Some style helpers used in a lot of our apps.
This Gem is still work in process!
Its just the start to outsource my style framework (I mostly rebuild for every app).
It is mostly driven by my own habits, so I don't know if its usefull for others.
add the gem to your applications gemfile
gem "magic_stylez"
run the generator
$ rails g magic_stylez:install
add to stylesheets
@import 'magic-stylez'; // import all
@import 'magic-min'; // import basic
//= 'magic-stylez'; /* import all */
//= 'magic-min'; /* import basic */
add to javascripts
//= 'magic-stylez'; /* import all */
//= 'magic-min'; /* import basic */
magic-styles update generator
in the process I often add new variables to the corporate files
what causes "Missing variable!" when you update to new version
this generator adds all new variables without touching your settings
$ rails g magic_stylez:update
With Version I merged corporate/typo into corporate/fonts (they where so similar). I also removed all css from corporate/fonts, because it causes trouble with update generator (and also is not a variable).
A lot of code for this gem is taken from bootstrap-sass, so thank you guys for the great work.
Same goes for bourbon thanks for a lightweight helper set.
Also thanks to all the people, how share their knowlegde on stackoverflow.
© 2014 Torsten Wetzel (berlinmagic UG)