require 'spec_helper' describe "Adjustments", type: :feature do stub_authorization! let!(:ship_address) { create(:address) } let!(:tax_zone) { create(:global_zone) } # will include the above address let!(:tax_rate) { create(:tax_rate, amount: 0.20, zone: tax_zone, tax_categories: [tax_category]) } let!(:order) do create( :completed_order_with_totals, line_items_attributes: [{ price: 10, variant: variant }] * 5, ship_address: ship_address, ) end let!(:line_item) { order.line_items[0] } let(:tax_category) { create(:tax_category) } let(:variant) { create(:variant, tax_category: tax_category) } let!(:adjustment) { order.adjustments.create!(order: order, label: 'Rebate', amount: 10) } before(:each) do order.update! visit spree.admin_path click_link "Orders" within_row(1) { click_icon :edit } click_link "Adjustments" end context "admin managing adjustments" do it "should display the correct values for existing order adjustments" do within first('table tr', text: 'Tax') do expect(column_text(2)).to match(/TaxCategory - \d+ 20\.000%/) expect(column_text(3)).to eq("$2.00") end end it "only shows eligible adjustments" do expect(page).not_to have_content("ineligible") end end context "admin creating a new adjustment" do before(:each) do click_link "New Adjustment" end context "successfully" do it "should create a new adjustment" do fill_in "adjustment_amount", with: "10" fill_in "adjustment_label", with: "rebate" click_button "Continue" order.reload.all_adjustments.each do |adjustment| expect(adjustment.order_id).to equal( end end end context "with validation errors" do it "should not create a new adjustment" do fill_in "adjustment_amount", with: "" fill_in "adjustment_label", with: "" click_button "Continue" expect(page).to have_content("Description can't be blank") expect(page).to have_content("Amount is not a number") end end end context "admin editing an adjustment" do before(:each) do within('table tr', text: 'Rebate') do click_icon :edit end end context "successfully" do it "should update the adjustment" do fill_in "adjustment_amount", with: "99" fill_in "adjustment_label", with: "rebate 99" click_button "Continue" expect(page).to have_content("successfully updated!") expect(page).to have_content("rebate 99") within(".adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("$99.00") end expect(page).to have_content("Total: $259.00") end end context "with validation errors" do it "should not update the adjustment" do fill_in "adjustment_amount", with: "" fill_in "adjustment_label", with: "" click_button "Continue" expect(page).to have_content("Description can't be blank") expect(page).to have_content("Amount is not a number") end end end context "deleting an adjustment" do context 'when the adjustment is finalized' do let!(:adjustment) { super().tap(&:finalize!) } it 'should not be possible' do within('table tr', text: 'Rebate') do expect(page).not_to have_css('.fa-trash') end end end it "should update the total", js: true do accept_alert do within('table tr', text: 'Rebate') do click_icon(:trash) end end expect(page).to have_content(/Total: ?\$170\.00/) end end end