#-- # PDF::Writer for Ruby. # http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-pdf/ # Copyright 2003 - 2005 Austin Ziegler. # # Licensed under a MIT-style licence. See LICENCE in the main distribution # for full licensing information. # # $Id$ #++ # A page object, it also creates a contents object to hold its contents class PDF::Writer::Object::Page < PDF::Writer::Object # Create a page. The optional +relative+ is a Hash with keys :pos => # :before|:after and :rpage, the page to which this new page will be # added relative. def initialize(parent, relative = nil) super(parent) @parent.current_page = self @owner = @parent.instance_variable_get('@current_node') @page_number = @parent.pages.size @contents = [] if relative.nil? @parent.pages << self else relative[:page] = self @parent.pages.add(relative) end # make a contents object to go with this page @contents << PDF::Writer::Object::Contents.new(@parent, self) @parent.instance_variable_set('@current_contents', @contents[-1]) match = (@parent.pages.size % 2 == 0 ? :even_pages : :odd_pages) # Cheat here. I don't want to add an unnecessary attribute. @parent.instance_variable_get('@add_loose_objects').each do |obj, target| @contents << obj if target == :all_pages or match == target end @annotations = [] @media_box = nil @crop_box = nil @bleed_box = nil @trim_box = nil @art_box = nil end attr_accessor :contents attr_reader :page_number def add_annotation(a) @annotations << a end def to_s res = "\n#{@oid} 0 obj\n<< /Type /Page\n/Parent #{@owner.oid} 0 R" unless @annotations.empty? res << "\n/Annots [" @annotations.each { |e| res << " #{e.oid} 0 R"} res << "]" end if @contents.size == 1 res << "\n/Contents #{@contents[0].oid} 0 R" else res << "\n/Contents [\n" @contents.each { |c| res << "#{c.oid} 0 R\n" } res << "]" end # MediaBox:: rectangle (Required; inheritable). A rectangle (see # Section 3.8.4, “Rectangles”), expressed in default user # space units, defining the boundaries of the physical # medium on which the page is intended to be displayed or # printed (see Section 10.10.1, “Page Boundaries”). res << "\n/MediaBox [#{@media_box.join(' ')}]" unless @media_box.nil? or @media_box.empty? # CropBox:: rectangle (Optional; inheritable) A rectangle, expressed # in default user space units, defining the visible region # of default user space. When the page is displayed or # printed, its contents are to be clipped (cropped) to # this rectangle and then imposed on the output medium in # some implementation-defined manner (see Section 10.10.1, # “Page Boundaries”). Default value: the value of MediaBox. res << "\n/CropBox [#{@crop_box.join(' ')}]" unless @crop_box.nil? or @crop_box.empty? # BleedBox:: rectangle (Optional; PDF 1.3) A rectangle, expressed in # default user space units, defining the region to which # the contents of the page should be clipped when output # in a production environment (see Section 10.10.1, “Page # Boundaries”). Default value: the value of CropBox. res << "\n/BleedBox [#{@bleed_box.join(' ')}]" unless @bleed_box.nil? or @bleed_box.empty? # TrimBox:: rectangle (Optional; PDF 1.3) A rectangle, expressed in # default user space units, defining the intended # dimensions of the finished page after trimming (see # Section 10.10.1, “Page Boundaries”). Default value: the # value of CropBox. res << "\n/TrimBox [#{@trim_box.join(' ')}]" unless @trim_box.nil? or @trim_box.empty? # ArtBox:: rectangle (Optional; PDF 1.3) A rectangle, expressed in # default user space units, defining the extent of the # page’s meaningful content (including potential white # space) as intended by the page’s creator (see Section # 10.10.1, “Page Boundaries”). Default value: the value of # CropBox. res << "\n/ArtBox [#{@art_box.join(' ')}]" unless @art_box.nil? or @art_box.empty? res << "\n>>\nendobj" end end # BoxColorInfo:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.4) A box color information # dictionary specifying the colors and other visual # characteristics to be used in displaying guidelines on # the screen for the various page boundaries (see “Display # of Page Boundaries” on page 893). If this entry is # absent, the application should use its own current # default settings. # # Rotate:: integer (Optional; inheritable) The number of degrees by # which the page should be rotated clockwise when # displayed or printed. The value must be a multiple of # 90. Default value: 0. # Group:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.4) A group attributes # dictionary specifying the attributes of the page’s page # group for use in the transparent imaging model (see # Sections 7.3.6, “Page Group,” and 7.5.5, “Transparency # Group XObjects”). # Thumb:: stream (Optional) A stream object defining the page’s # thumbnail image (see Section 8.2.3, “Thumbnail Images”). # B:: array (Optional; PDF 1.1; recommended if the page # contains article beads) An array of indirect references # to article beads appearing on the page (see Section # 8.3.2, “Articles”; see also implementation note 37 in # Appendix H). The beads are listed in the array in # natural reading order. # Dur:: number (Optional; PDF 1.1) The page’s display duration # (also called its advance timing): the maximum length of # time, in seconds, that the page is displayed during # presentations before the viewer application # automatically advances to the next page (see Section # 8.3.3, “Presentations”). By default, the viewer does not # advance automatically. # Trans:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.1) A transition dictionary # describing the transition effect to be used when # displaying the page during presentations (see Section # 8.3.3, “Presentations”). # Annots:: array (Optional) An array of annotation dictionaries # representing annotations associated with the page (see # Section 8.4, “Annotations”). # AA:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.2) An additional-actions # dictionary defining actions to be performed when the # page is opened or closed (see Section 8.5.2, “Trigger # Events”; see also implementation note 38 in Appendix H). # Metadata:: stream (Optional; PDF 1.4) A metadata stream containing # metadata for the page (see Section 10.2.2, “Metadata # Streams”). # PieceInfo:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.3) A page-piece dictionary # associated with the page (see Section 10.4, “Page-Piece # Dictionaries”). # StructParents:: integer (Required if the page contains structural # content items; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the page’s # entry in the structural parent tree (see “Finding # Structure Elements from Content Items” on page 797). # ID:: string (Optional; PDF 1.3; indirect reference preferred) # The digital identifier of the page’s parent Web Capture # content set (see Section 10.9.5, “Object Attributes # Related to Web Capture”). # PZ:: number (Optional; PDF 1.3) The page’s preferred zoom # (magnification) factor: the factor by which it should be # scaled to achieve the natural display magnification (see # Section 10.9.5, “Object Attributes Related to Web # Capture”). # SeparationInfo:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.3) A separation dictionary # containing information needed to generate color # separations for the page (see Section 10.10.3, # “Separation Dictionaries”). # Tabs:: name (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name specifying the tab order # to be used for annotations on the page. The possible # values are R (row order), C (column order), and S # (structure order). See Section 8.4, “Annotations,” for # details. # TemplateInstantiated:: name (Required if this page was created from a # named page object; PDF 1.5) The name of the # originating page object (see Section 8.6.5, # “Named Pages”). # PresSteps:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.5) A navigation node # dictionary representing the first node on the page (see # “Sub-page Navigation” on page 566). # UserUnit:: number (Optional; PDF 1.6) A positive number giving the # size of default user space units, in multiples of 1/72 # inch. The range of supported values is # implementation-dependent; see implementation note 171 in # Appendix H. Default value: 1.0 (user unit is 1/72 inch). # VP:: dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.6) An array of viewport # dictionaries (see Table 8.105) specifying rectangular # regions of the page.