module Ridley # @author Jamie Winsor <> module Resource extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON included do attribute_method_suffix('=') end module ClassMethods # @return [String, nil] def chef_id @chef_id end # @param [String, Symbol] identifier # # @return [String] def set_chef_id(identifier) @chef_id = identifier.to_sym end # @return [String] def resource_path @resource_path ||= self.chef_type.pluralize end # @param [String] path # # @return [String] def set_resource_path(path) @resource_path = path end # @return [String] def chef_type @chef_type ||= end # @param [String, Symbol] type # # @return [String] def set_chef_type(type) @chef_type = type.to_s attribute(:chef_type, default: type) end # @return [String, nil] def chef_json_class @chef_json_class end # @param [String, Symbol] klass # # @return [String] def set_chef_json_class(klass) @chef_json_class = klass attribute(:json_class, default: klass) end # @return [Set] def attributes @attributes ||= end # @return [Hash] def attribute_defaults @attribute_defaults ||= end # @param [String, Symbol] name # @option options [Object] :default # defines the default value for the attribute # # @return [Set] def attribute(name, options = {}) if options.has_key?(:default) default_for_attribute(name, options[:default]) end define_attribute_method(name) attributes << name.to_sym end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # # @return [Array<Object>] def all(connection) connection.get(self.resource_path).body.collect do |identity, location| new(connection, self.chef_id => identity) end end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [String, #chef_id] object # # @return [nil, Object] def find(connection, object) find!(connection, object) rescue Errors::HTTPNotFound nil end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [String, #chef_id] object # # @raise [Errors::HTTPNotFound] # if a resource with the given chef_id is not found # # @return [Object] def find!(connection, object) chef_id = object.respond_to?(:chef_id) ? object.chef_id : object new(connection, connection.get("#{self.resource_path}/#{chef_id}").body) end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [#to_hash] object # # @return [Object] def create(connection, object) resource = new(connection, object.to_hash) new_attributes =, resource.to_json).body resource.attributes = resource.attributes.merge(new_attributes) resource end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [String, #chef_id] object # # @return [Object] def delete(connection, object) chef_id = object.respond_to?(:chef_id) ? object.chef_id : object new(connection, connection.delete("#{self.resource_path}/#{chef_id}").body) end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # # @return [Array<Object>] def delete_all(connection) mutex = deleted = [] resources = all(connection) connection.thread_count.times.collect do, resources, deleted) do |connection, resources, deleted| while resource = mutex.synchronize { resources.pop } result = delete(connection, resource) mutex.synchronize { deleted << result } end end end.each(&:join) deleted end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [#to_hash] object # # @return [Object] def update(connection, object) resource = new(connection, object.to_hash) new(connection, connection.put("#{self.resource_path}/#{resource.chef_id}", resource.to_json).body) end private def default_for_attribute(name, value) attribute_defaults[name.to_sym] = value end end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [Hash] attributes def initialize(connection, attributes = {}) @connection = connection self.attributes = self.class.attribute_defaults.merge(attributes) end # @param [String, Symbol] key # # @return [Object] def attribute(key) if instance_variable_defined?("@#{key}") instance_variable_get("@#{key}") else self.class.attribute_defaults[key] end end alias_method :[], :attribute # @param [String, Symbol] key # @param [Object] value # # @return [Object] def attribute=(key, value) instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end alias_method :[]=, :attribute= # @param [String, Symbol] key # # @return [Boolean] def attribute?(key) attribute(key).present? end # @return [Hash] def attributes {}.tap do |attrs| self.class.attributes.each do |attr| attrs[attr] = attribute(attr) end end end # @param [#to_hash] new_attributes # # @return [Hash] def attributes=(new_attributes) new_attributes.to_hash.symbolize_keys! self.class.attributes.each do |attr_name| send(:attribute=, attr_name, new_attributes[attr_name.to_sym]) end end # Creates a resource on the target remote or updates one if the resource # already exists. # # @raise [Errors::InvalidResource] # if the resource does not pass validations # # @return [Boolean] # true if successful and false for failure def save raise unless valid? self.attributes = self.class.create(connection, self).attributes true rescue Errors::HTTPConflict self.attributes = self.class.update(connection, self).attributes true end # @return [String] def chef_id attribute(self.class.chef_id) end # @param [String] json # @option options [Boolean] :symbolize_keys # @option options [Class, Symbol, String] :adapter # # @return [Object] def from_json(json, options = {}) self.attributes = MultiJson.decode(json, options) self end # @param [#to_hash] hash # # @return [Object] def from_hash(hash) self.attributes = hash.to_hash self end # @option options [Boolean] :symbolize_keys # @option options [Class, Symbol, String] :adapter # # @return [String] def to_json(options = {}) MultiJson.encode(self.attributes, options) end alias_method :as_json, :to_json def to_hash self.attributes end def to_s self.attributes end # @param [Object] other # # @return [Boolean] def ==(other) self.attributes == other.attributes end # @param [Object] other # # @return [Boolean] def eql?(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && send(:==, other) end private attr_reader :connection end end