// ignore most things var IgnoreFile = require("../") // set the ignores just for this test var c = require("./common.js") c.ignores({ ".ignore": ["*", "a", "c", "!a/b/c/.abc", "!/c/b/a/cba"] }) // the only files we expect to see var expected = [ "/a/b/c/.abc" , "/a" , "/a/b" , "/a/b/c" , "/c/b/a/cba" , "/c" , "/c/b" , "/c/b/a" ] require("tap").test("basic ignore rules", function (t) { t.pass("start") IgnoreFile({ path: __dirname + "/fixtures" , ignoreFiles: [".ignore"] }) .on("child", function (e) { var p = e.path.substr(e.root.path.length) var i = expected.indexOf(p) if (i === -1) { t.fail("unexpected file found", {f: p}) } else { t.pass(p) expected.splice(i, 1) } }) .on("close", function () { t.notOk(expected.length, "all expected files should be seen") t.end() }) })