describe ActivityNotification::ViewHelpers, type: :helper do let(:view_context) { } let(:notification) { create(:notification, target: create(:confirmed_user)) } let(:target_user) { } let(:notification_2) { create(:notification, target: create(:confirmed_user)) } let(:notifications) { target = create(:confirmed_user) create(:notification, target: target) create(:notification, target: target) target.notifications.group_owners_only } let(:simple_text_key) { 'article.create' } let(:simple_text_original) { 'Article has been created' } include ActivityNotification::ViewHelpers describe 'ActionView::Base' do it 'provides render_notification helper' do expect(view_context.respond_to?(:render_notification)).to be_truthy end end describe '.render_notification' do context "without fallback" do context "when the template is missing for the target type and key" do it "raises ActionView::MissingTemplate" do expect { render_notification notification } .to raise_error(ActionView::MissingTemplate) end end end context "with default as fallback" do it "renders default notification view" do expect(render_notification notification, fallback: :default) .to eq( render partial: 'activity_notification/notifications/default/default', locals: { notification: notification } ) end it 'handles multiple notifications of active_record' do expect(notifications.to_a.first).to receive(:render).with(self, { fallback: :default }) expect(notifications.to_a.last).to receive(:render).with(self, { fallback: :default }) render_notification notifications, fallback: :default end it 'handles multiple notifications of array' do expect(notification).to receive(:render).with(self, { fallback: :default }) expect(notification_2).to receive(:render).with(self, { fallback: :default }) render_notification [notification, notification_2], fallback: :default end end context "with text as fallback" do it "uses i18n text from key" do notification.key = simple_text_key expect(render_notification notification, fallback: :text) .to eq(simple_text_original) end end context "with custom view" do it "renders custom notification view for default target" do notification.key = 'custom.test' # render activity_notification/notifications/default/custom/test expect(render_notification notification) .to eq("Custom template root for default target: #{}") end it "renders custom notification view for specified target" do notification.key = 'custom.test' # render activity_notification/notifications/users/custom/test expect(render_notification notification, target: :users) .to eq("Custom template root for user target: #{}") end it "renders custom notification view of partial parameter" do notification.key = 'custom.test' # render activity_notification/notifications/default/custom/path_test expect(render_notification notification, partial: 'custom/path_test') .to eq("Custom template root for path test: #{}") end it "uses layout of layout parameter" do notification.key = 'custom.test' expect(self).to receive(:render).with({ layout: 'layouts/test', partial: 'activity_notification/notifications/default/custom/test', locals: notification.prepare_locals({ layout: 'test' }) }) render_notification notification, layout: 'test' end end end describe '.render_notifications' do it "is an alias of render_notification" do expect(notification).to receive(:render).with(self, { fallback: :default }) render_notifications notification, fallback: :default end end describe '.render_notification_of' do context "without fallback" do context "when the template is missing for the target type and key" do it "raises ActionView::MissingTemplate" do expect { render_notification_of target_user } .to raise_error(ActionView::MissingTemplate) end end end context "with default as fallback" do it "renders default notification view" do allow(self).to receive(:content_for).with(:notification_index).and_return('foo') @target = target_user expect(render_notification_of target_user, fallback: :default) .to eq( render partial: 'activity_notification/notifications/default/index', locals: { target: target_user } ) end end context "with custom view" do before do allow(self).to receive(:content_for).with(:notification_index).and_return('foo') @target = target_user end #TODO make better test using content_for it "renders custom notification view for specified target" do # notification_1 = target_user.notifications.first # notification_2 = target_user.notifications.last # notification_1.update(key: 'custom.test') # notification_2.update(key: 'custom.test') expect(render_notification_of target_user, partial: 'custom_index', fallback: :default) .to eq("Custom index: ") # .to eq("Custom index: Custom template root for user target: #{}"\ # "Custom template root for user target: #{}") end it "uses layout of layout parameter" do expect(self).to receive(:render).with({ partial: 'activity_notification/notifications/users/index', layout: 'layouts/test', locals: { target: target_user } }) render_notification_of target_user, layout: 'test' end end context "with index_content option" do before do @target = target_user end context "as default" do it "uses target.notification_index_with_attributes" do expect(target_user).to receive(:notification_index_with_attributes) render_notification_of target_user end end context "with :simple" do it "uses target.notification_index" do expect(target_user).to receive(:notification_index) render_notification_of target_user, index_content: :simple end end context "with :with_attributes or any other key" do it "uses target.notification_index_with_attributes" do expect(target_user).to receive(:notification_index_with_attributes) render_notification_of target_user, index_content: :with_attributes end end context "with :none" do it "uses neither target.notification_index nor notification_index_with_attributes" do expect(target_user).not_to receive(:notification_index) expect(target_user).not_to receive(:notification_index_with_attributes) render_notification_of target_user, index_content: :none end end end end describe '#render_notifications_of' do it "is an alias of render_notification_of" do expect(self).to receive(:render_notification) render_notifications_of target_user, fallback: :default end end describe '#notification_path_for' do it "returns path for the notification target" do expect(notification_path_for(notification)) .to eq(user_notification_path(target_user, notification)) end end describe '#move_notification_path_for' do it "returns path for the notification target" do expect(move_notification_path_for(notification)) .to eq(move_user_notification_path(target_user, notification)) end end describe '#open_notification_path_for' do it "returns path for the notification target" do expect(open_notification_path_for(notification)) .to eq(open_user_notification_path(target_user, notification)) end end describe '#open_all_notifications_path_for' do it "returns path for the notification target" do expect(open_all_notifications_path_for(target_user)) .to eq(open_all_user_notifications_path(target_user)) end end describe '#notification_url_for' do it "returns url for the notification target" do expect(notification_url_for(notification)) .to eq(user_notification_url(target_user, notification)) end end describe '#move_notification_url_for' do it "returns url for the notification target" do expect(move_notification_url_for(notification)) .to eq(move_user_notification_url(target_user, notification)) end end describe '#open_notification_url_for' do it "returns url for the notification target" do expect(open_notification_url_for(notification)) .to eq(open_user_notification_url(target_user, notification)) end end describe '#open_all_notifications_url_for' do it "returns url for the notification target" do expect(open_all_notifications_url_for(target_user)) .to eq(open_all_user_notifications_url(target_user)) end end end