$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("vendor/cli", __dir__) require "skylight" require "thor" require "yaml" require "highline" require "active_support/inflector" require "skylight/cli/helpers" require "skylight/cli/doctor" require "skylight/cli/merger" module Skylight module CLI # @api private class Base < Thor include Helpers register(Doctor, "doctor", "doctor", "Run some basic tests to look out for common problems") register(Merger, "merge", "merge", "Merge one app into another (e.g., as a child environment)") desc "setup TOKEN", "Sets up a new app using the provided token" def setup(token) if File.exist?(config_path) say <<~OUT, :green A config/skylight.yml already exists for your application. Visit your app at https://www.skylight.io/app or remove config/skylight.yml to set it up as a new app in Skylight. OUT return end res = api.create_app(app_name, token) config[:application] = res.get("app.id") config[:authentication] = res.get("app.token") config.write(config_path) say "Congratulations. Your application is on Skylight! https://www.skylight.io", :green say <<~OUT The application was registered for you and we generated a config file containing your API token at: #{relative_config_path} The next step is for you to deploy your application to production. The easiest way is to just commit the config file to your source control repository and deploy from there. You can learn more about the process at: https://docs.skylight.io/getting-set-up/#deployment If you want to specify the authentication token as an environment variable, you should set the `SKYLIGHT_AUTHENTICATION` variable to: #{config[:authentication]} OUT rescue Api::CreateFailed => e say "Could not create the application. Please run `bundle exec skylight doctor` for diagnostics.", :red say e.to_s, :yellow rescue Interrupt # rubocop:disable Lint/SuppressedException end desc "disable_dev_warning", "Disables warning about running Skylight in development mode for all local apps" def disable_dev_warning user_config.disable_dev_warning = true user_config.save say "Development mode warning disabled", :green end desc "disable_env_warning", "Disables warning about running Skylight in environments not defined in " \ "config.skylight.environments" def disable_env_warning user_config.disable_env_warning = true user_config.save say "Environment warning disabled", :green end private def app_name @app_name ||= begin name = nil if rails? # Get the name in a process so that we don't pollute our environment here # This is especially important since users may have things like WebMock that # will prevent us from communicating with the Skylight API begin namefile = Tempfile.new("skylight-app-name") # Windows appears to need double quotes for `rails runner` `rails runner "File.open('#{namefile.path}', 'w') {|f| f.write(Rails.application.class.name) rescue '' }"` # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength name = namefile.read.split("::").first.underscore.titleize name = nil if name.empty? rescue => e if ENV["DEBUG"] puts e.class.name puts e.to_s puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end ensure namefile.close namefile.unlink end unless name warn "Unable to determine Rails application name. Using directory name." end end name || File.basename(File.expand_path(".")).titleize end end # Is this duplicated? def relative_config_path "config/skylight.yml" end def config_path File.expand_path(relative_config_path) end def api @api ||= Api.new(config) end def user_config config.user_config end end end end