# Unreleased # 4.2.4 * Fix bytesize calculations in the ruby connector, and work on a copy of the buffer. Fix #961, #962. # 4.2.3 * Use io/wait instead of IO.select in the ruby connector. See #960. * Use exception free non blocking IOs in the ruby connector. See #926. * Prevent corruption of the client when an interrupt happen during inside a pipeline block. See #945. # 4.2.2 * Fix `WATCH` support for `Redis::Distributed`. See #941. * Fix handling of empty stream responses. See #905, #929. # 4.2.1 * Fix `exists?` returning an actual boolean when called with multiple keys. See #918. * Setting `Redis.exists_returns_integer = false` disables warning message about new behaviour. See #920. # 4.2.0 * Convert commands to accept keyword arguments rather than option hashes. This both help catching typos, and reduce needless allocations. * Deprecate the synchrony driver. It will be removed in 5.0 and hopefully maintained as a separate gem. See #915. * Make `Redis#exists` variadic, will return an Integer if called with multiple keys. * Add `Redis#exists?` to get a Boolean if any of the keys exists. * `Redis#exists` when called with a single key will warn that future versions will return an Integer. Set `Redis.exists_returns_integer = true` to opt-in to the new behavior. * Support `keepttl` ooption in `set`. See #913. * Optimized initialization of Redis::Cluster. See #912. * Accept sentinel options even with string key. See #599. * Verify TLS connections by default. See #900. * Make `Redis#hset` variadic. It now returns an integer, not a boolean. See #910. # 4.1.4 * Alias `Redis#disconnect` as `#close`. See #901. * Handle clusters with multiple slot ranges. See #894. * Fix password authentication to a redis cluster. See #889. * Handle recursive MOVED responses. See #882. * Increase buffer size in the ruby connector. See #880. * Fix thread safety of `Redis.queue`. See #878. * Deprecate `Redis::Future#==` as it's likely to be a mistake. See #876. * Support `KEEPTTL` option for SET command. See #913. # 4.1.3 * Fix the client hanging forever when connecting with SSL to a non-SSL server. See #835. # 4.1.2 * Fix several authentication problems with sentinel. See #850 and #856. * Explicitly drop Ruby 2.2 support. # 4.1.1 * Fix error handling in multi blocks. See #754. * Fix geoadd to accept arrays like georadius and georadiusbymember. See #841. * Fix georadius command failing when long == lat. See #841. * Fix timeout error in xread block: 0. See #837. * Fix incompatibility issue with redis-objects. See #834. * Properly handle Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL on connect. * Fix password authentication to sentinel instances. See #813. # 4.1.0 * Add Redis Cluster support. See #716. * Add streams support. See #799 and #811. * Add ZPOP* support. See #812. * Fix issues with integer-like objects as BPOP timeout # 4.0.3 * Fix raising command error for first command in pipeline. See #788. * Fix the gemspec to stop exposing a `build` executable. See #785. * Add `:reconnect_delay` and `:reconnect_delay_max` options. See #778. # 4.0.2 * Added `Redis#unlink`. See #766. * `Redis.new` now accept a custom connector via `:connector`. See #591. * `Redis#multi` no longer perform empty transactions. See #747. * `Redis#hdel` now accepts hash keys as multiple arguments like `#del`. See #755. * Allow to skip SSL verification. See #745. * Add Geo commands: `geoadd`, `geohash`, `georadius`, `georadiusbymember`, `geopos`, `geodist`. See #730. # 4.0.1 * `Redis::Distributed` now supports `mget` and `mapped_mget`. See #687. * `Redis::Distributed` now supports `sscan` and `sscan_each`. See #572. * `Redis#connection` returns a hash with connection information. You shouldn't need to call `Redis#_client`, ever. * `Redis#flushdb` and `Redis#flushall` now support the `:async` option. See #706. # 4.0 * Removed `Redis.connect`. Use `Redis.new`. * Removed `Redis#[]` and `Redis#[]=` aliases. * Added support for `CLIENT` commands. The lower-level client can be accessed via `Redis#_client`. * Dropped official support for Ruby < 2.2.2. # 3.3.5 * Fixed Ruby 1.8 compatibility after backporting `Redis#connection`. See #719. # 3.3.4 (yanked) * `Redis#connection` returns a hash with connection information. You shouldn't need to call `Redis#_client`, ever. # 3.3.3 * Improved timeout handling after dropping Timeout module. # 3.3.2 * Added support for `SPOP` with COUNT. See #628. * Fixed connection glitches when using SSL. See #644. # 3.3.1 * Remove usage of Timeout::timeout, refactor into using low level non-blocking writes. This fixes a memory leak due to Timeout creating threads on each invocation. # 3.3.0 * Added support for SSL/TLS. Redis doesn't support SSL natively, so you still need to run a terminating proxy on Redis' side. See #496. * Added `read_timeout` and `write_timeout` options. See #437, #482. * Added support for pub/sub with timeouts. See #329. * Added `Redis#call`, `Redis#queue` and `Redis#commit` as a more minimal API to the client. * Deprecated `Redis#disconnect!