module Buildr module Cobertura class << self REQUIRES = ["cobertura:cobertura:jar:1.8", "log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.9", "asm:asm:jar:2.2.1", "oro:oro:jar:2.0.8"] def requires() @requires ||= Buildr.artifacts(REQUIRES).each(&:invoke).map(&:to_s) end def ant_project() @ant_project ||= Buildr::Ant.executable("cobertura") { |ant| ant.taskdef(:classpath=>requires.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR), :resource=>"" ) } end def report_to(file = nil) File.expand_path(File.join(*["cobertura", file.to_s].compact)) end def data_file() File.expand_path("cobertura.ser") end end namespace "cobertura" do task "instrument" do Buildr.projects.each do |project| unless project.compile.sources.empty? # Instrumented bytecode goes in a different directory. This task creates before running the test # cases and monitors for changes in the generate bytecode. instrumented = project.file(project.path_to(:target, "instrumented")=> do |task| ant_project.send "cobertura-instrument", :todir=>task.to_s, :datafile=>data_file do fileset(:dir=> { include :name=>"**/*.class" } end touch task.to_s, :verbose=>false end # We now have two target directories with bytecode. It would make sense to remove # and add instrumented instead, but apparently Cobertura only creates some of the classes, so # we need both directories and instrumented must come first. project.test.junit.classpath.unshift file(instrumented) project.test.junit.with requires project.clean { rm_rf instrumented.to_s, :verbose=>false } end end end desc "Run the test cases and produce code coverage reports in #{report_to(:html)}" task "html"=>["instrument", "build"] do puts "Creating test coverage reports in #{report_to(:html)}" projects = Buildr.projects ant_project.send "cobertura-report", :destdir=>report_to(:html), :format=>"html", :datafile=>data_file do do |src| fileset(:dir=>src.to_s) { include :name=>"**/*.java" } if File.exist?(src.to_s) end end end desc "Run the test cases and produce code coverage reports in #{report_to(:xml)}" task "xml"=>["instrument", "build"] do puts "Creating test coverage reports in #{report_to(:xml)}" projects = Buildr.projects ant_project.send "cobertura-report", :destdir=>report_to(:xml), :format=>"xml", :datafile=>data_file do do |src| fileset :dir=>src.to_s if File.exist?(src.to_s) end end end task "clean" do rm_rf [report_to, data_file], :verbose=>false end end task "clean" do task("cobertura:clean").invoke if Dir.pwd == Rake.application.original_dir end end end