## 3.2.2 (2017-04-07) * 2017-04-05: Raise an exception when encoding fails [Valerie Maher] * 2017-04-03: Add in service check to determine which libraries ffmpeg has [Jame Little] * 2017-04-01: Fix broken rspec tests [Chris Colvard] ## 3.2.1 (2016-11-21) 2016-11-17: Default to first page for pdf images [Adam Wead] ## 3.2.0 (2016-11-16) 2016-11-08: Directive option for layer [Adam Wead] ## 3.1.4 (2016-10-13) 2016-10-13: Convert documents to pdf and jpg, fixes #109 [Adam Wead] 2016-09-30: Flatten images when resizing, fixes #110 [Adam Wead] 2016-09-29: Adding Rubocop to manage our style [Adam Wead] ## 3.1.3 (2016-09-13) 2016-09-13: Loosen dependecy to allow active-fedora 11 [Justin Coyne] ## 3.1.2 (2016-08-09) 2016-07-28: Bumping version of Ruby to 2.2.5 for updated ActiveSupport [Esmé Cowles] 2016-07-11: Allow for Rails 5 [Trey Pendragon] ## 3.1.1 (2016-05-18) 2016-05-10: Use `Dir.tmpdir` to get a platform-specific tmp dir [Chris Beer] ## 3.1.0 (2016-05-10) 2016-05-10: Allow hydra-derivatives to work with active-fedora 10 [Justin Coyne] 2016-05-10: Update solr schema for Solr 6 compatibility [Chris Beer] ## 3.0.2 (2016-05-04) 2016-04-26: Update FITS version in README [Michael J. Giarlo] ## 3.0.1 (2016-03-24) 2016-03-24: Solr/Fedora Wrapper [Trey Pendragon] 2016-03-24: Allow for Mime-Types 3.0 [Trey Pendragon] 2015-10-21: Silence Kakadu messages. [Trey Terrell] 2015-10-20: Fix srgb_profile_path. [Trey Terrell] ## 3.0.0 (2015-10-07) 2015-10-07: Update to the containerized builds on travis [Justin Coyne] 2015-10-07: Add full text extraction as a processor [Justin Coyne] 2015-10-06: make quality be passed when creating an image [lutz] 2015-10-02: Put the processors into their own namespace [Justin Coyne] 2015-10-01: Make the IoDecorator initializer 1-3 args [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-29: Refactor to allow saving at a uri [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-28: Transcode local files [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-30: Remove ExtractMetadata. Fixes #76 [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-28: Rename the :datastream option to :output\_path [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-25: Remove my PSU address from Travis config [Michael J. Giarlo] 2015-09-21: Use IO.select so that all buffers get read (and the process can terminate). Ref #81 [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-16: Log the exit code on failure [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-09: Update README.md [Justin Coyne] 2015-09-04: fits version specified [Nikitas Tampakis] 2015-08-28: Update directions to install openoffice headless [ci skip] [Justin Coyne] 2015-08-28: List supported version of libreoffice [Justin Coyne] 2015-08-21: Update documentation to show IoDecorator [Justin Coyne] 2015-08-21: Add a deprecation horizion to the deprecation message [Justin Coyne] 2015-08-06: change call to transform\_file, in the deprecated method transform\_datastream, to not pass a default options values, since the method def for transform\_file already sets the default values. [Jose Blanco] ## 0.1.1 (2014-07-21) - Define a logger ## 0.1.0 (2014-05-09) - Add support for thumbnailing documents ## 0.0.8 (2014-04-09) - Add support for JPEG2000 Derivatives - Correcting Railtie initializer - Added ImageMagick dependency - Updated FITS URL - Adding input and output options to ffmpeg and video processor - Revert "Switch to streamio_ffmpeg for easier handling of ffmpeg arguments" - Switch to streamio_ffmpeg for easier handling of ffmpeg arguments - Adding Railtie for initialization ## 0.0.7 (2013-10-11) - Restore `Hydra::Derivatives::ExtractMetadata#to_tempfile` ## 0.0.6 (2013-10-10) - Added version badge - Adding Hydra::FileCharacterization - Updating CONTRIBUTING.md as per Hydra v6.0.0 - Adding microsoft openxmlformats as output formats - Adding rewind to allow image data to be extracted properly - Replacing rmagick with mini_magick - Refactoring extraction to implicitly close - Changes audio encoding to libfdk_aac for video derivatives ## 0.0.5 (2013-07-25) - Allow images to change format without being resize [Justin Coyne] ## 0.0.4 (2013-07-25) - Handle invalid mime-type on the datastream [Justin Coyne] ## 0.0.3 (2013-07-25) - Added LibreOffice support [Justin Coyne] - Updating README [Matt Zumwalt] - explicitly testing support for using makes_derivatives with callback methods [Matt Zumwalt] - support both block syntax and callbacks [Matt Zumwalt] - Break out the config [Justin Coyne] - sample implementation of block syntax [Matt Zumwalt] ## 0.0.2 (2013-07-24) - Video and PDF support [Justin Coyne] - API Change - Video and audio processor accepts ':datastream' as an argument [Justin Coyne] ## 0.0.1 (2013-07-23) - initial release