module Numerals class Format class Notation def initialize(format) @format = format end attr_reader :format def assemble(output, text_parts) raise "assemble must be implemented in Notation derived class #{self.class}" end def disassemble(text) raise "disassemble must be implemented in Notation derived class #{self.class}" end end @notations = {} def self.define_notation(id, notation_class) unless notation_class.class == Class && notation_class.superclass == Notation raise "Notation class must be derived from Format::Notation" end @notations[id] = notation_class end def self.notation(id, format) @notations[id].new(format) || raise("Unknown notation #{id.inspect}") end def self.assemble(id, output, format, text_parts) notation(id, format).assemble(output, text_parts) end def self.disassemble(id, format, text) notation(id, format).disassemble(text) end end end require 'numerals/format/notations/text' require 'numerals/format/notations/latex' require 'numerals/format/notations/html'