// ========================================================================== // SproutCore -- JavaScript Application Framework // copyright 2006-2008, Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // ========================================================================== // These are basic enhancements to the string class used throughout // SproutCore. // capitalize a string. Object.extend(String.prototype,{ // Capitalize a string. // // mode: optional. 'each' - capitalize each word. the default. // 'first' - capitalize the first word only. capitalize: function(mode) { var words = (mode == 'first') ? this : this.split(' ') ; words = words.map(function(word) { if (word.length == 0) return word ; return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1) ; }) ; return words.join(' ') ; }, // Interpolate string. looks for %@ or %@1; to control the order of params. format: function() { var args = $A(arguments) ; // first, replace any ORDERED replacements. var str = this.gsub(/%@([0-9]+)/, function(m) { return (args[parseInt(m[1],0)-1] || '').toString(); }) ; // now, replace any remaining %@ items. Use this indexOf() method b/c // it is faster than split(). var ret = [] ; var idx = -1 ; var loc = 0 ; while((idx = str.indexOf("%@",loc)) >= 0) { // slice off initial part of string and push into ret. update loc. ret.push(str.slice(loc,idx)) ; loc = idx + 2 ; // 2 to skip '%@'. // add in replacement. var value = args.shift() ; if (value && value.toString) value = value.toString() ; ret.push(value) ; } // include any remaining bits of the string. if (loc < str.length) { ret.push(str.slice(loc,str.length)) ; } // join return value. return (ret.length > 1) ? ret.join('') : ret[0] ; }, // localize a string. Also interpolates any items you pass just like // format(). loc: function() { // NB: This could be implemented as a wrapper to locWithDefault() but // it would add some overhead to deal with the arguments and adds stack // frames, so we are keeping the implementation separate. var kit = String[String.currentLanguage()]; var str = kit[this] ; if (!str) str = String.English[this] || this ; return str.format.apply(str,arguments) ; }, // this works just like loc except it will return the first argument // as a default if the matching value is not found. locWithDefault: function(def) { var kit = String[String.currentLanguage()]; var str = kit[this] ; if (!str) str = String.English[this] || def ; var args = $A(arguments) ; args.shift() ; // escape def. return str.format.apply(str, args) ; }, classify: function() { return this.camelize().capitalize() ; }, decamelize: function() { return this.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g,'$1_$2').toLowerCase(); }, dasherize: function() { return this.decamelize().replace(/[ _]/g,'-') ; }, humanize: function() { return this.decamelize().replace(/[-_]/g,' ') ; }, toHref: function() { if (this.match(/.+@.+\...+/)) { return 'mailto:' + this; } else if (this.indexOf('http://') != 0 && this.indexOf('https://') !=0 && this.match(/[^.]+\.[^.]+/)) { return 'http://' + this; } else { return this; } }, trim: function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); }, strip: function() { return this.trim(); } }) ; // Shorter alias of the format function. String.prototype.fmt = String.prototype.format ; // Add strings for various languages to this collection. String.loc() // method will try to localize the string passed using the current language. // if the language is not available, it will use English. Object.extend(String, /** @scope String @static */ { /** The current browser language as a two letter code. */ browserLanguage: ((navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage).split('-', 1)[0]), /** If YES, localization will favor the detected language instead of the preferred one. */ useAutodetectedLanguage: NO, /** This property is set by the build tools to the current build language. */ preferredLanguage: null, /** Returns the hash key to use for loc strings. The default implementation will autodetect the browser language and look for a loc string to match. If it can't find one then it will introspect to find loc strings that are defined and use those instead. */ currentLanguage: function () { var ret = (this.useAutodetectedLanguage) ? (this.browserLanguage || this.preferredLanguage || 'en') : (this.preferredLanguage || this.browserLanguage || 'en') ; // then try a couple of normalized forms... if (!this[ret]) switch(ret) { case 'fr': ret = 'French'; break ; case 'de': ret = 'German'; break ; case 'ja': case 'jp': ret = 'Japanese'; break ; case 'en': ret = 'English' ; break ; default: break ; } return ret ; } }); String.English = String.English || {}; String.French = String.French || {}; String.German = String.German || {}; String.Japanese = String.Japanese || {};