# Saxy Changelog ## 0.7.1 * Fixed whitespace stripping from elements' contents, now only leading and trailing whitespace is stripped (reported by @wzcolon, thanks!). * Added `error_handler` option to make it possible to handle errors on-the-fly instead of raising them. ## 0.7.0 * [BREAKING] Yielded hashes now have strings as keys instead of symbols (performance and security fix). ## 0.6.1 * Fixed passing options from `Saxy.parse` to parser's initializer ## 0.6.0 * [BREAKING] `Saxy::ParsingError` now inherits from `StandardError`, not `Exception`. * [BREAKING] Forced encoding is now an option instead of third argument of `Saxy.parse` method. * Added `recovery` and `replace_entities` options that are internally passed to `Nokogiri::XML::SAX::ParserContext` * Added `context` method to `Saxy::ParsingError` that holds parser context at the time of error. ## 0.5.2 * Added optional `encoding` argument to `Saxy.parse` ## 0.5.1 * Removed `activesupport` dependency ## 0.5.0 * [BREAKING] Dropped support for ruby 1.9.2 and lower * [BREAKING] Yields hashes instead of `OpenStruct`s * Added support for `IO`-like objects