require 'spec_helper' describe DispatchRider::Logging::LifecycleLogger, aggregrate_failures: true do subject { DispatchRider::Logging::LifecycleLogger } let(:queue) { double :queue } let(:item) { double :item } let(:fs_message) {, item, queue) } let(:message) { 'test', body: { 'guid' => '123', 'some' => 'key' }) } let(:exception) {'something failed') } let(:reason) { "Stop reason" } let(:formatter) { DispatchRider.config.log_formatter } let(:logger) { double :logger } before do DispatchRider.config.logger = logger end after do DispatchRider.clear_configuration! end context 'when log formatter is json' do before { DispatchRider.config.log_formatter = } context 'when additional_info_injector is customized' do let(:additional_info_injector) do -> (message) do message[:employee_id] = 47 message[:account_id] = 42 message end end before do DispatchRider.config.additional_info_injector = additional_info_injector end describe 'log_error_handler_fail' do let(:expected_info) do { phase: 'error_handler_fail', guid: '123', subject: 'test', body: { some: 'key' }, exception: { class: 'StandardError', message: 'something failed' }, employee_id: 47, account_id: 42, }.deep_stringify_keys.to_json end it "calls logger with error" do expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(expected_info) subject.log_error_handler_fail fs_message, exception end end describe "log_got_stop" do let(:expected_info) do { phase: 'stop', guid: '123', subject: 'test', body: { some: 'key' }, reason: reason, employee_id: 47, account_id: 42, }.deep_stringify_keys.to_json end it "calls logger with info" do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(expected_info) subject.log_got_stop reason, fs_message end end describe "wrap_handling" do let(:expected_start_info) do { phase: 'start', guid: '123', subject: 'test', body: { some: 'key' }, employee_id: 47, account_id: 42, }.deep_stringify_keys.to_json end let(:expected_succeed_info) do { phase: 'success', guid: '123', subject: 'test', body: { some: 'key' }, employee_id: 47, account_id: 42, }.deep_stringify_keys.to_json end let(:expected_complete_info) do /{"phase":"complete","guid":"123","subject":"test","body":{"some":"key"},"duration":\d+(?:.\d+)?,"employee_id":47,"account_id":42}/ end context 'succeeding the handler' do example do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(expected_start_info) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(expected_succeed_info) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(expected_complete_info) expect { subject.wrap_handling(fs_message) { true } }.not_to raise_exception end end end end context 'when log formatter is text based' do before do DispatchRider.config.log_formatter = end describe "log_error_handler_fail" do it "calls logger with error" do expect(logger).to receive(:error).with( "Failed error handling of: (123): test with StandardError: something failed" ) subject.log_error_handler_fail fs_message, exception end end describe "log_got_stop" do it "calls logger with info" do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( %{Got stop (Stop reason) while executing: (123): test : {"some"=>"key"}}) subject.log_got_stop reason, fs_message end end describe "wrap_handling" do context 'succeeding the handler' do example do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(%{Starting execution of: (123): test : {"some"=>"key"}}) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(%{Succeeded execution of: (123): test : {"some"=>"key"}}) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( /Completed execution of: \(123\): test : {"some"=>"key"} in \d+(?:.\d+)? seconds/ ) expect { subject.wrap_handling(fs_message) { true } }.not_to raise_exception end end context 'failing the handler' do example do expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(%{Starting execution of: (123): test : {"some"=>"key"}}) expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(%{Failed execution of: (123): test with RuntimeError: failed!}) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with( /Completed execution of: \(123\): test : {"some"=>"key"} in \d+(?:.\d+)? seconds/ ) expect { subject.wrap_handling(fs_message) { raise "failed!" } }.to raise_exception "failed!" end end end end end end