` in favor of `Redis#close`. # 3.2.2 * Added support for `ZADD` options `NX`, `XX`, `CH`, `INCR`. See #547. * Added support for sentinel commands. See #556. * New `:id` option allows you to identify the client against Redis. See #510. * `Redis::Distributed` will raise when adding two nodes with the same ID. See #354. # 3.2.1 * Added support for `PUBSUB` command. * More low-level socket errors are now raised as `CannotConnectError`. * Added `:connect_timeout` option. * Added support for `:limit` option for `ZREVRANGEBYLEX`. * Fixed an issue where connections become inconsistent when using Ruby's Timeout module outside of the client (see #501, #502). * Added `Redis#disconnect!` as a public-API way of disconnecting the client (without needing to use `QUIT`). See #506. * Fixed Sentinel support with Hiredis. * Fixed Sentinel support when using authentication and databases. * Improved resilience when trying to contact sentinels. # 3.2.0 * Redis Sentinel support. # 3.1.0 * Added debug log sanitization (#428). * Added support for HyperLogLog commands (Redis 2.8.9, #432). * Added support for `BITPOS` command (Redis 2.9.11, #412). * The client will now automatically reconnect after a fork (#414). * If you want to disable the fork-safety check and prefer to share the connection across child processes, you can now pass the `inherit_socket` option (#409). * If you want the client to attempt to reconnect more than once, you can now pass the `reconnect_attempts` option (#347) # 3.0.7 * Added method `Redis#dup` to duplicate a Redis connection. * IPv6 support. # 3.0.6 * Added support for `SCAN` and variants. # 3.0.5 * Fix calling #select from a pipeline (#309). * Added method `Redis#connected?`. * Added support for `MIGRATE` (Redis 2.6). * Support extended SET command (#343, thanks to @benubois). # 3.0.4 * Ensure #watch without a block returns "OK" (#332). * Make futures identifiable (#330). * Fix an issue preventing STORE in a SORT with multiple GETs (#328). # 3.0.3 * Blocking list commands (`BLPOP`, `BRPOP`, `BRPOPLPUSH`) use a socket timeout equal to the sum of the command's timeout and the Redis client's timeout, instead of disabling socket timeout altogether. * Ruby 2.0 compatibility. * Added support for `DUMP` and `RESTORE` (Redis 2.6). * Added support for `BITCOUNT` and `BITOP` (Redis 2.6). * Call `#to_s` on value argument for `SET`, `SETEX`, `PSETEX`, `GETSET`, `SETNX`, and `SETRANGE`. # 3.0.2 * Unescape CGI escaped password in URL. * Fix test to check availability of `UNIXSocket`. * Fix handling of score = +/- infinity for sorted set commands. * Replace array splats with concatenation where possible. * Raise if `EXEC` returns an error. * Passing a nil value in options hash no longer overwrites the default. * Allow string keys in options hash passed to `Redis.new` or `Redis.connect`. * Fix uncaught error triggering unrelated error (synchrony driver). See f7ffd5f1a628029691084de69e5b46699bb8b96d and #248. # 3.0.1 * Fix reconnect logic not kicking in on a write error. See 427dbd52928af452f35aa0a57b621bee56cdcb18 and #238. # 3.0.0 ### Upgrading from 2.x to 3.0 The following items are the most important changes to review when upgrading from redis-rb 2.x. A full list of changes can be found below. * The methods for the following commands have changed the arguments they take, their return value, or both. * `BLPOP`, `BRPOP`, `BRPOPLPUSH` * `SORT` * `MSETNX` * `ZRANGE`, `ZREVRANGE`, `ZRANGEBYSCORE`, `ZREVRANGEBYSCORE` * `ZINCRBY`, `ZSCORE` * The return value from `#pipelined` and `#multi` no longer contains unprocessed replies, but the same replies that would be returned if the command had not been executed in these blocks. * The client raises custom errors on connection errors, instead of `RuntimeError` and errors in the `Errno` family. ### Changes * Added support for scripting commands (Redis 2.6). Scripts can be executed using `#eval` and `#evalsha`. Both can commands can either take two arrays to specify `KEYS` and `ARGV`, or take a hash containing `:keys` and `:argv` to specify `KEYS` and `ARGV`. ```ruby redis.eval("return ARGV[1] * ARGV[2]", :argv => [2, 3]) # => 6 ``` Subcommands of the `SCRIPT` command can be executed via the `#script` method. For example: ```ruby redis.script(:load, "return ARGV[1] * ARGV[2]") # => "58db5d365a1922f32e7aa717722141ea9c2b0cf3" redis.script(:exists, "58db5d365a1922f32e7aa717722141ea9c2b0cf3") # => true redis.script(:flush) # => "OK" ``` * The repository now lives at [https://github.com/redis/redis-rb](https://github.com/redis/redis-rb). Thanks, Ezra! * Added