require "plugin" ######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute PluginLowQuality. See the main method called execute. # # Inherit: Plugin ######################################################## class PluginLowQuality < Plugin def next_low_qual_region(quals,from_pos,min_value,max_good_quals=2) rstart=nil rend=nil i=from_pos good_q=0 # skip good values while (i< quals.length) && (quals[i]>=min_value) i +=1 end # now we have found a bad quality, or end of sequence if i < quals.length rstart=i len=0 # puts " - [#{rstart},#{len}]" # continue growing while region of lowqual until more than 2 bases of good qual are found begin q=quals[i] if q=min_region_size)) # if res # puts "VALID" # end return ((rstart==0) || (rend==quals.length-1) || ((rend-rstart+1)>=min_region_size)) end def get_low_qual_regions(quals,min_value, min_region_size,max_good_quals=2) # the initial region is the whole array left=0 right=quals.length-1 # puts{|e| ("%2d" % e.to_s)}.join(' ') # puts "[#{left},#{right}]" i = 0 from_pos=0 regions =[] # get all new regions begin rstart, rend = next_low_qual_region(quals,from_pos,min_value,max_good_quals) if !rstart.nil? from_pos= rend+1 if valid_low_qual_region?(quals,rstart,rend,min_region_size) regions << [rstart,rend] end end end while !rstart.nil? return regions end ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begins the plugin1's execution whit the sequence "seq" # Creates an action by each subsequence with low quality to eliminate it # A subsequence has low quality if (the add of all its qualitis < subsequence_size*20) # Creates the qualities windows from the sequence, looks for the subsequence with high quality # and mark, with an action, the before part to the High Quality Subsequence like a low quality part # Finally mark, with an action, the after part to the High Quality Subsequence like a low quality part #----------------------------------------------------------------- def exec_seq(seq,blast_query) if ((self.class.to_s=='PluginLowQuality') && seq.seq_qual.nil? ) $LOG.debug " Quality File haven't been provided. It's impossible to execute " + self.class.to_s elsif (seq.seq_qual.size>0) $LOG.debug "[#{self.class.to_s}, seq: #{seq.seq_name}]: checking low quality of the sequence" min_quality=@params.get_param('min_quality').to_i min_length_inside_seq=@params.get_param('min_length_inside_seq').to_i max_consecutive_good_bases=@params.get_param('max_consecutive_good_bases').to_i type='ActionLowQuality' actions=[] regions=get_low_qual_regions(seq.seq_qual,min_quality,min_length_inside_seq,max_consecutive_good_bases) regions.each do |r| low_qual_size=r.last-r.first+1 # puts "(#{low_qual_size}) = [#{r.first},#{r.last}]: #{a[r.first..r.last].map{|e| ("%2d" % e.to_s)}.join(' ')}" add_stats('low_qual',low_qual_size) # create action a = seq.new_action(r.first,r.last,type) # adds the correspondent action to the sequence actions.push a end # add quals seq.add_actions(actions) end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) errors=[] comment='Minimum quality value for every nucleotide' default_value = 20 params.check_param(errors,'min_quality','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Quality window for scanning low quality segments' default_value = 15 params.check_param(errors,'window_width','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Minimum length of a bad quality segment inside the sequence' default_value = 8 params.check_param(errors,'min_length_inside_seq','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Maximum consecutive good-quality bases between two bad quality regions' default_value = 2 params.check_param(errors,'max_consecutive_good_bases','Integer',default_value,comment) return errors end end