require 'set' require 'merge' require 'nokogiri' module Mspire ; end module Mspire::Ident ; end class Mspire::Ident::Pepxml class Mspire::Ident::Pepxml::SearchHit include Merge DEFAULT_MEMBERS = [:hit_rank, :peptide, :peptide_prev_aa, :peptide_next_aa, :num_matched_ions, :tot_num_ions, :calc_neutral_pep_mass, :massdiff, :num_tol_term, :num_missed_cleavages, :is_rejected, :protein, :num_tot_proteins, :protein_desc, :calc_pI, :protein_mw, :modification_info, :search_scores, :spectrum_query] Required =[:hit_rank, :peptide, :protein, :num_tot_proteins, :calc_neutral_pep_mass, :massdiff]) class << self attr_writer :members def members @members || DEFAULT_MEMBERS end end members.each {|memb| attr_accessor memb } # rank of the peptide hit (required) attr_accessor :hit_rank # Peptide aminoacid sequence (with no indicated modifications) (required) attr_accessor :peptide # Aminoacid preceding peptide ('-' if none) attr_accessor :peptide_prev_aa # Aminoacid following peptide (- if none) attr_accessor :peptide_next_aa # Number of peptide fragment ions found in spectrum (Integer) attr_accessor :num_matched_ions # Number of peptide fragment ions predicted for peptide (Integer) attr_accessor :tot_num_ions # (required) attr_accessor :calc_neutral_pep_mass # Mass(precursor ion) - Mass(peptide) (required) attr_accessor :massdiff # Number of peptide termini consistent with cleavage by sample enzyme attr_accessor :num_tol_term # Number of sample enzyme cleavage sites internal to peptide< attr_accessor :num_missed_cleavages # Potential use in future for user manual validation (true/false) # by default, this will be set to false # (the xml is expressed as a 0 or 1) attr_accessor :is_rejected # a protein identifier string (required) attr_accessor :protein # Number of unique proteins in search database containing peptide # (required) attr_accessor :num_tot_proteins # Extracted from search database attr_accessor :protein_desc attr_accessor :calc_pI attr_accessor :protein_mw # a ModificationInfo object attr_accessor :modification_info # a Hash with keys (the score type) and values # (to_xml calls each_pair to generate the xml, so a Struct would also # work) attr_accessor :search_scores # a link back to the spectrum_query object attr_accessor :spectrum_query Non_standard_amino_acid_char_re = %r{[^A-Z\.\-]} alias_method :aaseq, :peptide alias_method :aaseq=, :peptide= # takes either a hash or an ordered list of values to set. # yeilds an empty search_scores hash if given a block. # mind that you set the ModificationInfo object as needed. def initialize(*args, &block) @search_scores = {} if args.first.is_a?(Hash) merge!(args.first) else do |k,v| send("#{k}=", v) end end if block end def members self.class.members end def to_xml(builder=nil) xmlb = builder || attrs = members[0,14].map {|k| v=send(k) ; [k, v] if v }.compact hash_attrs = Hash[attrs] hash_attrs[:massdiff] = hash_attrs[:massdiff].to_plus_minus_string xmlb.search_hit(hash_attrs) do |xmlb| @modification_info.to_xml(xmlb) if @modification_info @search_scores.each_pair {|k,v| xmlb.search_score(:name => k, :value => v) } end builder || xmlb.doc.root.to_xml end def from_pepxml_node(node) node.attributes self[0] = node['hit_rank'].to_i self[1] = node['peptide'] self[2] = node['peptide_prev_aa'] self[3] = node['peptide_next_aa'] self[4] = node['protein'] ## will this be the string?? (yes, for now) self[5] = node['num_tot_proteins'].to_i self[6] = node['num_matched_ions'].to_i self[7] = node['tot_num_ions'].to_i self[8] = node['calc_neutral_pep_mass'].to_f self[9] = node['massdiff'].to_f self[10] = node['num_tol_term'].to_i self[11] = node['num_missed_cleavages'].to_i self[12] = node['is_rejected'].to_i self end Simple =, :search, :aaseq, :charge, :search_scores) end end