module CodeRay # :nodoc:
# A little hack to enable CodeRay highlighting in RedCloth.
# Usage:
# require 'coderay'
# require 'coderay/for_redcloth'
#'@[ruby]puts "Hello, World!"@').to_html
# Make sure you have RedCloth 4.0.3 activated, for example by calling
# require 'rubygems'
# before RedCloth is loaded and before calling CodeRay.for_redcloth.
module ForRedCloth
def self.install
gem 'RedCloth', '>= 4.0.3' rescue nil
require 'redcloth'
raise 'CodeRay.for_redcloth needs RedCloth 4.0.3 or later.' unless RedCloth::VERSION.to_s >= '4.0.3'
RedCloth::TextileDoc.send :include, ForRedCloth::TextileDoc
RedCloth::Formatters::HTML.module_eval do
def unescape(html)
replacements = {
'&' => '&',
'"' => '"',
'>' => '>',
'<' => '<',
html.gsub(/&(?:amp|quot|[gl]t);/) { |entity| replacements[entity] }
undef_method :code, :bc_open, :bc_close, :escape_pre
def code(opts) # :nodoc:
opts[:block] = true
if opts[:lang] && !filter_coderay
require 'coderay'
@in_bc ||= nil
format = @in_bc ? :div : :span
highlighted_code = CodeRay.encode opts[:text], opts[:lang], format, :stream => true
highlighted_code.sub!(/\A<(span|div)/) { |m| m + pba(@in_bc || opts) }
highlighted_code = unescape(highlighted_code) unless @in_bc
def bc_open(opts) # :nodoc:
opts[:block] = true
@in_bc = opts
opts[:lang] ? '' : "
" end def bc_close(opts) # :nodoc: @in_bc = nil opts[:lang] ? '' : "\n" end def escape_pre(text) if @in_bc ||= nil text else html_esc(text, :html_escape_preformatted) end end end end module TextileDoc # :nodoc: attr_accessor :filter_coderay end end end CodeRay::ForRedCloth.install