# libsvm File Format This file format is used by rumale. We're choosing the "Adj Close" column as the one that we want to predict. The libsvm file format is simple. All values are numberic. The first entry on a line is the thing that we want to predict. In this case it is the adjusted closing price. This is followed by a space. What follows is a series of data pairs seperated by spaces in the form: * index:value where index is the column number and value is the value for that item. ```ruby require 'csv' # Read CSV file data = CSV.read('input.csv', headers: true) # Open output file output_file = File.open('output.txt', 'w') # Convert data into libsvm format and write to output file data.each do |row| # Get the label (the "close" value) label = row['Adj Close'] # Start building the libsvm formatted line libsvm_line = "#{label} " # Add feature indices and values row.each_with_index do |(column, value), index| next if column == 'Date' || column == 'Adj Close' # Skip irrelevant columns libsvm_line += "#{index}:#{value} " end # Write the libsvm formatted line to the output file output_file.puts(libsvm_line) end # Close files output_file.close ```