#puts "REQUIRING: #{Dir[__FILE__]}" #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'defaultDriver.rb' endpoint_url = ARGV.shift obj = IPSShippingSoap.new(endpoint_url) # run ruby with -d to see SOAP wiredumps. obj.wiredump_dev = STDERR if $DEBUG # SYNOPSIS # CalculateEstimatedPrice(parameters) # # ARGS # parameters CalculateEstimatedPrice - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CalculateEstimatedPrice # # RETURNS # parameters CalculateEstimatedPriceResponse - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CalculateEstimatedPriceResponse # parameters = nil puts obj.calculateEstimatedPrice(parameters) # SYNOPSIS # CreateShipment(parameters) # # ARGS # parameters CreateShipment - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CreateShipment # # RETURNS # parameters CreateShipmentResponse - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CreateShipmentResponse # parameters = nil puts obj.createShipment(parameters) # SYNOPSIS # VoidShipment(parameters) # # ARGS # parameters VoidShipment - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}VoidShipment # # RETURNS # parameters VoidShipmentResponse - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}VoidShipmentResponse # parameters = nil puts obj.voidShipment(parameters) endpoint_url = ARGV.shift obj = IPSShippingSoap.new(endpoint_url) # run ruby with -d to see SOAP wiredumps. obj.wiredump_dev = STDERR if $DEBUG # SYNOPSIS # CalculateEstimatedPrice(parameters) # # ARGS # parameters CalculateEstimatedPrice - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CalculateEstimatedPrice # # RETURNS # parameters CalculateEstimatedPriceResponse - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CalculateEstimatedPriceResponse # parameters = nil puts obj.calculateEstimatedPrice(parameters) # SYNOPSIS # CreateShipment(parameters) # # ARGS # parameters CreateShipment - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CreateShipment # # RETURNS # parameters CreateShipmentResponse - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}CreateShipmentResponse # parameters = nil puts obj.createShipment(parameters) # SYNOPSIS # VoidShipment(parameters) # # ARGS # parameters VoidShipment - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}VoidShipment # # RETURNS # parameters VoidShipmentResponse - {http://WS.G4SI.COM/}VoidShipmentResponse # parameters = nil puts obj.voidShipment(parameters)