#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'snoo' require 'highline/import' require 'tempfile' require 'optparse' options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: mod_mailer.rb [options]" opts.on("-n", "Don't actually send the messages or Log in to reddit.") do options[:norun] = true end opts.on("-a", "Auto-mode. Disables yN prompt. Does not disable needed info prompts, so use the other flags.") do options[:quiet] = true end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Authentication" opts.on("-u", "--username USERNAME", "The username you want to log into reddit with.") do |user| options[:username] = user end opts.on("-p", "--password PASSWORD", "Your reddit password. This may show up in your terminal history.") do |pass| options[:password] = pass end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Message options" opts.on("-r", "--subreddit SUBREDDIT", "The subreddit of the moderators you want to fetch from") do |subreddit| if subreddit =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20}\z/ options[:subreddit] = subreddit else raise "Invalid subreddit name" end end opts.on("-s", "--subject SUBJECT", "The subject of the modmail message") do |subject| options[:subject] = subject end opts.on("-m", "--message MESSAGE", "The message you want to send.") do |msg| options[:message] = message end end.parse! # Some code i shamelessly copied from Pry. def blocking_flag_for_editor(block, editor_name) case editor_name when /^emacsclient/ '--no-wait' unless block when /^[gm]vim/ '--nofork' if block when /^jedit/ '-wait' if block when /^mate/, /^subl/ '-w' if block end end def start_line_syntax_for_editor(editor_name, file_name, line_number) # special case for 1st line return file_name if line_number <= 1 case editor_name when /^[gm]?vi/, /^emacs/, /^nano/, /^pico/, /^gedit/, /^kate/ "+#{line_number} #{file_name}" when /^mate/, /^geany/ "-l #{line_number} #{file_name}" when /^subl/ "#{file_name}:#{line_number}" when /^uedit32/ "#{file_name}/#{line_number}" when /^jedit/ "#{file_name} +line:#{line_number}" else "+#{line_number} #{file_name}" end end reddit = Snoo::Client.new if options[:username] username = options[:username] else username = ask("Username: ") { |c| c.readline = true } end if options[:password] password = options[:password] else password = ask("Password: ") { |c| c.echo = '*' ; c.readline = true} end if options[:norun] puts HighLine.color("Not actually logging in due to -n", :cyan) else puts HighLine.color("Logging in", :yellow) reddit.log_in(username, password) puts HighLine.color("Success", :green) end if options[:subreddit] subreddit = options[:subreddit] else puts "Subreddit you want mods for" subreddit = ask("/r/ ") do |r| # Checks to see if its a valid subreddit, using the regex reddit itself uses r.validate = /\A[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20}\z/ r.responses[:not_valid] = "Thats not a valid subreddit. Lets try again:" r.readline = true end end mods = [] puts HighLine.color("Getting mods from #{HighLine.color(subreddit, :blue)}", :yellow) reddit.get_moderators(subreddit)['data']['children'].each do |moderator| mods << moderator["name"] end puts HighLine.color("Got #{mods.size} mods!", :green) # Store the message in a hash message = {} if options[:subject] message['subject'] = options[:subject] else message['subject'] = ask("Subject: ") do |subj| subj.validate = /\A.*\z/ subj.responses[:not_valid] = "Subjects can't contain newlines, doofus" subj.readline = true end end if options[:message] message['message'] = options[:message] else modmessage_path = Tempfile.new("modmsg.md").path File.open(modmessage_path, 'w') do |f| f.puts "// Edit your moderator message below" f.puts "// Lines that begin with // are comments. They will not be sent." f.puts "// If the file is empty, the program will terminate" f.puts "\n" f.puts "// Moderators this will message:" mods.each do |mod| f.puts "// * #{mod}" end end editor_name = ENV['EDITOR'] raise "Unknown Editor" unless editor_name system "#{editor_name} #{blocking_flag_for_editor(true, editor_name)} #{start_line_syntax_for_editor(editor_name, modmessage_path, 4)}" message['message'] = File.read(modmessage_path) end raise "Empty message" unless message['message'].size > 0 # Strip the comments message['message'].gsub!(/^\/{2}.*$\n/, '').chomp! raise "Empty message" unless message['message'].size > 0 puts HighLine.color("This is a preview of your message:", :yellow) puts "Subject: #{message['subject']}" puts "-" * 4 puts message['message'] puts "-" * 4 unless options[:quiet] exit unless agree(HighLine.color("Do you want to send a message to #{mods.size} moderators? ", :yellow)) do |agreement| agreement.default = 'N' end end if options[:norun] puts HighLine.color("Not sending messages due to -n", :cyan) else puts HighLine.color("Sending messages", :green) count = 0 mods.each do |mod| count += 1 puts HighLine.color("Sending message to #{HighLine.color(mod, :blue)}", :yellow) reddit.send_pm(mod, message['subject'], message['message']) puts HighLine.color("Success!, #{count}/#{mods.size} mods done", :green) puts "Sleeping for 3s" sleep(3) end end