module Chap class Runner include SpecialMethods include Benchmarking attr_reader :options, :config def initialize(options={}) @options = options @config = end def deploy deploy_to_symlink deploy_from_symlink report_benchmarks end def deploy_to_symlink setup deploy_via_strategy symlink_shared rm_rvmrc hook(:deploy) end def deploy_from_symlink(use_previous=false) use_previous_timestamp if use_previous symlink_current hook(:restart) cleanup end def symlink use_previous_timestamp symlink_current end def setup user = config.chap[:user] || ENV['USER'] group = config.chap[:group] begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(deploy_to) FileUtils.chown_R user, group, deploy_to rescue Exception # retry to create deploy_to folder with sudo user_group = [user,group].compact.join(':') raise unless system("sudo mkdir -p #{deploy_to}") raise unless system("sudo chown -R #{user_group} #{deploy_to}") end dirs = ["#{deploy_to}/releases"] dirs += shared_dirs dirs.each do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end end def strategy strategy = config.strategy klass = Strategy.const_get(camel_case(strategy)) @strategy ||= => @config) end def deploy_via_strategy strategy.deploy end def camel_case(string) return string if string !~ /_/ && string =~ /[A-Z]+.*/ string.split('_').map{|e| e.capitalize}.join end def symlink_shared shared_dirs.each do |path| src = path relative_path = path.sub("#{shared_path}/",'') dest = if relative_path == "system" "#{release_path}/public/#{relative_path}" else "#{release_path}/#{relative_path}" end # make sure the directory exist for symlink creation dirname = File.dirname(dest) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless File.exist?(dirname) if File.symlink?(dest) File.delete(dest) elsif File.exist?(dest) FileUtils.rm_rf(dest) end FileUtils.ln_s(src,dest) end end def symlink_current FileUtils.rm(current_path) if File.exist?(current_path) FileUtils.ln_s(release_path, current_path) log "Current symlink updated".colorize(:green) end def rm_rvmrc %w[.rvmrc .ruby-version].each do |file| path = "#{release_path}/#{file}" run "rm -f #{path}" if File.exist?(path) end end def cleanup log "Cleaning up".colorize(:green) remove_old_releases logrotate end def remove_old_releases dirname = File.dirname(release_path) releases = Dir.glob("#{dirname}/*").sort.reverse keep = config.chap[:keep] || 5 delete = releases - releases[0..keep-1] delete.each do |old_release| FileUtils.rm_rf(old_release) end end def logrotate logrotate_file(config.chap_log_path) end def logrotate_timestamp @logrotate_timestamp ||="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") end def logrotate_file(log_path) dirname = File.dirname(log_path) basename = File.basename(log_path, '.log') archive = "#{dirname}/#{basename}-#{logrotate_timestamp}.log" FileUtils.cp(log_path, archive) if File.exist?(log_path) logs = Dir.glob("#{dirname}/#{basename}-*.log").sort.reverse delete = logs - logs[0..9] # keep last 10 chap logs delete.each do |old_log| FileUtils.rm_f(old_log) end end def shared_dirs dirs = config.chap[:shared_dirs] || [ "system", "log", "tmp/pids" ]! {|p| "#{shared_path}/#{p}"} end def test_hook(name) use_previous_timestamp hook(name) end def use_previous_timestamp timestamp = File.basename(latest_release) config.override_timestamp(timestamp) end def hook(name) log "Running hook: #{name}".colorize(:green) path = "#{release_path}/chap/#{name}" if File.exist?(path), @config).evaluate else log "chap/#{name} hook does not exist".colorize(:red) end end benchmark :setup, :symlink_shared, :rm_rvmrc, :hook, :symlink_current, :cleanup, :deploy_via_strategy end # eof Runner end # eof Chap