module R2RDF module Reader class RMatrix include R2RDF::Dataset::DataCube #NOTE; this is pretty much hard coded for Karl's application right now, and doesn't # do any dimension or code generation. Since its a set of LOD scores indexed by dimension # and marker the usual datacube generator wont work (I think). In the future adding an option # to specify this kind of a dataset would probably be useful def generate_n3(client, var, outfile_base, options={}) meas = measures(client,var,options) dim = dimensions(client,var,options) codes = codes(client,var,options) outvar = sanitize([var]).first probes_per_file = options[:probes_per_file] || 100 col_select = "colnames" col_select = "names" if options[:type] == :dataframe #write structure open(outfile_base+'_structure.ttl','w'){|f| f.write structure(client,var,outvar,options)} probes=client.eval("#{col_select}(#{var})").to_ruby if probes == nil client.eval("colnames(#{var})=1:ncol(#{var})") probes=client.eval("#{col_select}(#{var})").to_ruby end markers = rows(client,var,options) if options[:print] puts prefixes(var,options) end if options[:output] == :string str = prefixes(var,options) end probes.each_with_index{|probe,i| #write prefixes and erase old file on first run unless options[:print] || options[:output] == :string open(outfile_base+"_#{i/probes_per_file}.ttl",'w'){|f| f.write prefixes(var,options)} if i % probes_per_file == 0 end i+=1 obs_data = observation_data(client,var,i,markers,options) labels = labels_for(client,var,probe) # labels = sanitize(labels) # return obs_data if options[:print] observations(meas,dim,codes,obs_data,labels,outvar,options).each{|obs| puts obs} end if options[:output] == :string observations(meas,dim,codes,obs_data,labels,outvar,options).each{|obs| str << obs} end unless options[:print] || options[:output] == :string open(outfile_base+"_#{i/probes_per_file}.ttl",'a'){|f| observations(meas,dim,codes,obs_data,labels,outvar,options).map{|obs| f.write obs}} puts "#{i}/#{probes.size}" unless options[:quiet] end } if options[:output] == :string str end end def structure(client,var,outvar,options={}) meas = measures(client,var,options) dim = dimensions(client,var,options) codes = codes(client,var,options) str = prefixes(var, options) str << data_structure_definition(meas,[],codes,outvar,options) str << dataset(outvar,options) component_specifications(meas, dim, var, options).map{ |c| str << c } measure_properties(meas,var,options).map{|m| str << m} str end #for now just make everything a measure def measures(client, var, options={}) if options[:measures] options[:measures] else ["probe","marker","value"] end # measure_properties(measures,var,options) end def dimensions(client, var, options={}) # dimension_properties([""],var) [] end def codes(client, var, options={}) [] end def labels_for(connection,var,probe_id,options={}) row_names = connection.eval("row.names(#{var})") # row_names = (1..@rexp.payload.first.to_ruby.size).to_a unless row_names.first if row_names == connection.eval('NULL') row_names = (1..connection.eval("nrow(#{var})").payload.first).to_a else row_names = row_names.payload end labels = (1..(row_names.size)) labels ={|l| l.insert(0,probe_id.to_s + "_") } labels end def rows(connection,var,options={}) row_names = connection.eval("row.names(#{var})") #hacky solution because rserve client's .to_ruby method doesn't fully work if row_names == connection.eval('NULL') row_names = (1..connection.eval("nrow(#{var})").payload.first).to_a else row_names = row_names.payload end row_names end def observation_data(client, var, probe_number, row_names, options={}) data = {} # geno_chr = client.eval("#{var}$geno$'#{chr}'") # n_individuals = client.eval("#{var}$pheno[[1]]").to_ruby.size # entries_per_individual = @rexp.payload["geno"].payload[row_individ].payload["map"].payload.size * @rexp.payload["geno"].payload.names.size col_label = "probe" row_label = "marker" val_label = "value" if options[:measures] col_label = options[:measures][0] || "probe" row_label = options[:measures][1] || "marker" val_label = options[:measures][2] || "value" end data["#{col_label}"] = [] data["#{row_label}"] = [] data["#{val_label}"] = [] # n_individuals.times{|row_individ| # puts "#{row_individ}/#{n_individuals}" col_select = "colnames" col_select = "names" if options[:type] == :dataframe if options[:type] == :dataframe probe_obj = client.eval("#{var}[[#{probe_number}]]").to_ruby else probe_obj = client.eval("#{var}[,#{probe_number}]").to_ruby end # puts probe_obj probe_id = client.eval("#{col_select}(#{var})[[#{probe_number}]]").to_ruby data["#{col_label}"] = (1..(probe_obj.size)).to_a.fill(probe_id) probe_obj.each_with_index{|lod,i| data["#{row_label}"] << row_names[i] data["#{val_label}"] << lod }{|k,v| v.flatten!} data end end end end