require 'json' require 'faraday' require './helper' save_pid require 'tgbot' Garage = load_data.shuffle Cache = {} TOKEN = TOKEN, proxy: '' do |bot| bot.start do log "\e[33m#{}\e[32m, at your service.", 2 end bot.finish do log "byebye.", 2 end bot.get 'start' do send_message(<<~EOF, parse_mode: 'Markdown') ``` start : 显示此帮助信息 drive : 随机返回一张车库里的图 对该图回复 “原图” : 返回原图 exchange 100 CNY to JPY : 汇率转换 register : 添加自定义功能(会先提交给作者) ``` EOF end bot.get 'drive' do pic = Garage.pop log ">> Sending #{File.basename(pic)} to @#{message.from.username} ##{id}", 6 bytes = File.size pic size = hsize bytes reply "正在发车 (#{size} #{htime(bytes / 30720)})" x = reply_photo pic, caption: File.basename(pic, '.*') if self.done = x['ok'] Cache["drive_#{x['result']['message_id']}"] = pic end self.done! if self.count > 1 end bot.get '原图' do x = message&.reply_to_message&.message_id pic = Cache["drive_#{x}"] unless pic reply '没找到原图,重开' next end log ">> Sending original #{File.basename(pic)} to @#{message.from.username} ##{id}", 6 reply_document pic end bot.get 'exchange' do x = text&.match /([-+]?[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?)\s*([A-Z]+)\s*to\s*([A-Z]+)/ unless x reply 'Usage: exchange 100 CNY to JPY' next end n, f, t = x.values_at 1, 3, 4 n = Float(n) rescue next Cache["exchange_#{f}"] ||= JSON.parse Faraday.get("{f}").body next unless Cache["exchange_#{f}"] && !Cache["exchange_#{f}"]['error'] next unless Cache["exchange_#{f}"]['rates'][t] n *= Cache["exchange_#{f}"]['rates'][t] t = Cache["exchange_#{f}"]['date'] reply "#{'%.2f' % n} (#{t})" end bot.before do |update| log ">> Processing ##{}" log "@#{update.message&.from.username}: #{update.text}", 3 end bot.after do |update| if update.done? log "=> Success ##{}", 2 else log "?> Retry ##{}", 3 end end bot.get 'register' do e = message&.entities&.find { |e| e.type == 'pre' } if e.nil? send_message(<<~EOF) register <功能名> ``` get /command/ do |matched| # your code here end ``` EOF next end open 'register.rb', 'a' do |f| f.puts text[e.offset, e.length] end reply '脚本已备分' end bot.get 'coin' do send_message\d+/)&.to_s.to_i || 1){ ['🌞', '🌚'].sample }.join end bot.get 'roll' do send_message rand(text&.match(/\d+/)&.to_s.to_i || 100).to_s end end save_data Garage delete_pid