{ "resourceType": "MedicationStatement", "id": "example005", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "

Generated Narrative with Details

id: example005

status: entered-in-error

medication: Amoxicillin (product) (Details : {SNOMED CT code '27658006' = 'Amoxicillin (product)', given as 'Amoxicillin (product)'})

patient: Donald Duck

effective: Jan 23, 2014

informationSource: Donald Duck

dateAsserted: Feb 22, 2015

notTaken: false

note: Patient indicated that they thought it was Amoxicillin they were taking but it was really Erythromycin

" }, "status": "entered-in-error", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "27658006", "display": "Amoxicillin (product)" } ] }, "patient": { "reference": "Patient/pat1", "display": "Donald Duck" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2014-01-23", "informationSource": { "reference": "Patient/pat1", "display": "Donald Duck" }, "dateAsserted": "2015-02-22", "notTaken": false, "note": [ { "text": "Patient indicated that they thought it was Amoxicillin they were taking but it was really Erythromycin" } ] }