do tokenize_models(true) end end def array_of_active_record_models Rails.application.eager_load! { |m| m.respond_to? :tokenized_by } end def tokenize_records(records) total_count = records.size count = 0 records.each do |record| record.tokenize! count += 1 print "\r#{count}/#{total_count}" # launch garbage collection each 1000 registers GC.start if count % 1000 == 0 end puts '' end def tokenize_models(regenerate = false) start = Time.current puts 'Start token generation' puts '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' array_of_active_record_models.each do |model| puts "Generating new tokens for #{}" field_name = model.token_field_name sql_conds = "#{field_name} IS NULL OR #{field_name} = ''" unless regenerate records_without_token = model.all(conditions: sql_conds) if !records_without_token.empty? tokenize_records(records_without_token) else puts 'There are no records without token' puts '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' end end puts "Elapsed time #{(Time.current - start).seconds} seconds" end