require 'volt' # The Routes class takes a set of routes and sets up methods to go from # a url to params, and params to url. # routes do # get "/about", _view: 'about' # get "/blog/{_id}/edit", _view: 'blog/edit', _action: 'edit' # get "/blog/{_id}", _view: 'blog/show', _action: 'show' # get "/blog", _view: 'blog' # get "/blog/new", _view: 'blog/new', _action: 'new' # get "/cool/{_name}", _view: 'cool' # end # # Using the routes above, we would generate the following: # # @direct_routes = { # '/about' => {_view: 'about'}, # '/blog' => {_view: 'blog'} # '/blog/new' => {_view: 'blog/new', _action: 'new'} # } # # -- nil represents a terminal # -- * represents any match # -- a number for a parameter means use the value in that number section # # @indirect_routes = { # '*' => { # 'edit' => { # nil => {_id: 1, _view: 'blog/edit', _action: 'edit'} # } # nil => {_id: 1, _view: 'blog/show', _action: 'show'} # } # } # } # # Match for params # @param_matches = [ # {_id: nil, _view: 'blog/edit', _action: 'edit'} => {|params| "/blog/#{}/edit", params.reject {|k,v| k == :id }} # ] class Routes def initialize # Paths where there are no bindings (an optimization) @direct_routes = {} # Paths with bindings @indirect_routes = {} # Matcher for going from params to url @param_matches = [] end def define(&block) instance_eval(&block) return self end # Add a route def get(path, params={}) params = params.symbolize_keys if has_binding?(path) add_indirect_path(path, params) else @direct_routes[path] = params end add_param_matcher(path, params) end # Takes in params and generates a path and the remaining params # that should be shown in the url. The extra "unused" params # will be tacked onto the end of the url ?param1=value1, etc... # # returns the url and new params, or nil, nil if no match is found. def params_to_url(test_params) @param_matches.each do |param_matcher| # TODO: Maybe a deep dup? result, new_params = check_params_match(test_params.dup, param_matcher[0]) if result return param_matcher[1].call(new_params) end end return nil, nil end # Takes in a path and returns the matching params. # returns params as a hash def url_to_params(path) # First try a direct match result = @direct_routes[path] return result if result # Next, split the url and walk the sections parts = url_parts(path) result = match_path(parts, parts, @indirect_routes) return result end private # Recursively walk the @indirect_routes hash, return the params for a route, return # false for non-matches. def match_path(original_parts, remaining_parts, node) # Take off the top part and get the rest into a new array # part will be nil if we are out of parts (fancy how that works out, now # stand in wonder about how much someone thought this through, though # really I just got lucky) part, *parts = remaining_parts if part == nil if node[part] # We found a match, replace the bindings and return # TODO: Handvle nested return setup_bindings_in_params(original_parts, node[part]) else return false end elsif (new_node = node[part]) # Direct match for section, continue return match_path(original_parts, parts, new_node) elsif (new_node = node['*']) # Match on binding section return match_path(original_parts, parts, new_node) end end # The params out of match_path will have integers in the params that came from bindings # in the url. This replaces those with the values from the url. def setup_bindings_in_params(original_parts, params) # Create a copy of the params we can modify and return params = params.dup params.each_pair do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Fixnum) # Lookup the param's value in the original url parts params[key] = original_parts[value] end end return params end # Build up the @indirect_routes data structure. # '*' means wildcard match anything # nil means a terminal, who's value will be the params. # # In the params, an integer vaule means the index of the wildcard def add_indirect_path(path, params) node = @indirect_routes parts = url_parts(path) parts.each_with_index do |part, index| if has_binding?(part) params[part[1..-2].to_sym] = index # Set the part to be '*' (anything matcher) part = '*' end node = (node[part] ||= {}) end node[nil] = params end def add_param_matcher(path, params) params = params.dup parts = url_parts(path) parts.each_with_index do |part, index| if has_binding?(part) # Setup a nil param that can match anything, but gets # assigned into the url params[part[1..-2].to_sym] = nil end end path_transformer = create_path_transformer(parts) @param_matches << [params, path_transformer] end # Takes in url parts and returns a proc that takes in params and returns # a url with the bindings filled in, and params with the binding params # removed. (So the remaining can be added onto the end of the url ?params1=...) def create_path_transformer(parts) return lambda do |input_params| input_params = input_params.dup url = do |part| val = if has_binding?(part) # Get the binding = part[1..-2].to_sym input_params.delete(binding) else part end val end.join('/') return '/' + url, input_params end end # Takes in a hash of params and checks to make sure keys in param_matcher # are in test_params. Checks for equal value unless value in param_matcher # is nil. # # returns false or true, new_params - where the new params are a the params not # used in the basic match. Later some of these may be inserted into the url. def check_params_match(test_params, param_matcher) param_matcher.each_pair do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) if test_params[key] result = check_params_match(test_params[key], value) if result == false return false else test_params.delete(key) end else # test_params did not have matching key return false end elsif value == nil unless test_params.has_key?(key) return false end else if test_params[key] == value test_params.delete(key) else return false end end end return true, test_params end def url_parts(path) return path.split('/').reject(&:blank?) end # Check if a string has a binding in it def has_binding?(string) string.index('{') && string.index('}') end end