Ñò S!Lc@s,dZddkZdefd„ƒYZdS(s¡A JavaScript minifier. It is far from being a complete JS parser, so there are many valid JavaScript programs that will be ruined by it. Another strangeness is that it accepts $ and % as parts of identifiers. It doesn't merge lines or strip out blank lines in order to ease debugging. Variables at the top scope are properties of the global object so we can't rename them. It is assumed that you introduce variables with var as if JavaScript followed C++ scope rules around curly braces, so the declaration must be above the first use. Use as: import jsmin minifier = JavaScriptMinifier() program1 = minifier.JSMinify(program1) program2 = minifier.JSMinify(program2) iÿÿÿÿNtJavaScriptMinifiercBs_eZdZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Z d„Z d „Z RS( sBAn object that you can feed code snippets to to get them minified.cCs?htd6td6|_d|_t|_h|_d|_dS(Ntdotini(tTruetseen_identifierstidentifier_countertFalset in_commenttmaptnesting(tself((s7/Users/colin/projects/gems/tomato/ext/v8/tools/jsmin.pyt__init__5s    cCs |idƒ}t|i|-s