## Version 2.0 * __v2.0.0__ *breaking* - Added support for Operating System version parsing - Added support for Device parsing - Introduced deferred OnDemand parsing for Operating and Devices - The `Agent#toJSON` method now returns an object instread of JSON string. Use `JSON.stringify(agent)` instead. - Removed the fromAgent method - semver is removed from the dependencies, if you use the useragent/features you should add it to your own dependencies. * __v2.0.1__ - Fixed broken reference to the update module. - Updated with some new parsers. * __v2.0.2__ - Use LRU-cache for the lookups so it doesn't create a memory "leak" #22 - Updated with some new parsers. * __v2.0.3__ - Updated regexp library with new parsers as Opera's latest browser which runs WebKit was detected as Chrome Mobile. * __v2.0.4__ - Added support for IE11 and PhantomJS. In addition to that when you run the updater without the correct dependencies it will just output an error instead of throwing an error. * __v2.0.5__ - Upgraded the regular expressions to support Opera Next * __v2.0.6__ - Only write the parse file when there isn't an error. #30 - Output an error in the console when we fail to compile new parsers #30 ## Version 1.0 * __v1.1.0__ - Removed the postupdate hook, it was causing to much issues #9 * __v1.0.6__ - Updated the agent parser, JHint issues and leaking globals. * __v1.0.5__ - Potential fix for #11 where it doesn't install the stuff in windows this also brings a fresh update of the agents.js. * __v1.0.3__ - Rewritten the `is` method so it doesn't display IE as true for firefox, chrome etc fixes #10 and #7. * __v1.0.3__ - A fix for bug #6, updated the semver dependency for browserify support. * __v1.0.2__ - Don't throw errors when .parse is called without a useragent string. It now defaults to a empty Agent instance. * __v1.0.1__ - Added support for cURL, Wget and thunderbird using a custom useragent definition file. * __v1.0.0__ *breaking* - Complete rewrite of the API and major performance improvements.