module Mongoid module Criterion module Scrollable def scroll(cursor = nil, &block) criteria = self # we don't support scrolling over a criteria with multiple fields if criteria.options[:sort] && criteria.options[:sort].keys.size != 1 raise criteria.options[:sort]) elsif ! criteria.options.has_key?(:sort) || criteria.options[:sort].empty? # introduce a default sort order if there's none criteria = criteria.asc(:_id) end # scroll field and direction scroll_field = criteria.options[:sort].keys.first scroll_direction = criteria.options[:sort].values.first.to_i == 1 ? '$gt' : '$lt' # scroll cursor from the parameter, with value and tiebreak_id field = criteria.klass.fields[scroll_field.to_s] cursor_options = { field_type: field.type, field_name: scroll_field, direction: scroll_direction } cursor = cursor.is_a?(Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor) ? cursor :, cursor_options) # scroll if block_given? criteria.where(cursor.criteria).each do |record| yield record, Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, cursor_options) end else criteria end end end end end