define("dojox/gfx3d/lighting", [ "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/Color", // dojo.Color "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojox/gfx/_base", "./_base" ],function(lang,Color,declare,gfx,gfx3d) { var lite = = { // color utilities black: function(){ return {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}; }, white: function(){ return {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}; }, toStdColor: function(c){ c = gfx.normalizeColor(c); return {r: c.r / 255, g: c.g / 255, b: c.b / 255, a: c.a}; }, fromStdColor: function(c){ return new Color([Math.round(255 * c.r), Math.round(255 * c.g), Math.round(255 * c.b), c.a]); }, scaleColor: function(s, c){ return {r: s * c.r, g: s * c.g, b: s * c.b, a: s * c.a}; }, addColor: function(a, b){ return {r: a.r + b.r, g: a.g + b.g, b: a.b + b.b, a: a.a + b.a}; }, multiplyColor: function(a, b){ return {r: a.r * b.r, g: a.g * b.g, b: a.b * b.b, a: a.a * b.a}; }, saturateColor: function(c){ return { r: c.r < 0 ? 0 : c.r > 1 ? 1 : c.r, g: c.g < 0 ? 0 : c.g > 1 ? 1 : c.g, b: c.b < 0 ? 0 : c.b > 1 ? 1 : c.b, a: c.a < 0 ? 0 : c.a > 1 ? 1 : c.a }; }, mixColor: function(c1, c2, s){ return lite.addColor(lite.scaleColor(s, c1), lite.scaleColor(1 - s, c2)); }, diff2Color: function(c1, c2){ var r = c1.r - c2.r; var g = c1.g - c2.g; var b = c1.b - c2.b; var a = c1.a - c2.a; return r * r + g * g + b * b + a * a; }, length2Color: function(c){ return c.r * c.r + c.g * c.g + c.b * c.b + c.a * c.a; }, // vector utilities //TODO: move vector utilities from this file to vector.js dot: function(a, b){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z; }, scale: function(s, v){ return {x: s * v.x, y: s * v.y, z: s * v.z}; }, add: function(a, b){ return {x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y, z: a.z + b.z}; }, saturate: function(v){ return Math.min(Math.max(v, 0), 1); }, length: function(v){ return Math.sqrt(, v)); }, normalize: function(v){ return lite.scale(1 / lite.length(v), v); }, faceforward: function(n, i){ var p =; var s =, n) < 0 ? 1 : -1; return p.scale(s, n); }, reflect: function(i, n){ var p =; return p.add(i, p.scale(-2 *, n), n)); }, // lighting utilities diffuse: function(normal, lights){ var c =; for(var i = 0; i < lights.length; ++i){ var l = lights[i], d =, normal); c = lite.addColor(c, lite.scaleColor(d, l.color)); } return lite.saturateColor(c); }, specular: function(normal, v, roughness, lights){ var c =; for(var i = 0; i < lights.length; ++i){ var l = lights[i], h = lite.normalize(lite.add(lite.normalize(l.direction), v)), s = Math.pow(Math.max(0,, h)), 1 / roughness); c = lite.addColor(c, lite.scaleColor(s, l.color)); } return lite.saturateColor(c); }, phong: function(normal, v, size, lights){ normal = lite.normalize(normal); var c =; for(var i = 0; i < lights.length; ++i){ var l = lights[i], r = lite.reflect(lite.scale(-1, lite.normalize(v)), normal), s = Math.pow(Math.max(0,, lite.normalize(l.direction))), size); c = lite.addColor(c, lite.scaleColor(s, l.color)); } return lite.saturateColor(c); } }; // this lighting model is derived from RenderMan Interface Specification Version 3.2 declare("", null, { constructor: function(incident, lights, ambient, specular){ this.incident = lite.normalize(incident); this.lights = []; for(var i = 0; i < lights.length; ++i){ var l = lights[i]; this.lights.push({direction: lite.normalize(l.direction), color: lite.toStdColor(l.color)}); } this.ambient = lite.toStdColor(ambient.color ? ambient.color : "white"); this.ambient = lite.scaleColor(ambient.intensity, this.ambient); this.ambient = lite.scaleColor(this.ambient.a, this.ambient); this.ambient.a = 1; this.specular = lite.toStdColor(specular ? specular : "white"); this.specular = lite.scaleColor(this.specular.a, this.specular); this.specular.a = 1; this.npr_cool = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.4, a: 1}; this.npr_warm = {r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.2, a: 1}; this.npr_alpha = 0.2; this.npr_beta = 0.6; this.npr_scale = 0.6; }, constant: function(normal, finish, pigment){ pigment = lite.toStdColor(pigment); var alpha = pigment.a, color = lite.scaleColor(alpha, pigment); color.a = alpha; return lite.fromStdColor(lite.saturateColor(color)); }, matte: function(normal, finish, pigment){ if(typeof finish == "string"){ finish = lite.finish[finish]; } pigment = lite.toStdColor(pigment); normal = lite.faceforward(lite.normalize(normal), this.incident); var ambient = lite.scaleColor(finish.Ka, this.ambient), shadow = lite.saturate(-4 *, this.incident)), diffuse = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Kd, lite.diffuse(normal, this.lights)), color = lite.scaleColor(pigment.a, lite.multiplyColor(pigment, lite.addColor(ambient, diffuse))); color.a = pigment.a; return lite.fromStdColor(lite.saturateColor(color)); }, metal: function(normal, finish, pigment){ if(typeof finish == "string"){ finish = lite.finish[finish]; } pigment = lite.toStdColor(pigment); normal = lite.faceforward(lite.normalize(normal), this.incident); var v = lite.scale(-1, this.incident), specular, color, ambient = lite.scaleColor(finish.Ka, this.ambient), shadow = lite.saturate(-4 *, this.incident)); if("phong" in finish){ specular = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Ks * finish.phong, lite.phong(normal, v, finish.phong_size, this.lights)); }else{ specular = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Ks, lite.specular(normal, v, finish.roughness, this.lights)); } color = lite.scaleColor(pigment.a, lite.addColor(lite.multiplyColor(pigment, ambient), lite.multiplyColor(this.specular, specular))); color.a = pigment.a; return lite.fromStdColor(lite.saturateColor(color)); }, plastic: function(normal, finish, pigment){ if(typeof finish == "string"){ finish = lite.finish[finish]; } pigment = lite.toStdColor(pigment); normal = lite.faceforward(lite.normalize(normal), this.incident); var v = lite.scale(-1, this.incident), specular, color, ambient = lite.scaleColor(finish.Ka, this.ambient), shadow = lite.saturate(-4 *, this.incident)), diffuse = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Kd, lite.diffuse(normal, this.lights)); if("phong" in finish){ specular = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Ks * finish.phong, lite.phong(normal, v, finish.phong_size, this.lights)); }else{ specular = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Ks, lite.specular(normal, v, finish.roughness, this.lights)); } color = lite.scaleColor(pigment.a, lite.addColor(lite.multiplyColor(pigment, lite.addColor(ambient, diffuse)), lite.multiplyColor(this.specular, specular))); color.a = pigment.a; return lite.fromStdColor(lite.saturateColor(color)); }, npr: function(normal, finish, pigment){ if(typeof finish == "string"){ finish = lite.finish[finish]; } pigment = lite.toStdColor(pigment); normal = lite.faceforward(lite.normalize(normal), this.incident); var ambient = lite.scaleColor(finish.Ka, this.ambient), shadow = lite.saturate(-4 *, this.incident)), diffuse = lite.scaleColor(shadow * finish.Kd, lite.diffuse(normal, this.lights)), color = lite.scaleColor(pigment.a, lite.multiplyColor(pigment, lite.addColor(ambient, diffuse))), cool = lite.addColor(this.npr_cool, lite.scaleColor(this.npr_alpha, color)), warm = lite.addColor(this.npr_warm, lite.scaleColor(this.npr_beta, color)), d = (1 +, normal)) / 2, color = lite.scaleColor(this.npr_scale, lite.addColor(color, lite.mixColor(cool, warm, d))); color.a = pigment.a; return lite.fromStdColor(lite.saturateColor(color)); } }); // POV-Ray basic finishes = { // Default defaults: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 0.0, roughness: 0.05}, dull: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 0.5, roughness: 0.15}, shiny: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 1.0, roughness: 0.001}, glossy: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 1.0, roughness: 0.0001}, phong_dull: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 0.5, phong: 0.5, phong_size: 1}, phong_shiny: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 1.0, phong: 1.0, phong_size: 200}, phong_glossy: {Ka: 0.1, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 1.0, phong: 1.0, phong_size: 300}, luminous: {Ka: 1.0, Kd: 0.0, Ks: 0.0, roughness: 0.05}, // Metals // very soft and dull metalA: {Ka: 0.35, Kd: 0.3, Ks: 0.8, roughness: 1/20}, // fairly soft and dull metalB: {Ka: 0.30, Kd: 0.4, Ks: 0.7, roughness: 1/60}, // medium reflectivity, holds color well metalC: {Ka: 0.25, Kd: 0.5, Ks: 0.8, roughness: 1/80}, // highly hard and polished, high reflectivity metalD: {Ka: 0.15, Kd: 0.6, Ks: 0.8, roughness: 1/100}, // very highly polished and reflective metalE: {Ka: 0.10, Kd: 0.7, Ks: 0.8, roughness: 1/120} }; return lite; });