Simple Calendar =============== Simple Calendar is design to do one thing really really well: render a calendar. It lets you render a calendar of any size. Maybe you want a day view, a 4 day agenda, a week view, a month view, or a 6 week calendar. You can do all of that with the new gem, just give it a range of dates to render. It doesn't depend on any ORM so you're free to use it with ActiveRecord, Mongoid, any other ORM, or pure Ruby objects. Thanks to all contributors for your wonderful help! Installation ------------ Just add this into your Gemfile followed by a bundle install: gem "simple_calendar", "~> 1.0.0" Usage ----- Generating calendars is extremely simple with simple_calendar in version 1.0. The first parameter is a symbol that looks up the current date in `params`. If no date is found, it will use the current date. In these examples, we're using `:start_date` which is the default. ### Month Calendar You can generate a calendar for the month with the `month_calendar` method. This will use `params[:start_date]` to render the calendar. ```erb <%= month_calendar :start_date do |day| %> <%= day %> <% end %> ``` ### Week Calendar You can generate a week calendar with the `week_calendar` method. This will use `params[:start_date]` to render the calendar. ```erb <%= week_calendar :start_date, number_of_weeks: 2 do |day| %> <%= day %> <% end %> ``` Setting `number_of_weeks` is optional and defaults to 1. ### Custom Length Calendar You can generate calendars of any length by passing in the number of days you want to render. This will use `params[:start_date]` to render the calendar. ```erb <%= calendar :start_date, number_of_days: 4 do |day| %> <%= day %> <% end %> ``` Setting `number_of_days` is optional and defaults to 4. ## Customizing The Calendar You can change a couple of global options that will affect how the calendars are generated: ```ruby = "Central Time (US & Canada)" ``` Setting `` will make sure the calendar start days are correctly computed in the right timezone. You can set this globally in your `application.rb` file or if you have a User model with a time_zone attribute, you can set it on every request by using a before_filter like the following example. This code example uses [Devise]('s `current_user` and `user_signed_in?` methods to retrieve the user's timezone and set it for the duration of the request. Make sure to change the `:user_signed_in?` and `current_user` methods if you are using some other method of authentication. ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_time_zone, if: :user_signed_in? private def set_time_zone = current_user.time_zone end end ``` You can also change the beginning day of the week. If you want to set this globally, you can put this line in `config/initializers/simple_calendar.rb`: ```ruby Date.beginning_of_week = :sunday ``` Setting classes on the table and elements are pretty easy. Each of the options are passed directly to the the `content_tag` method so each of them **must** be a hash. ```ruby <%= calendar :start_date, table: {class: "table table-bordered"}, tr: {class: "row"}, td: {class: "day"}, do |day| %> <% end %> ``` This will set the class of `table table-bordered` on the `table` HTML element. ### Custom Day Classes `td` is an option for setting the options on the td content tag that is generated. By default, simple_calendar renders the following classes for any given day in a calendar: ```ruby td_class = ["day"] td_class << "today" if today == current_calendar_date td_class << "past" if today > current_calendar_date td_class << "future" if today < current_calendar_date td_class << "prev-month" if start_date.month != current_calendar_date.month && current_calendar_date < start_date td_class << "next-month" if start_date.month != current_calendar_date.month && current_calendar_date > start_date td_class << "current-month" if start_date.month == current_calendar_date.month td_class << "wday-#{current_calendar_date.wday.to_s}" ``` You can set your CSS styles based upon these if you want to highlight specific days or types of days. If you wish to override this functionality, just set the `tr` option to a lambda that accepts two dates and returns a hash. The hash will be passed in directly to the content_tag options. If you wish to set a class or data attributes, just set them as you normally would in a content_tag call. ```erb <%= month_calendar :start_date, tr: ->(start_date, current_calendar_date) { {class: "calendar-date", data: {day: current_calendar_date}} } do |day| %> <% end %> ``` This generate each day in the calendar like this: ```html ``` ### Custom Header Links Each of the calendar methods will generate a header with links to the previous and next views. The `month_calendar` also includes a header that tells you the current month and year that you are viewing. To change these, you can pass in the `prev_link`, `header`, and `next_link` options into the calendar methods. The default `month_calendar` look like this: ```erb <%= month_calendar :start_date, prev_link: ->(range) { link_to raw("«"), param_name => range.first - }, header: ->{ content_tag :span, "#{I18n.t("date.month_names")[start_date.month]} #{start_date.year}", class: "calendar-header" }, next_link: ->(range) { link_to raw("»"), param_name => range.last + } do |day| %> <% end %> ``` `prev_link` option is a standard `link_to` that is a left arrow and with the current url having `?start_date=2014-04-30` appended to it as a date in the previous view of the calendar. `next_link` option is a standard `link_to` that is a right arrow and with the current url having `?start_date=2014-06-01` appended to it as a date in the next view of the calendar. `header` option is just a simple span tag with the month and year inside of it. If you wish to disable any of these partsof the header, just pass in `false` and that will hide it: ```erb <%= month_calendar :start_date, header: false do |day| %> <% end %> ``` ## TODO - Having an "events" option would be nice. Users can pass in all the objects and we can use it to auto-filter them so the user doesn't have to. This is what the previous version did and yielded the day's events to the block. - Multi-day events? ## Author Chris Oliver []( [@excid3](