support for `PEXPIRE`, `PEXPIREAT`, `PTTL`, `PSETEX`, `INCRYBYFLOAT`, `HINCRYBYFLOAT` and `TIME` (Redis 2.6). * `Redis.current` is now thread unsafe, because the client itself is thread safe. In the future you'll be able to do something like: ```ruby Redis.current = Redis::Pool.connect ``` This makes `Redis.current` actually usable in multi-threaded environments, while not affecting those running a single thread. * Change API for `BLPOP`, `BRPOP` and `BRPOPLPUSH`. Both `BLPOP` and `BRPOP` now take a single argument equal to a string key, or an array with string keys, followed by an optional hash with a `:timeout` key. When not specified, the timeout defaults to `0` to not time out. ```ruby redis.blpop(["list1", "list2"], :timeout => 1.0) ``` `BRPOPLPUSH` also takes an optional hash with a `:timeout` key as last argument for consistency. When not specified, the timeout defaults to `0` to not time out. ```ruby redis.brpoplpush("some_list", "another_list", :timeout => 1.0) ``` * When `SORT` is passed multiple key patterns to get via the `:get` option, it now returns an array per result element, holding all `GET` substitutions. * The `MSETNX` command now returns a boolean. * The `ZRANGE`, `ZREVRANGE`, `ZRANGEBYSCORE` and `ZREVRANGEBYSCORE` commands now return an array containing `[String, Float]` pairs when `:with_scores => true` is passed. For example: ```ruby redis.zrange("zset", 0, -1, :with_scores => true) # => [["foo", 1.0], ["bar", 2.0]] ``` * The `ZINCRBY` and `ZSCORE` commands now return a `Float` score instead of a string holding a representation of the score. * The client now raises custom exceptions where it makes sense. If by any chance you were rescuing low-level exceptions (`Errno::*`), you should now rescue as follows: Errno::ECONNRESET -> Redis::ConnectionError Errno::EPIPE -> Redis::ConnectionError Errno::ECONNABORTED -> Redis::ConnectionError Errno::EBADF -> Redis::ConnectionError Errno::EINVAL -> Redis::ConnectionError Errno::EAGAIN -> Redis::TimeoutError Errno::ECONNREFUSED -> Redis::CannotConnectError * Always raise exceptions originating from erroneous command invocation inside pipelines and MULTI/EXEC blocks. The old behavior (swallowing exceptions) could cause application bugs to go unnoticed. * Implement futures for assigning values inside pipelines and MULTI/EXEC blocks. Futures are assigned their value after the pipeline or MULTI/EXEC block has executed. ```ruby $redis.pipelined do @future = $redis.get "key" end puts @future.value ``` * Ruby 1.8.6 is officially not supported. * Support `ZCOUNT` in `Redis::Distributed` (Michael Dungan). * Pipelined commands now return the same replies as when called outside a pipeline. In the past, pipelined replies were returned without post-processing. * Support `SLOWLOG` command (Michael Bernstein). * Calling `SHUTDOWN` effectively disconnects the client (Stefan Kaes). * Basic support for mapping commands so that they can be renamed on the server. * Connecting using a URL now checks that a host is given. It's just a small sanity check, cf. #126 * Support variadic commands introduced in Redis 2.4. # 2.2.2 * Added method `Redis::Distributed#hsetnx`. # 2.2.1 * Internal API: Client#call and family are now called with a single array argument, since splatting a large number of arguments (100K+) results in a stack overflow on 1.9.2. * The `INFO` command can optionally take a subcommand. When the subcommand is `COMMANDSTATS`, the client will properly format the returned statistics per command. Subcommands for `INFO` are available since Redis v2.3.0 (unstable). * Change `IO#syswrite` back to the buffered `IO#write` since some Rubies do short writes for large (1MB+) buffers and some don't (see issue #108). # 2.2.0 * Added method `Redis#without_reconnect` that ensures the client will not try to reconnect when running the code inside the specified block. * Thread-safe by default. Thread safety can be explicitly disabled by passing `:thread_safe => false` as argument. * Commands called inside a MULTI/EXEC no longer raise error replies, since a successful EXEC means the commands inside the block were executed. * MULTI/EXEC blocks are pipelined. * Don't disconnect on error replies. * Use `IO#syswrite` instead of `IO#write` because write buffering is not necessary. * Connect to a unix socket by passing the `:path` option as argument. * The timeout value is coerced into a float, allowing sub-second timeouts. * Accept both `:with_scores` _and_ `:withscores` as argument to sorted set commands. * Use [hiredis](https://github.com/pietern/hiredis-rb) (v0.3 or higher) by requiring "redis/connection/hiredis". * Use [em-synchrony](https://github.com/igrigorik/em-synchrony) by requiring "redis/connection/synchrony". # 2.1.1 See commit log.