# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Query::SerialExecution::ValueResolution do let(:schema) { day_of_week_enum = GraphQL::EnumType.define do name "DayOfWeek" value("MONDAY", value: 0) value("TUESDAY", value: 1) value("WEDNESDAY", value: 2) value("THURSDAY", value: 3) value("FRIDAY", value: 4) value("SATURDAY", value: 5) value("SUNDAY", value: 6) end interface = GraphQL::InterfaceType.define do name "SomeInterface" field :someField, !types.Int end some_object = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "SomeObject" interfaces [interface] end other_object = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "OtherObject" end query_root = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Query" field :tomorrow, day_of_week_enum do argument :today, day_of_week_enum resolve ->(obj, args, ctx) { (args["today"] + 1) % 7 } end field :resolvesToNilInterface, interface do resolve ->(obj, args, ctx) { 1337 } end field :resolvesToWrongTypeInterface, interface do resolve ->(obj, args, ctx) { :something } end end GraphQL::Schema.define do query(query_root) orphan_types [some_object] resolve_type ->(type, obj, ctx) do if obj.is_a?(Symbol) other_object else nil end end end } let(:result) { schema.execute( query_string, )} describe "enum resolution" do let(:query_string) { %| { tomorrow(today: FRIDAY) } |} it "coerces enum input to the value and result to the name" do expected = { "data" => { "tomorrow" => "SATURDAY" } } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "interface type resolution" do describe "when type can't be resolved" do let(:query_string) { %| { resolvesToNilInterface { someField } } |} it "raises an error" do err = assert_raises(GraphQL::UnresolvedTypeError) { result } expected_message = "The value from \"resolvesToNilInterface\" on \"Query\" could not be resolved to \"SomeInterface\". (Received: `nil`, Expected: [SomeObject]) Make sure you have defined a `resolve_type` proc on your schema and that value `1337` gets resolved to a valid type. You may need to add your type to `orphan_types` if it implements an interface but isn't a return type of any other field." assert_equal expected_message, err.message end end describe "when type resolves but is not a possible type of an interface" do let(:query_string) { %| { resolvesToWrongTypeInterface { someField } } |} it "raises an error" do err = assert_raises(GraphQL::UnresolvedTypeError) { result } expected_message = "The value from \"resolvesToWrongTypeInterface\" on \"Query\" could not be resolved to \"SomeInterface\". (Received: `OtherObject`, Expected: [SomeObject]) Make sure you have defined a `resolve_type` proc on your schema and that value `:something` gets resolved to a valid type. You may need to add your type to `orphan_types` if it implements an interface but isn't a return type of any other field." assert_equal expected_message, err.message end end end end