Feature: before_record hook The `before_record` hook is called before a cassette is written to disk. This can be used to modify the HTTP interaction before it is recorded. Your block should accept up to 2 arguments. The first argument will be the HTTP interaction that is about to be written to disk. The second argument will be the current cassette. If you wish to prevent VCR from recording the HTTP interaction you can call `#ignore!` on the interaction. If you don't want your hook to apply to all cassettes, you can use tags to select which cassettes a given hook applies to. Consider this code: VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:twitter) { ... } # modify the interactions somehow end VCR.use_cassette('cassette_1', :tag => :twitter) { ... } VCR.use_cassette('cassette_2') { ... } In this example, the hook would apply to the first cassette but not the second cassette. Scenario: Modify recorded response Given a file named "before_record_example.rb" with: """ruby $server = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Hello Earth" } end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.hook_into :webmock c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.before_record do |i| i.response.body.sub!('Earth', 'World') end end VCR.use_cassette('recording_example') do Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port) end """ When I run `ruby before_record_example.rb` Then the file "cassettes/recording_example.yml" should contain "Hello World" And the file "cassettes/recording_example.yml" should not contain "Earth" Scenario: Modify recorded response based on the cassette Given a file named "before_record_example.rb" with: """ruby $server = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Hello Earth" } end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.hook_into :webmock c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.before_record do |interaction, cassette| interaction.response.body << " (#{cassette.name})" end end VCR.use_cassette('recording_example') do Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port) end """ When I run `ruby before_record_example.rb` Then the file "cassettes/recording_example.yml" should contain "Hello Earth (recording_example)" Scenario: Prevent recording by ignoring interaction in before_record hook Given a file named "before_record_ignore.rb" with: """ruby $server = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Hello World" } end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.hook_into :webmock c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.before_record { |i| i.ignore! } end VCR.use_cassette('recording_example') do response = Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port) puts "Response: #{response.body}" end """ When I run `ruby before_record_ignore.rb` Then it should pass with "Response: Hello World" And the file "cassettes/recording_example.yml" should not exist Scenario: Multiple hooks are run in order Given a file named "multiple_hooks.rb" with: """ruby $server = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Hello World" } end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.hook_into :webmock c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.before_record { puts "In before_record hook 1" } c.before_record { puts "In before_record hook 2" } end VCR.use_cassette('example', :record => :new_episodes) do response = Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port) puts "Response: #{response.body}" end """ When I run `ruby multiple_hooks.rb` Then it should pass with: """ Response: Hello World In before_record hook 1 In before_record hook 2 """ Scenario: Use tagging to apply hook to only certain cassettes Given a file named "tagged_hooks.rb" with: """ruby $server = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Hello World" } end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.hook_into :webmock c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.before_record(:tag_1) do puts "In before_record hook for tag_1" end end [:tag_1, :tag_2, nil].each do |tag| puts puts "Using tag: #{tag.inspect}" VCR.use_cassette('example', :record => :new_episodes, :tag => tag) do response = Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port) puts "Response: #{response.body}" end end """ When I run `ruby tagged_hooks.rb` Then it should pass with: """ Using tag: :tag_1 Response: Hello World In before_record hook for tag_1 Using tag: :tag_2 Response: Hello World Using tag: nil Response: Hello World """